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john 1:1 (Table III)

Eusebian Number

1.1 3.14 4.1 4.3 4.5
Matt.1.1-16 Luke.3.23-38 John.1.1-5 John.1.9-10 John.1.14
1This is the boke of the generacion of Iesus Christ the sonne of Dauid the sonne also of Abraham. 2Abraham begat Isaac: Isaac begat Iacob: Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren: 3Iudas begat Phares and zaram of Thamar: Phares begat Hesrom: Hesrom begat Aram: 4Aram begat Aminadab: Aminadab begat Naasson: Naasson begat Salmon: 5Salmon begat Boos of Rahab: Boos begat Obed of Ruth: Obed begat Iesse: 6Iesse begat Dauid the kynge: Dauid the kynge begat Salomon of her that was the wyfe of Vry: 7Salomon begat Roboam: Roboam begat Abia: Abia begat Asa: 8Asa begat Iosaphat: Iosaphat begat Ioram: Ioram begat Osias: 9Osias begat Ioatham: Ioatham begat Achas: Achas begat Ezechias: 10Ezechias begat Manasses: Manasses begat Amon: Amon begat Iosias: 11Iosias begat Iechonias and his brethren aboute ye tyme they were caryed awaye to Babylon. 12And after they were brought to Babylon Iechonias begat Salathiel: Salathiel begat Zorobabel: 13Zorobabel begat Abiud: Abiud begat Eliachim: Eliachim begat Azor: 14Azor begat Sadoc: Sadoc begat Achin: Achin begat Eliud: 15Eliud begat Eleasar: Eleasar begat Matthan: Matthan begat Iacob: 16Iacob begat Ioseph the husbande of Mary of which was boren that Iesus that is called Christ. 23And Iesus him silfe was about thirty yere of age when he begane beinge as men supposed the sonne of Ioseph. which Ioseph was the sonne of Heli 24which was the sonne of Mathat which was the sonne of Levi: which was the sonne of Melchi: which was the sonne of Ianna: which was the sonne of Ioseph: 25which was the sonne of Matatthias: which was the sonne of Amos: which was the sonne of Nahum: which was the sonne of Esli: which was the sonne of Nagge: 26which was the sonne of Maath: which was the sonne of Matathias: which was the sonne of Semei: which was the sonne of Ioseph: which was the sonne of Iuda: 27which was the sonne of Iohanna: which was the sonne of Rhesya: which was the sonne of zorobabel: which was the sonne of Salathiel: which was the sonne of Neri: 28which was the sonne of Melchi: which was the sonne of Addi: which was the sonne of Cosam: which was the sonne of Helmadam: which was the sonne of Her: 29which was the sonne of Ieso: which was the sonne of Helieser: which was the sonne of Ioram: which was the sonne of Mattha: which was the sonne of Levi: 30which was the sonne of Simeon: which was the sonne of Iuda: which was the sonne of Ioseph: which was the sonne of Ionam: which was the sonne of Heliachim: 31which was the sonne of Melea: which was the sonne of Menam: which was the sonne of Mathathan: which was the sonne of Nathan: which was the sonne of David: 32which was the sonne of Iesse: which was the sonne of Obed: which was the sonne of Boos: which was the sonne of Salmon: which was the sonne of Naason: 33which was the sonne of Aminadab: which was the sonne of Aram: which was the sonne of Esrom: which was the sonne of Phares: which was the sonne of Iuda: 34which was the sonne of Iacob: which was the sonne of Ysaac: which was the sonne of Abraham: which was the sonne of Tharra: which was the sonne of Nachor: 35which was the sonne of Saruch: which was the sonne of Ragau: which was the sonne of Phalec: which was the sonne of Heber: which was the sonne of Sala: 36which was the sonne of Cainan: which was the sonne of Arphaxat: which was the sonne of Sem: which was the sonne of Noe: which was the sonne of Lameth: 37which was the sonne of Mathusala: which was the sonne of Enoch: which was the sonne of Iareth: which was the sonne of Malalehel. which was the sonne of Cainan: 38which was the sonne of Enos: which was the sonne of Seth: which was the sonne of Adam: which was the sonne of God. 1In the beginnynge was the worde and the worde was with God: and the worde was God. 2The same was in the beginnynge with God. 3All thinges were made by it and with out it was made nothinge that was made. 4In it was lyfe and the lyfe was ye lyght of men 5and the lyght shyneth in the darcknes but the darcknes comprehended it not. 9That was a true lyght which lyghteth all men that come into the worlde. 10He was in ye worlde and the worlde was made by him: and yet the worlde knewe him not. 14And the worde was made flesshe and dwelt amonge vs and we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the only begotten sonne of ye father which worde was full of grace and verite.