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Neue evangelistische Übersetzung
Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision
German Reinhardt Evangelien
New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995 pre-2021 Lockman update
Dutch Statenvertaling Bijbel
Eastern Armenian Bible
Textus Receptus (1550/1894)
Estonian Bible
Twentieth Century New Testament
Cherokee New Testament (1860) with Sequoyah transliterated forms
1571 Navarro-Labourdin Basque NT
1571 Navarro-Labourdin Basque NT
1757 Church Slavonic Elizabeth Bible
1770 John Worsley NT
1833 Potawatomi Matthew and Acts
1835 Judson Burmese Bible
1853 Western Armenian NT
1869 Noyes Translation
1873 Oxford Textus Receptus Gospel of John
1902 William Baxter Godbey NT
1924 Grünewaldbibel
1933/1953 Afrikaans Bybel
1949/1964 Bible in Basic English
A Conservative Version
A Magyar Bibliatársulat Revideált Újfordítású Bibliája
A Magyar Bibliatársulat Újfordítású Bibliája
A modern Irish New Testament (Luke preview)
Albanian Bible
Aleppo Codex
American King James Version
American Standard Version (1901)
Antoniades Patriarchal Edition (1904/1912)
Apostolic Bible Polyglot English Text
Apostolic Bible Polyglot Greek Text
Az Izraelita-Magyar Irodalmi Társaság (IMIT) Bibliája (zsidó)
Baiboly Malagasy (1865)
Belarusian Bible
Berean Standard Bible
Bibelen på Norsk (1930)
Bible David Martin (1707)
Bible David Martin (1744)
Bible J.N. Darby in French with Strong's numbers
Bible Louis Segond (1910)
Bible Perret-Gentil et Rilliet
Bible de Lausanne (1872)
Bible in Pohnpeian language
Bible in Worldwide English
Biblia Platense (Straubinger)
Bishop Wulfila Gothic Bible
Bohairic Bible - Askeland
Breton New Testament (Koad 21)
Brød Nye Testamente
Bulgarian New Testament from 1914, known as 'Tsarigrad Edition'
Bíblia Livre
Bíblia Livre - Textus Receptus
Bíblia Nova Versão de Acesso Livre
Bíblia Sagrada (Capuchinhos)
Catholic Public Domain Version
Cebuano Pinadayag
Cherokee New Testament (1860) with Sequoyah transliterated forms
Clementine Vulgate
Cornilescu Bible in Romanian language
Czech Bible Kralicka
Czech Bible, Překlad 21. století včetně deuterokanonických knih
Czech Ekumenicky Cesky preklad
Czech Český studijní překlad
Danish New Testament from 1819 with original orthography
Danish OT1871 + NT1907 with original orthography
Danish OT1931 + NT1907 with original orthography
Darby Bible (1889)
Dari Translation
De 1911 Biblia Sagrada Traduzida em Portuguez Por João Ferreeira D'Almeida
De ganse Heilige Schrift bevattende al de kanonieke boeken van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament, met de apocriefe (deuterocanonieke) boeken
Dead Sea Scrolls variants parallel to the Samaritan Pentateuch
Deutsch Bolsingerߴs Luther 1545 Bibel (moderne Rechtschreibung)
Deutsch Textbibel (1906)
Deutsche Zürcher Bibel von 1931.
Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision
Dutch Statenvertaling Bijbel
Eastern Armenian Bible
Editio Critica Maior
El Evangelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Romaní, ó dialecto de los Gitanos de España
Elzevir Textus Receptus (1624)
English Jubilee 2000 Bible
English Majority Text Version, 2012 Edition with Greek Explanatory Notes
Esperanto Londona Biblio
Estonian Bible
Family 35
Finnish Biblia (1776)
Finnish Pyhä Raamattu (1933/1938)
Finnish Pyhä Raamattu (1992)
Free version of New English Translation with limited notes
French Bible Bovet Bonnet (1900)
GOD'S WORD to the Nations
Geneva Bible (1599)
German Albrecht Neues Testament und Psalmen
German Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder (1905)
German Elberfelder (1871) (sogenannt)
German Reinhardt Evangelien
German Tafelbibel (1911)
Ge’ez Bible
Green's Literal Translation
Green's Modern King James Version
Haitian Creole Bible
Hangul King James Version
Hebrew New Testament with Niqqud, based on Delitzsch's translation
Henry Tompkins Anderson’s 1864 New Testament
Het Nieuwe Testament by Nicolaas De Jonge
Hrvatska Biblija Ivana Šarića
International Standard Version
Italian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia 1649
Italian Riveduta Bibbia (1927)
James Murdock's Translation of the Syriac Peshitta
Japanese Denmo 電網聖書
Japanese Kougo-yaku 口語訳「聖書」(1954/1955年版)
Japanese Raguet-yaku ラゲ訳「我主イエズスキリストの新約聖書」(1910年版)
Jewish Publication Society Old Testament
John Wycliffe Bible (c.1395)
K'ekchi' Bible
Khmer Christian Bible
King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords
King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords, including Apocrypha (without glosses)
King James Version: Pure Cambridge Edition
King Jems Pisin Baibel
Kinh Thánh Tiếng Việt (1934)
Kitaabka Quduuska Ah
Kitab Awal-Jaman maka Kitab Injil
Klingon Language Version of the World English Bible
Kutsal Kitap (New Turkish Bible)
Káldi-Neovulgáta (katolikus) 2013
LXX CATSS with Morphology
La Bible Augustin Crampon 1923
La Bible de Zadoc Khan
La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera (1865) con arreglos ortográficos
La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera (1909)
Latin Vulgate
Latin Vulgate Psalms from Hebrew
Latvian Glück 8th edition
Latvian New Testament
Le Nouveau Testament Version Oltramare 1874
Le Nouveau Testament Version Synodale 1921 et le livre des Psaumes
Le Nouveau Testament de la Bible de Genève de 1669
Le Nouveau Testament traduction de Stapfer - 1889
Leonberger Bibel, NT (NA28)
Leonberger Bibel, NT (RP19)
Lifeline Japanese New Testament ライフライン訳新約聖書(2013年)
Liloba lya Nzambe, édition Verbum Bible
Lithuanian Bible
Lời Chúa Cho Mọi Người
MOTB - Greek Paul Basetext
Manx Gaelic Scripture Portions
Maori Bible
Masonama ya Santu par le Père Widart et l’équipe de Verbum Bible Kinshasa.
Masoretic Text parallel to the Samaritan Pentateuch
Menge-Bibel (1939)
Modern Hebrew Bible
Mongolian King James Version
Montgomery New Testament
Morphologically Parsed Greek New Testament based on the SBLGNT
Ndebele Bible
Neophytos Vamvas's translation of the Holy Bible into modern Greek (1850)
Nestle GNT 1904
Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th Revised Edition
Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th Revised Edition
Neue evangelistische Übersetzung
New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995
New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995 pre-2021 Lockman update
New American Standard Bible - NASB 2020
New Arabic Version (Ketab El Hayat)
New English Translation text only with footnote markers
New Heart English Bible
New Heart English Bible: Jehovah Edition
New Heart English Bible: Messianic Edition
New Vietnamese Bible (2002)
Northern Azeri Translation
Novi testament in Psalmi Davidovi Josipa Stritarja (1882)
Offene Bibel - Studienfassung
Ojačano Sveto pismo (Ps + Gal)
Old Public Domain Pohnpeian Bible
Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)
Open English Bible (US Spelling)
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible
Persian Holy Bible (Tarjumeh-ye Ghadeem)
Petrus Canisius Translation
Philippine Bible Society (1905)
Polish Biblia Gdanska (1881)
Pyhä Raamattu (STLK 2017)
Raamattu Kansalle (2012)
Reina Valera Gómez
Reina-Valera 1909 con números de Strong
Restored Name King James Version
Revideált Károli Biblia 1908
Revised King James New Testament
Revised Literal Translation (2018) of the King James Version with Strongs Numbers and Morphology
Revised Webster Version (1833)
Russian New Testament with Strong's Numbers under edition of Victor R. Zhuromsky.
Russian Synodal Bible, Licht im Osten Edition
S'gaw Karen Mason Bible 1853
Sahidic Bible 2
Sahidic Coptic New Testament, ed. by G. W. Horner
Sahidica - A New Edition of the New Testament in Sahidic Coptic
Samaritan Pentateuch
Samaritan Pentateuch in English
Samaritan Pentateuch with variant readings
Sathyavedapusthakam (Malayalam Bible) published in 1910
Schlachter Bibel (1951)
Scottish Gaelic Gospel of Mark
Septuagint, Göttingen
Septuagint, Göttingen, Apparatus
Septuagint, Morphologically Tagged Rahlfs'
Serbian Bible Daničić-Karadžić Ekavski
Serbian Bible Daničić-Karadžić Ijekavski
Shona Bible
Slovenian translation of Holy Bible King James Version (1769)
Smith and van Dyck's al-Kitab al-Muqaddas (Arabic Bible)
Spanish 1858 Reina Valera New Testament
Spanish Traducción de dominio público (Mateo a Romanos)
Statistical Restoration Greek New Testament
Studentmållagsbibelen frå 1921
Svenska Folkbibeln (2015)
Svenska Karl XII:s Bibel (1703)
Svenska Karl XII:s Bibel (1873)
Sveto pismo Starega in Novega zakona (1925) – SloChraska
Swahili New Testament
Swedish Bible (1917)
Syriac Peshitta
Tagalog (John & James)
Tarjumeh-ye Hezare Noh
Tausug Kitab Injil
Text Only Recovery Version (no outlines)
Textus Receptus (1550/1894)
Thai King James Version
The Apostles' Bible
The Common Edition: New Testament
The Coptic New Testament
The Emphasised Bible by J. B. Rotherham
The Gospel of Mark in Beaver (Danezaa)
The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition
The Lexham English Bible
The Living Oracles NT
The New Testament in the Kapingamarangi language
The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform 2013
The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha
The Pentateuch of Moses in Russian
The Peschito Syriac New Testament: Translated into English by John Wesley Etheridge
The Sahidica Manuscripts
Thomas Haweis 1795 New Testament
Tischendorf's 8th edition GNT
Today's Persian Version (Mojdeh Baraye Asre Jadid)
Traduction de la LXX par P. GIGUET et autres traducteurs, 1872.
Traduction de la LXX par Pierre GIGUET et autres traducteurs, 1872.
Tregelles' Greek New Testament
Turkish Easy-to-Read Translation (HADI)
Twentieth Century New Testament
Uma New Testament
Updated Gdańsk Bible
Updated King James Version
Urdu Geo Version (UGV)
Urdu Geo Version Devanagari Script (UGV)
Urdu Geo Version Latin Script (UGV)
Veren’s Contemporary Bible
Vulgata Clementina, Conte editore
Vulgata Clementina, Hetzenauer editore
Vulgata Sistina
Vulgate en Français par l’Abbé Glaire avec la traduction de Migne pour les Apocryphes.
Webster Bible
Westcott and Hort with NA27/UBS4 variants
Westminster Leningrad Codex
Weymouth NT (1912)
William Tyndale Bible (1525/1530)
Young's Literal Translation (1898)
Киелі кітап
Муқәддәс Китап (Современный уйгурский перевод)
Новий Завіт. Переклад П. Куліша (1871)
Синодального Перевода Библии
Смысловой перевод Таврота, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
Смысловой перевод Таурата, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
Смысловой перевод Таурата, Книги Пророков, Забура и Инджила.
Українська Біблія. Переклад Івана Огієнка.
מקרא על פי המסורה (Miqra `al pi ha-Mesorah)
مقدَس کتاب آذربايجان ديلی
पवित्र बाइबल
ဤဘာသာပြန်ကျမ်းကိုကက်သလစ်ဆရာတော်များရုံးချုပ်ရှိ သမမ္မာ ကျမ်းစာတမန်တော်လုပ်ငန်းကော်မစ်ရှင်မှပံ့ပိုးပေးပါသည်။
和合本 (简体字)
和合本 (繁體字)
思高本 (Sīgāo Běn), 聖經:思高聖經學會譯釋
明治元訳「舊約聖書」(1953年版) 大正改訳「新約聖書
聖經 (文理和合)
Personal Commentary
Adam Clarke's Commentary and critical notes on the Bible
Barnes' New Testament Notes
Burkitt's Expository Notes
C. H. Spurgeon's Treasury of David
Calvin's Collected Commentaries
Carl Heinrich Riegers Kommentar
Catena Aurea (Thomas Aquinas)
Chaque jour les Écritures
Commentaires de la Bible par Saint Augustin
Commentaires de la Bible par Saint Jean Chrysostome
Darby Translation Notes
Family Bible Notes
Free version of NET Bible Footnotes with limited notes
Geneva Bible Translation Notes
Glossa ordinaria, ed. Migne
Illustrated New Testament
Jamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary
John Lightfoot Commentary
John Wesley's Notes on the Bible
Kanttekeningen Statenvertaling
Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament
Kingcomments (German), Kommentar zur ganzen Bibel.
Kingcomments, commentary on the whole Bible.
Kingcomments-NL, Commentaar op de hele Bijbel.
Luther's Commentary on Selected Bible Passages
Lời Chúa Cho Mọi Người Chú Thích
Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible
Matthias Ansorgs Kommentar
NT Manuscript Variant Apparatus
Personal Commentary
Robertson's Word Pictures
Scofield Reference Notes, 1917 Edition
Scripture Passages Quoting Scripture
Sentiment Analysis of the Bible
The Fourfold Gospel and Commentary on Acts of Apostles
The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition, Apparatus
The People's New Testament
Tischendorf's Spurious Passages of the GNT
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
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