[sword-devel] Correction for KJV module in 2 Corinthians 1:8

Fr Cyrille fr.cyrille at tiberiade.be
Mon Jan 16 10:49:50 EST 2023

Dear David,

I must admit that I am a little surprised by this speech. What is really 
protected by a copyright? The text of the KJV bible or the work done on 
this text? In our other conversation it didn't seem to me that it was 
Crosswire's contributions to the text that you were trying to protect? 
You mentioned the copyrights of the English crown...
Thank you for clarifying this point. I don't know what you are talking 
about when you say: "*It’s also a derived digital work - not the actual 
reference printed hard copy of the 1789 Oxford (Blayney) Edition*", and 
about the facsimile of DM Smith. Wikisource text it the blayney edition. 
In any case if you are trying to protect the crosswire additions to the 
text my surprise is even greater and I agree perfectly with what Michael 

Br Cyrille

PS: I would like to say that once again we are wasting our time to know 
what to protect instead of looking for solutions to be able to 
contribute effectively to solve the bugs related to the module.

Le 16/01/2023 à 15:52, David Haslam a écrit :
> Aside: The KJV at WikiSource would only be relevant if someone were 
> wanting to create a text only KJV module. The CrossWire OSIS source 
> text is a long way further down the road than plain text. There’s 
> therefore no reason to keep mentioning it.
> It’s also a derived digital work - not the actual reference printed 
> hard copy of the 1789 Oxford (Blayney) Edition.
> At best it might be used to help locate any residual textual 
> differences that might yet be undiscovered in our KJV module, but that 
> would involve doing a comparison with the plain text that could be 
> easily exported from our module, and then checking any 
> such diff locations in the printed facsimile copy that DM Smith possesses.
> Nobody in their right mind is proposing to start with the one at 
> WikiSource and insert all the feature rich OSIS XML markup that we 
> already have in the existing source text.
> Regards,
> David
> Sent from Proton Mail for iOS
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 13:22, Fr Cyrille <fr.cyrille at tiberiade.be> 
> wrote:
>> Le 16/01/2023 à 14:01, David Haslam a écrit :
>>> A copy of this reply is sent*bcc*: to DM Smith's personal icloud 
>>> address.
>>> Dear Fr Cyrille,
>>> gitlab.com <https://gitlab.com> is simply the _wrong place_ to host 
>>> our *KJV* source text!
>>> If necessary, it should be hosted *in-house* under git.crosswire.org 
>>> <https://git.crosswire.org> such that only CrossWire volunteers have 
>>> access.
>>> *Important*: The KJV module is an _exception_ to our usual practice 
>>> of taking source text from a publicly accessible website or third 
>>> party supplier. It was always specially developed *in-house* from 
>>> the early days of CrossWire. Much of its development history is 
>>> documented in the developer wiki at 
>>> https://wiki.crosswire.org/CrossWire_KJV and related pages.
>>> CrossWire volunteer *DM Smith* has long been the prime mover in this 
>>> process.
>>> AFAIK, he still carries the main responsibility for future *KJV* 
>>> module releases.
>>> NB. The related *KJVA*module should be maintained in parallel with 
>>> any changes envisaged for the *KJV*module. ie. Special provision was 
>>> made in 2014 to use two iterations of *osis2mod*such that the 
>>> /Deuterocanonical/books were appended to the /Protocanonical/books 
>>> using the *-a*option in the second command line. This implies that 
>>> the process needs to be an exception to a semiautomatic module build 
>>> script that DomCox now uses for OSIS modules. I helped DM in the run 
>>> up to when version *2.10* was released. At that time, we had not 
>>> been making use of any git type environment to keep track of changes 
>>> for either the KJV or KJVA module.
>>> _Aside_: The emergency release of *KJV* version *2.10.2* was an 
>>> exception to the previous process. This was an /ad hoc/ action that 
>>> Troy deemed necessary because of the nature of the issue being fixed.
>>> I could add further observations, but this will need to suffice for now.
>>> Best regards,
>>> David
>> Thank you David do put this information on the list so that everyone 
>> can understand the problem. Personally I don't agree with this 
>> restrictive view of KJV treatment but I had submitted to your 
>> decision. Because I don't bring the same importance to this very 
>> particular copyright claimed by the British Crown. The presence of 
>> KJV on wikisource is a proof of this.
>> However, what I see is that we are still at square one, i.e. nobody 
>> can do anything to improve the module. That's why I gave up, it's 
>> this report of a new error that revives the discussion.
>> For me if we don't give the tools to the Crosswire community to 
>> improve the module it's just doomed to stay as it is with its errors.
>> We could put the text on the right git, it would still be necessary 
>> that you allow other users to work on your text, and that the 
>> modification made in the emergency by Troy is validated in the 
>> current version before making other corrections. The corrections are 
>> extremely simple almost anyone can do it. The facsimile is on wikisource.
>> https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Index:KJV_1769_Oxford_Edition,_vol._1.djvu
>> Best regards,
>> Br Cyrille
>>> Sent with Proton Mail <https://proton.me/> secure email.
>>> ------- Original Message -------
>>> On Monday, January 16th, 2023 at 11:51 AM, Fr Cyrille 
>>> <fr.cyrille at tiberiade.be> wrote:
>>>> Le 16/01/2023 à 11:27, Fr Cyrille a écrit :
>>>>> Le 12/01/2023 à 21:44, Matěj Cepl a écrit :
>>>>>> On 2023-01-12, 18:57 GMT, Fr Cyrille wrote:
>>>>>>> Unfortunately, the work on KJV is currently at a standstill, and bugs
>>>>>>> are piling up on the tracker. I wanted to offer my help but I didn't get
>>>>>>> any answer. This is a problem that should be treated seriously,
>>>>>>> considering the importance of the KJV.
>>>>>> Well, it would probably help if
>>>>>> https://gitlab.com/crosswire-bible-society/kjv/  actually
>>>>>> contained sources.
>>>>> I tried to do this, but since some people say there are copyrights 
>>>>> issues on the KJV, although the full text is on wikisource which 
>>>>> has a very strict copyrights enforcement policy, I gave up the 
>>>>> project.
>>>> My attempt: https://gitlab.com/crosswire-bible-society/kjv
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Matěj
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