[osis-core] User manual bug list - 95 footnote start tags

Todd Tillinghast osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Mon, 16 Feb 2004 15:24:20 -0700

>95. Footnote start tags 
>One minor point I noticed while attempting to convert the World English
>Bible and Hebrew Names Version to OSIS 2.0 was that footnote start tags
had >no equivalent in OSIS. These are the tags that make it easy to
convert the >text that a note refers to into a hyperlink (as you will
see in, for >example, http://eBible.org/web/John.htm, which was
converted from web.gbf >in http://eBible.org/web/webgbf.zip). For now, I
threw in some milestone >elements with x-startNoteAnchor attributes at
those points. The equivalent >element in XSEM is the "anchor" element.
Submitted by: Michael Paul Johnson, >mpg@eBible.org 

This is handled with the <catchWord> element that is a child of <note>.
<catchWord> has an osisRef attribute that can include a grain reference
to the text the note is "about".

An additional problem with the milestone approach is there can be
overlapping catchwords. 
