Module NameWestminster21
Book NameThe Westminster Standards translated into twenty-first century American English
Module TypeGeneric Books
Module Version1.0.1
Minimum SWORD Version1.5.1a
Download Size?.?? b
Install Size0.0 b
NotesIncludes Footnotes
AboutThe Westminster Standards translated into twenty-first century American English

This work not only includes translations of the original 1647-8 Westminster Standards, but also the original 1648 Scripture references. Most other translations and updates do not include the original references.

The editorial philosophy emphasizes accuracy, but readability is an overriding goal; that which is not correctly understood by the modern reader is of no value even if it is technically accurate.

Included in here are not only the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Westminster Larger Catechism, but also the nearly lost Brief and Easy Explanation of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, by John Wallis, one of the Westminster Divines.

Introductions to each work by the editor are included, as well as appendices and references. Editorial footnotes to aid the reader are numerous.
Distribution LicenseCopyrighted; Freely distributable
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