Module NameHebrewGreek
Book NameHebrew to Greek Dictionary of Septuagint Words
Module TypeDictionary
Module Version1.1 (2001-08-10)
Minimum SWORD Version1.5.1a
Download Size?.?? b
Install Size606.07 kb
AboutGreek to Hebrew Dictionary of Septuagint Words
This lexicon contains Hebrew words found in the OT which are coded to Strong's and also contains equivalent Greek words which have translated these Hebrew words in the Septuagint. These Greek words are also found in the NT and are coded to Strong's. The benefit is that by double clicking on the Strong's numbers while having a Greek lexicon as a default, one can find the in depth meaning of all these Septuagint Greek words thus providing a link between the OT Hebrew and NT Greek. (Due acknowledgment is given to Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament by Abbot-Smith and Hatch and Redpath Concordance to the Septuagint)
By Pierre Leblanc
Distribution LicenseCopyrighted; Free non-commercial distribution
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