[wxsword-devel] Re: [sword-devel] New, young, front-end

Lynn Allan l_d_allan at adelphia.net
Fri Jul 8 10:22:28 MST 2005


Ok, I'm subscribed to the wxSword list.

Two questions:
* Would it be possible to build an executable for Windows so we could actually see what it looks like and what it does? My understanding is that you are a Linux developer.

* Is it essential to use wxMozilla rather than the widgets that wxWidgets supplies? wxMozilla is a 25 meg download, and its use complicates trying to build the project.

I've used wxWidgets in a separate project for the "Audacity CleanSpeech" sermon editor. wxWidgets is big and complicated by itself, and not trivial to build. I write this in ignorance of what you are trying to do, but I can hardly comprehend that wxMozilla is necessary.

Thanks for what you are doing to develop wxSword
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Greg Hellings 
  To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum 
  Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 7:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [sword-devel] New, young, front-end

  What's going on with the error in al_num I can answer quickly.  It should, though, be moved to a board on SF instead.  
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