[wxsword-devel] Re: Modules Selection

Chris Little wxsword-devel@crosswire.org
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 12:43:34 -0700 (MST)

I'm cross-posting to sword-devel, since I think some good opinions might 
be offered from there as well.

On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, Jason Turner wrote:

> I would like to generate some discussion on which modules to include in the 
> smaller distributions. (185MB and 60MB).
> I see a few criteria.
> 1) Not more than 2 bibles per language, or 1 of any other type of book per 
> language

my suggestions (figure about 1.5M per Bible):
ar: AraSVD
bg: Bulgarian
cs: CzeCEP
da: Dan
de: GerLut, GerElb
en: KJV, WEB (I would recommend at least a 3rd modern translation as well, 
              such as the RSV, ASV, ISV, BBE, or GodsWord)
es: SpaRV
fi: FinPR (and/or possibly FinPR92?)
fr: FreLSG
hu: HunKar
is: Icelandic
it: ItaRive
ko: Korean
lv: Latvian
nl: DutSVV
no: Norsk
pt: PorAA
ro: RomCor
ru: RST
sq: Albanian
sv: Swe1917
th: ThaiKJV
tr: Turkish
uk: Ukrainian
vi: Viet
zh: ChiUn, ChiUns

grc: Byz (and/or TR, WHNU), LXX
he: BHS (and/or Aleppo)

(almost 50mb for this list)
> 2) Commentaries should not contain doctrinal oppinions. I have read 
> commentaries that not only expound the scripture, but add oppinion to it, and 
> would prefer to avoid that, so that there isn't any room for argument as to 
> which oppinions to promote.

I think all commentaries are doctrinal, but based partly on the download
stats, I think the following texts should be considered for inclusion:

en: MHC (possibly also Scofield, JFB--could substitute MHCC if we run low 
         on space)

grc: StrongsGreek
he: StrongsHebrew
en: Easton

daily devotionals:
en: SME

en: Josephus
