[tyndale-devel] Places to publish links to STEP

David Instone-Brewer davidinstonebrewer at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 16:40:12 MST 2012

Great list!
BibleWorks are supporters and it is worth trying for Accordance & Logos.
We'll be sending out to the TH list - which includes a lot of 
lecturers and church leaders.

David IB

At 21:52 20/11/2012, Chris Burrell wrote:
>Hi all
>Can we all think of links of which to publish a link to STEP (when 
>we're ready). If you haven't been given a link already, please email 
>separate to the list to obtain one. I want to avoid having the link 
>on too many sites while the forced registration is active (yet to be 
>determined how we deal with this).
>Here's a starter for two:
>    * Crosswire Sword mailing list
>    * Crosswire JSword mailing list
>    * Crosswire Wiki (front ends page + STEP Page)
>    * Crosswire applications page: 
> <http://www.crosswire.org/applications.jsp>http://www.crosswire.org/applications.jsp 
>    * Tyndale House website (Front page, news items)
>    * Tyndale House: 
> <http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/BibleSoftware>http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/BibleSoftware 
>    * Facebook page
>    * Atlassian confluence links
>    * Google site map
>    * Bing site map
>    * GitHub wiki, single page pointing to STEP and Confluence
>External organisations that are high on Google. We should try and 
>approach them:
>    * 
> <http://www.bsreview.org/index.php?modulo=Reviews>http://www.bsreview.org/index.php?modulo=Reviews 
> (http://www.bsreview.org/blog/ (may have an issue with registration 
> - not sure)
>    * 
> <http://christianity.about.com/od/biblestudyresources/tp/biblesoftware.htm>http://christianity.about.com/od/biblestudyresources/tp/biblesoftware.htm 
>    * Can/Should we approach Logos, Accordance and BibleWorks?
>    * 
> <http://bibleandtech.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/bible-software-decisions-accordance.html>http://bibleandtech.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/bible-software-decisions-accordance.html 
>    * http://m.blogs.christianpost.com/better-bible-study/
>    * 
> <http://blog.bibletechconference.com/>http://blog.bibletechconference.com/
>    * http://frankviola.org/2012/07/05/bible-software-programs/
>On the above, we should probably at least approach the authors as 
>well as comment on the Blog itself if that's possible. Being 
>included on some of the pages above shouldn't be too difficult once 
>we have a good version of STEP
>We should probably also create a Twitter feed as it might mean we 
>can get lots of followers. We can certainly tell people about new 
>features that way.
>Some thoughts so far.
>tyndale-devel mailing list
>tyndale-devel at crosswire.org
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