[tyndale-devel] Crosswire bookmarks and initial sketch of user login

Chris Burrell chris at burrell.me.uk
Mon Mar 21 11:19:56 MST 2011

There should be a new version of STEP on http://crosswire.org/~chrisburrell

It should contain Bookmarks (well viewing them). There's some test code in
there at the moment, to automatically create a user in a in-memory database:

username/email: t at t.c
password: password

The user can't do anything, so the data is not particularly sensitive! You
can register another user if you like (again, if i rebuild this disappears,
and it's not encrypted or anything like that at the moment).

Once logged in, you should be able to see two bookmarks. The history should
now also be based on cookies, so that when you come back later, whatever
passage you were viewing is there. The data displayed under "History" is
stored in the cookie too and therefore persists across sessions. History is
stored in the in-memory database and therefore is only available when you
log in.

NOTE: There is a noticeable gap where the user can't delete a gap (also, if
the tomcat server gets restarted, or when i redeploy, then the data

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