[sword-devel] Fw: The Abbreviation key in Config files

Karl Kleinpaste karl at kleinpaste.org
Thu Feb 20 10:41:49 EST 2025

David Haslam <dfhdfh at protonmail.com> wrote:
>> My initial message in this thread was sent to *sword-devel*.
>> /Other than Michael & Karl, did anyone else receive it?/

For reasons I don't care to guess, I haven't seen David's emails in 
sword-devel in a very long time -- years. I see his comments only in 
quoted replies by others. I think something's spam filter is overworked.

On Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 at 8:49 PM, Michael Johnson 
<kahunapule at eBible.org> wrote:
> I got this, but I'm in time triage mode, and this is not an issue that 
> I can reasonably fix. Indeed, if anything, I should keep things as 
> they are so that front end designers don't get the idea that version 
> abbreviations are unique to just one module. Even being unique to a 
> language is iffy if the module has different sources. I can't fix bad 
> front end design.

It is not "bad front end design" to say that when the user asks for KJV, 
he should get KJV, not an /n/th level derivative instance from a 
tertiary source.

Sword Project apps have one "native" KJV. If the user doesn't want to 
install that, instead installs another, and wants to refer to that using 
a convenient abbreviation as KJV, that's fine. But whenever the module 
whose .conf says "[KJV]" is installed, the other with an abbreviation 
loses being distinguished by the name "KJV".

Since modules' native names don't conflict by definition (i.e. [Name] 
must be unique across mods.d/*.conf¹), then nothing else can advertise 
itself as the (real, for Sword Project purposes) KJV.

Xiphos' abbreviation support is not nearly as good as it needs to be. 
For starters, it needs conflict resolution, and that begins with tossing 
away abbreviations that collide with any installed module's native [Name].

And what to do when 2+ modules have the same Abbreviation=?


¹ Verify with grep '^\[' .sword/mods.d/*.conf | cut -f2 -d: | sort | 
uniq -c | grep -v ' 1 '
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