[sword-devel] Fw: The Abbreviation key in Config files

Johan Marais johan.marais at messianic.co.za
Thu Feb 20 09:52:14 EST 2025

I received it.
Johan Marais

On 20 Feb 2025, at 16:20, David Haslam <dfhdfh at protonmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

My initial message in this thread was sent to sword-devel.
Other than Michael & Karl, did anyone else receive it?

Are any other SWORD/JSword front-end apps affected similarly?

i.e. Confused by the Abbreviation key clashing with another module Name.

Best regards,


Sent with Proton Mail<https://proton.me/mail/home> secure email.

On Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 at 8:49 PM, Michael Johnson <kahunapule at eBible.org> wrote:

Hi David & Karl,

I got this, but I'm in time triage mode, and this is not an issue that I can reasonably fix. Indeed, if anything, I should keep things as they are so that front end designers don't get the idea that version abbreviations are unique to just one module. Even being unique to a language is iffy if the module has different sources. I can't fix bad front end design.

On 2/18/25 10:14, David Haslam wrote:

Hi Michael,

Very strange!

I sent this 3 days ago, and not had a response from anyone!!!

It should've reached you twice (direct from the cc: plus via the mailing list), but did it?

This time, I've cc: Karl, because I'd referred to Xiphos behaviour.
NB. When the displayed module does flip as described below, the module name in the selected tab is not changed.

Best regards,


Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

------- Forwarded Message -------
From: David Haslam <dfhdfh at protonmail.com><mailto:dfhdfh at protonmail.com>
Date: On Saturday, February 15th, 2025 at 5:16 PM
Subject: The Abbreviation key in Config files
To: sword-devel mailing list <sword-devel at crosswire.org><mailto:sword-devel at crosswire.org>
CC: Kahunapule Michael Johnson <Kahunapule at eBible.org><mailto:Kahunapule at eBible.org>

Some modules in some repositories make use of the Abbreviation key.

This key is documented in the devlopers' wiki:

Note 2 reads: "We advise against explicitly declaring a redundant Abbreviation identical to the ModName. Abbreviation values should try to be unique to avoid user confusion."

It's not just users that are confused!
Front-end apps can also be confused.

e.g. In Xiphos, if I have both the CrossWire KJV module installed and either of these modules from eBible.org also installed:
* engKJV2006eb - which has Abbreviation=KJV
* engKJV1769eb - which has Abbreviation=KJVD
After I do a search (while the KJV module is selected) and then click one of the search results, the module in the selected tab switches to one with the same Abbreviation.

This ought not to be the case!

I don't think this is a software bug in Xiphos, per se.

I think that the software is simply confused by the use of an Abbreviation key that's identical to the Name of another installed module!

We should already know that module names must be unique, even if they come from different repositories.

We should also mandate that module abbreviations must not match that of any other module from any available repository!

Best regards,


Sent with Proton Mail secure email.


Michael Johnson
mljohnson.org<https://mljohnson.org/> • eBible.org<https://eBible.org> • WorldEnglish.Bible<https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible<https://PNG.Bible>
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