[sword-devel] Module release: BSB

Timothy Allen thristian at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 00:09:47 EST 2023

Thank you for the kind words! My hope is that the BSB module would be 
useful enough and complete enough to be recommended by SWORD apps, or 
even (due to its liberal licensing) installed by default.

Xiphos should know what Strongs number is associated with each lemma (it 
draws them in the right place, after all), so in theory it should be 
possible for clicking on the lemma to look up the associated Strongs 
number with no change to the module. I'm rather fond of AndBible's 
approach where clicking a word looks up all the associated metadata 
(lemmas, Strongs numbers, grammar codes, etc.) in all available 
dictionaries, since the odds of a Strongs number being a valid grammar 
code or a grammar code being a valid lemma are extremely low - but that 
would probably be a bigger change.

There's one other piece of data included in the translation table 
spreadsheet that isn't yet included in the BSB module - grammar codes. 
The BSB is marked up with somewhat proprietary codes for Hebrew and 
Greek, while the SWORD Project ecosystem seems to have settled on Open 
Scriptures Hebrew Bible codes for Hebrew, and Robinson codes for Greek. 
Since both kinds of Hebrew codes model the same rules of Hebrew grammar, 
and both kinds of Greek codes model the same rules of Greek grammar, it 
should be possible to translate between them, it's just a lot of work 
and although I've had some ideas about how to help automate the process, 
I've been distracted by other things.

The other thing that occurred to me is the possibility of creating a 
more straightforward interlinear Bible, with the source text as the base 
and the English as the "gloss". That would allow the source text to be 
presented in its natural order (instead of following the order of 
English grammar), but it would *also* be a lot of work and I'm not sure 
if it would actually be very useful.


On 8/12/23 08:25, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
> On 12/4/23 03:27, domcox at crosswire.org wrote:
>> This is to announce that we have just now uploaded BSB
> I wanted to mention that the updated BSB has become effectively also 
> BIB, the Berean Interlinear Bible, when viewed in Xiphos with lemmas 
> enabled, where stacked display provides the interlinear view.
> Screenshot of 1Tim.3 with lemmas enabled: 
> http://karl.kleinpaste.org/.../bsb-interlinear.png
> The only downside is that lemmas don't link to numeric Strong's 
> entries. But you can enable Strong's as well to get that.
> Several years ago, I had done initial work to create "draft" Berean 
> Bible modules (BSBdraft, BIBdraft) -- "draft" because the *.xlsx 
> weren't finalized at the time -- but this BSB is much superior, a fine 
> end product.
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