[sword-devel] Versification Mapping

Jamie araj at critos.co.uk
Wed May 6 09:40:41 MST 2020

Not really, I’m afraid – I have written code myself to handle it, but it’s very tightly bound into the STEP system, and it’s not really in a form where it would be easy to use it for other purposes.  I agree that the data looks very complicated at first sight, but it may not be quite as bad as you think: the file actually contains the same data twice, once in a compact form and once in a less compact form.  I struggled with it when I first used it, but the less compact form isn’t too bad once you get used to it.


If there is any possibility that the data might be useful to you, I’d be happy to try to explain it – let me know.





From: Tobias Klein [mailto:contact at tklein.info] 
Sent: 06 May 2020 17:05
To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <sword-devel at crosswire.org>
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Versification Mapping


Hi Jamie,


Thanks. I had a look at the data, that’s quite complex! Even a bit intimidating ...


I suppose STEPBible has some library functions that parse this data?

Can you point me to any APIs?


Best regards,



Am 06.05.2020 um 15:04 schrieb Jamie <araj at critos.co.uk <mailto:araj at critos.co.uk> >:


Hi Tobias,


Not sure that this exactly answers your question, but just in case it’s relevant, Tyndale House have various public domain information available, including material on alternative versification schemes.  The reversification material gives details of how to map LXX, MT and Vulgate schemes on to NRSVA (and also addresses some other schemes which are perhaps less frequently encountered).  It also caters for common variants which basically follow one of these schemes, but which have certain verses split up into subverses.  You can find the data at :-


 <https://github.com/tyndale/STEPBible-Data/blob/master/TVTMS%20-%20Tyndale%20Versification%20Traditions%20with%20Methodology%20for%20Standardisation%20for%20Eng%2BHeb%2BLat%2BGrk%2BOthers%20-%20TyndaleHouse.com%20STEPBible.org%20CC%20BY-NC.txt> https://github.com/tyndale/STEPBible-Data/blob/master/TVTMS%20-%20Tyndale%20Versification%20Traditions%20with%20Methodology%20for%20Standardisation%20for%20Eng%2BHeb%2BLat%2BGrk%2BOthers%20-%20TyndaleHouse.com%20STEPBible.org%20CC%20BY-NC.txt


If you do want to make use of it, I’d be very happy to try to answer any questions.




ARA “Jamie” Jamieson




From: Tobias Klein [mailto:contact at tklein.info] 
Sent: 05 May 2020 21:19
To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <sword-devel at crosswire.org <mailto:sword-devel at crosswire.org> >
Subject: [sword-devel] Versification Mapping



I would like to ask a question that I was planning to ask for a while already ... 
What's the recommended solution of mapping different versification systems?

And what working implementations for this are already out there?

I realize that my understanding of versifications has been a bit limited and that's visible in Ezra Project's implementation of the mapping. I am currently only differentiating between two versification systems, namely the English versification (used in most/all (?) English translations) and the Hebrew versification (used in most modern German translations).

It's been a few years since I looked into this and I think this has been my source (SBL Handbook of Style)
 <https://books.google.de/books?id=M_upBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA265&lpg=PA265&dq=appendix+english/hebrew/greek+versification&source=bl&ots=CXVR0J6YrI&sig=ACfU3U3hEIPgNxmmUQW1kZJaRAtHl78L-g&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilyoPUwp3pAhUrzqYKHVk4BtIQ6AEwAXoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=appendix%20english%2Fhebrew%2Fgreek%20versification&f=false> https://books.google.de/books?id=M_upBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA265&lpg=PA265&dq=appendix+english/hebrew/greek+versification&source=bl&ots=CXVR0J6YrI&sig=ACfU3U3hEIPgNxmmUQW1kZJaRAtHl78L-g&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilyoPUwp3pAhUrzqYKHVk4BtIQ6AEwAXoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=appendix%20english%2Fhebrew%2Fgreek%20versification&f=false

My current approach in Ezra Project to map between English and Hebrew versification is the following:

*	I use "absolute verse numbers" in each book.
*	I have mapping tables that basically define offsets for the "absolute verse numbers" (see implementation  <https://github.com/tobias-klein/ezra-project/blob/master/models/versereference.js#L177> here).
*	The versification (currently only English or Hebrew) of the respective translation is detected based on some simple dynamic tests when opening it.
*	I have functions to convert between one and the other "absolute verse numbers" based on the mapping.
*	Verse Reference objects are stored both with the English and Hebrew absolute verse numbers and these objects are used for assigning tags, notes, etc.

This works fairly well when using English translations and German translations. The result is for example that tags that were assigned to verses of an English translation still show up correctly for the verses in a German translation. This is particularly visible in Psalms.

How flawed is my current approach described above?
How do other frontends do it?
Have there been plans to somehow integrate some sort of mapping functionality into the SWORD engine?

Best regards,

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