[sword-devel] Does Eloquent use only the core library of SWORD or more than that? e.g. the clucene library, zlib, etc.

DM Smith dmsmith at crosswire.org
Fri Nov 25 18:07:59 MST 2016

Regarding 32 vs 64 bit, don’t get hung up over the warnings. The biggest problem with the warnings is that they can hide real problems. But most of the reports will be of the kind where an intermediate storage size of a computation is wider than its destination. So basically something like int x = 8 * 4 will complain that int is not long because the operation is done so that it can be larger than the storage required by its parts.

The computations within SWORD are largely to compute indexes into an array. Those arrays are far smaller than a 32-bit number can index. Ensuring that the computation doesn’t produce a warning won’t help.

I’d suggest working on getting PocketSword to compile without error, getting it to work and submit it to the app store.

I’m now getting a warning on starting the program, where a dialog pops up stating:

     “PocketSword” May Slow
          Down Your iPhone
The developer of this app needs
      to update it to improve its

In Him,

> On Nov 25, 2016, at 7:07 PM, Timothy Shen-McCullough <outofthecube at icloud.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the info including regarding that iOS can use frameworks. I knew that iOS could use frameworks, but I didn't know that only iOS 8 and up could use it. 
> So, if I'm understanding you correctly you are able to take the download of SWORD (along with the 3rd party libraries that come with it) and convert it into an Xcode framework without having to edit any of the code?
> -TS
> --Sent from phone--
>> On Nov 23, 2016, at 11:03 PM, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergmann at me.com> wrote:
>> Hi TS.
>> It uses the zlib which is bundled with SWORD.
>> It also uses clucene, but only to create index files to be used for PocketSword.
>> Otherwise Eloquent uses Apple Spotlight for indexing and searching.
>> The framework is built from the project and sources in bindings/objc.
>> Btw: iOS from version 8 can also use frameworks now.
>> Manfred
>>> Am 24.11.2016 um 01:30 schrieb TS <outofthecube at icloud.com>:
>>> Does Eloquent use only the core library of SWORD or more than that? e.g. the clucene library, zlib, etc. 
>>> I took a look at its source code, but the Sword code is pre-bundled into what Apple defines as a framework for Xcode and this seems to hide away everything except for header files. 
>>> I'm interested in finding this info out because of the recent 64 bit issues I've written earlier about and because, for example, it seems that nether the clucene code nor zlib code is being maintained anymore. Since I've been trying to work on the PocketSword code, I'm curious as to how its desktop counterpart handles tasks. Does it use the same libraries of code that comes with the SWORD code or if not, which ones are used and which ones are not?
>>> zlib btw is somewhat odd on iOS. It is not plug and play. A file needs to be modified in zlib folder in order for it to work. However, when troubleshooting the issues on the internet, a lot of people with similar problems got replies back that zlib already comes in one of Apple's libraries. 
>>> -TS
>>> --Sent from phone--
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