[sword-devel] Contributing to sword-tools repo?

Matěj Cepl mcepl at cepl.eu
Thu Jan 14 06:06:02 MST 2016

On 2016-01-14, 12:22 GMT, Peter Von Kaehne wrote:
> You can contribute to the subversion repo by asking Troy to 
> add you. 

So, there is no code review ... just everybody blindly dumps 
their changes to the repo? (more interesting for sword proper 

> I am not sure if there is much mileage to move things to 
> anywhere else - what is in sword-tools are mostly internal 
> tools with very limited applicability - i.e. some only per 
> module.

Well, this is a Catch XXII: "We don't switch to more popular 
tools because nobody bothers to contribute to our repo, and 
nobody cares about our repo because nobody knows that 
contributions are possible, because we use old obsolete 

> But for what it is worth, there is a sword-tools or similarly 
> named repo on Github which deals specifically with 
> usfm2osis.py which you are welcome to contribute to, too, 
> obviously. 

And yes, because all code is in repos which nobody 
cares/dares/is-able/knows-how/is-willing to contribute, people 
do various misguided forks instead of coodinating their effort.  
Classical state of SVN-based project. I saw it many times in 



https://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, Jabber: mcepl at ceplovi.cz
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He loves nature in spite of what it did to him.
      -- Forrest Tucker

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