[sword-devel] Problems for module creation

Fr Cyrille lafricain79 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 08:23:28 MST 2014

First I'm sorry but English is not my language...
This is my problems:
I proof to created a new module with the french translation Bible "de 
Jérusalem", and "Tob". After I would like to do it with kikongo language 
from DRCongo.
Let me explain my differts problems.
I'm using ubuntu 14.04 Sword 1.6.2. (now 1.7)
A friend gave me the text of the Bible without the catholic’s book 
(deuterocanonicals). And I would to make a new modules with it.

1. With vpl format:
First I tried to make the module with the vpl2mod command, with this 
kind of text (I give a part like exemple):
Genesis 1,1  Lorsque Dieu commença la création du ciel et de la terre,
Genesis 1,2  la terre était déserte et vide, et la ténèbre à la surface 
de l'abîme; le souffle de Dieu planait à la surface des eaux,
Genesis 1,3  et Dieu dit: "Que la lumière soit!" Et la lumière fut.
And the command:
*/vpl2mod mytext_vpl.txt out/ 0 0/*
Result was to have the 4 files, with a bad text where the words are not 
separated, you can see also that the file "nt" begin at MT 26,23 like that :
Matthew 26,23 Enréponse, ildit:"Il a plongé lamainavecmoi dansleplat, 
celui qui vamelivrer.
Matthew 26,24 LeFilsdel'homme s'envaselon cequi est 
écritdelui;maismalheureuxl'homme par qui leFilsdel'homme est livré! 
Ilauraitmieux valupourlui qu'il nefûtpas né,cet homme-là!"
Matthew 26,25 Judas,qui 
lelivrait,pritlaparoleetdit:"Serait-cemoi,rabbi?" Illui répond:Tul'asdit!"
I can read this in the terminal:
*//*ERROR: short read of terminating char in readline*//*
I read on the web that vpl format is bugged... I tried too install the 
tools of sword to be sure it wasn't a problem of lack of dependencies:
*/libsword-utils libsword-dev/*
Same result with the dependencies.

2. With imp format:
Then I change the vpl file in imp file like that:
$$$Genèse 1,1
Au commencement, Dieu créa le ciel et la terre.
$$$Genèse 1,2
Or la terre était vide et vague, les ténèbres couvraient l'abîme, un 
vent de Dieu tournoyait sur les eaux.
$$$Genèse 1,3
Dieu dit: "Que la lumière soit" et la lumière fut.
$$$Genèse 1,4
Dieu vit que la lumière était bonne, et Dieu sépara la lumière et les 
I run the command:
*/imp2vs BibleJerusalem_imp.txt -v Catholic/*
And first I was very happy to see the terminal working, but... He worked 
5 hours!!!!
The output file was of 1gigas!!! (ot and nt files)
And after making the .conf file, bibletime let see nothing.
I opened the nt file and I see that the verses and in double or more 
like that:
Livre de la genèse de Jésus Christ, fils de David, fils d'Abraham :
Livre de la genèse de Jésus Christ, fils de David, fils d'Abraham 
:Abraham engendra Isaac, Isaac engendra Jacob, Jacob engendra Juda et 
ses frères,
Livre de la genèse de Jésus Christ, fils de David, fils d'Abraham 
:Abraham engendra Isaac, Isaac engendra Jacob, Jacob engendra Juda et 
ses frères,Juda engendra Pharès et Zara, de Thamar, Pharès engendra 
Esrom, Esrom engendra Aram,
Livre de la genèse de Jésus Christ, fils de David, fils d'Abraham 
:Abraham engendra Isaac, Isaac engendra Jacob, Jacob engendra Juda et 
ses frères,Juda engendra Pharès et Zara, de Thamar, Pharès engendra 
Esrom, Esrom engendra Aram,Aram engendra Aminadab, Aminadab engendra 
Naasson, Naasson engendra Salmon,
Livre de la genèse de Jésus Christ, fils de David, fils d'Abraham 
:Abraham engendra Isaac, Isaac engendra Jacob, Jacob engendra Juda et 
ses frères,Juda engendra Pharès et Zara, de Thamar, Pharès
During the process of module creating I can read that in the terminal 
(for example):
/*linking entry: Genesis 33:11 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:12 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:13 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:14 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:15 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:16 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:17 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:18 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:19 to Exodus 12:1*//*
*//*linking entry: Genesis 33:20 to Exodus 12:1*/

After, that I discover that first I need to use ":" and not ",", for 
chapter and verses separation, I suppress also spaces (with sed) and I 
need to use just english for the book's names. I modified all the Bible 
text like that:
Au commencement, Dieu créa le ciel et la terre.
Or la terre était vide et vague, les ténèbres couvraient l'abîme, un 
vent de Dieu tournoyait sur les eaux.
$$$Genèse 1:3
The result was better, it didn't dure 5 hours but few minutes. But the 
final text in the module didn't correspond well to the good book (For 
example when I opened Isaia I red Esther) just the beginning of the old 
testament, and the new was also ok.
Maybe you can add instructions about the ":" to the wiki?
My idea is that the imp format don't accept the deutérocanonicals. Is it 
My last possibilities is to use the osis format, but, it's really 
difficult for me. Maybe you have some perl script who can convert the 
text in the good format?
thanks you very much for your help.
Sorry if my explaination and not very good...

Peace and joy of Christ be with you, Br Cyrille


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