[sword-devel] Calvin's Commentaries - new module

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Wed Jan 9 06:50:48 MST 2008

BibleTime gives only empty footnotes. Diatheke gives interesting result:
footnotes are there but there are extra spaces. You can test it
yourselves but I give it here (if there are question marks they are
actually shown correctly in my display):

1.   In the beginning.  To expound the term ?beginning,? of Christ, is
altogether frivolous. For Moses simply intends to assert that the world
was not perfected at its very commencement, in the manner in which it is
now seen, but that it was created an empty chaos of heaven and earth.
His language therefore may be thus explained. When God in the beginning
created the heaven and the earth, the earth was empty and waste.
?La terre estoit vuide, et sans forme, et ne servoit a rien.? ? ?The
earth was aempty, and without form, and was of no use.? ? French Tr.
                         )                        He moreover teaches by
the word ?created,? that what before did not exist was now made; for he
has not used the term ???, ( yatsar, ) which signifies to frame or forms
but ???, ( bara, ) which signifies to create.
??? It has a twofold meaning ? 1. To create out of nothing, as is proved
from these words, In the beginning, because nothing was made before
them. 2. To produce something excellent out of pre-existent matter; as
it is said afterwards, He created whales, and man. ? See Fagius,
Drusius, and Estius, in Poole?s                               Synopsis.

This is the OSIS output from diatheke:

<lb type="x-begin-paragraph"/><hi type="bold">1.</hi>   <hi
type="italic">In the beginning.</hi>  To expound the term ?beginning,?
of Christ, is altogether frivolous. For Moses simply intends to assert
that the world was not perfected at its very commencement, in the manner
in which it is now seen, but that it was created an empty chaos of
heaven and earth. His language therefore may be thus explained. When God
in the beginning                   created the heaven and the earth, the
earth was empty and waste.                        <note n="35">
<lb type="x-begin-paragraph"/> ?<foreign xml:lang="fr">La terre estoit
vuide, et sans forme, et ne servoit a rien</foreign>.? ? ?The earth was
aempty, and without form, and was of no use.? ? French Tr.<lb
type="x-end-paragraph"/>                      </note>

It may be that the frontends can't show <lb> or <foreign> inside <note>
correctly or even at all though it is correct OSIS. But I don't know if
it's a good idea to use line breaks inside a footnote: if a frontend
displays the footnote inline and blindly adds line breaks the result may
be broken. Do other existing modules use line breaks inside notes?

(Should we accept the fact that the modules are becoming more and more
complicated and all, especially simple, frontends can not cope with all
modules? I'd like to see more complicated OSIS if it gives better
results for end users, but it's more work for developers.)

	Eeli Kaikkonen (Mr.), Oulu, Finland
	e-mail: eekaikko at mailx.studentx.oulux.fix (with no x)

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