[sword-devel] About permission

Wade Maxfield wmaxfield at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 08:06:25 MST 2005

In brief, yes. You can do anything you wish with public domain material.

However, your additions may be copyrighted, based on the local laws. In that
case, you may have to specifically put your additions back into the public
domain. That step prevents any watchdog groups from suing a site like sword
for copyright infringement. Just include a statement in your modified text
that you are giving it back to the public domain.

On 10/18/05, Vladimir Támara Patiño <vtamara at informatik.uni-kl.de> wrote:
> Regarding my last email:
> http://www.crosswire.org/pipermail/sword-devel/2005-September/022678.html
> I would like to know your thougts about the permission I'm asking. Can
> I add the Strong's numbers of KJV2003 to a translations of the gospels
> that is in the public domain?
> http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/12500
> http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/12501
> http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/12502
> http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/12503
> Obviously I will give credit. Please check the first footnote of each
> gospel, there you will find the credits, and there I would add Crosswire
> and the volunteers that helped to add Strong numbers to KJV2003 (someone
> else,
> or more specific credits?).
> I prefer to ask for this permission, since I'm confused about the status
> of the Strong's numbers in the KJV module (GPL licensed or public
> domain?).
> At:
> http://www.crosswire.org/sword/modules/ModInfo.jsp?modName=KJV
> I read:
> 'CrossWire Bible Society hereby grants a general public license to use
> this text for any purpose.'
> However at http://www.crosswire.org/sword/kjv2003/index.html (also
> attached) I read:
> 'For our first new text project, we're starting a KJV / Textus Receptus
> parallel text which will be placed into the public domain upon
> completion.'
> Please let me know.
> Best regards. God illuminate us.
> --
> Dios, por favor, ayudanos a hacer Tu voluntad que es felicidad
> desbordante.
> http://www.primarilypublicdomain.org/letter/
> --
> Vladimir Támara Patiño.
> http://www.geocities.com/v-tamara
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