TODO was: Re: [sword-devel] 1.5.9 todo list

Daniel Glassey dglassey at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 09:04:56 MST 2005

On 16/12/05, Martin Gruner <mg.pub at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> > I'd just like to check what still needs to be done for a 1.5.9 release
> > of the _lib_.
> >
> > fwiw I've got svn building with ucs2 enabled clucene 0.9.10 though I
> > still need to test it and make sure it is ok
> Very cool. There is work going on in BibleTime that will require exactly this.
> Are you going to create clucene debs? From 1.6 on, BibleTime is likely going
> to require the Unicode-enabled clucene.

uploaded and awaiting approval ;)

> > Apart from that what else is there to be done?
> >From the bug tracker, at least these should be looked at:
> http://www.crosswire.org/bugs/browse/API-57 (configure problem)

ok, I can look into that one.

> http://www.crosswire.org/bugs/browse/API-59 (UTF BOM problem)

Yep, that should be easy if someone could get an example file and try it out.

> http://www.crosswire.org/bugs/browse/API-22 (osis2mod error)

I assume you and Troy can look into that while you are looking at the
other osis2mod problem?

> And there is an issue with osis2mod that Troy and I are investigating.
> I'd personally be glad if we could, as you proposed, release a bugfix release,
> which we could also call or so. It will also include some new
> locales. Let's do this!

sounds good to me (though I'd like to get 1.5.9 out by the end of Jan
(well, really I'd like it out by the end of the year but I can't see
that happening)). We should create a branch from svn rev 1821 (sword
1.5.8) and backport any fixes to that.


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