[sword-devel] New Test, CE: strongs, morph, footnotes

Dan Bertles sword-devel@crosswire.org
Thu, 29 Jan 2004 18:36:34 -0500


Haven't been able to get storage card to work.  Do I store modules in
separate directories on the storage card or at the root.  

Do I create/copy kjv.conf to that directory or do I refer to the path in
a mods.conf or a kjv.conf in the mods.d directory?

Thanks for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: sword-devel-admin@crosswire.org
[mailto:sword-devel-admin@crosswire.org] On Behalf Of Troy A. Griffitts
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 2:02 AM
To: sword-devel@crosswire.org
Subject: [sword-devel] New Test, CE: strongs, morph, footnotes

Added very basic support for display of Strong's, Morph, and Footnotes 
in a simple message box.  It uses StripText right now, but we probably 
should use RenderText and display in an HTML control.  But... it works 
ok right now. :)  Also added an additional AugmentPath= to the .conf 
file.  It seems my device uses "\SD Card" as the mount point whereas 
another device I tried the other day uses "\Memory Card".  They're both 
in there now.



Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Well, sorry to announce new packages twice so soon.  I've redone the
> utf8->utf16 converters and we seem to get greek now.  Hebrew doesn't
> seem to work yet, but it might be a font issue.  I'm taking a break 
> now.
>     Blessings,
>         -Troy.
> http://crosswire.org/~scribe/swordce.zip
> Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>> One more that should fix the last bug better, and also adds a popup
>> menu for toggle of simple options like Strong's, etc.
>> http://crosswire.org/~scribe/swordce.zip
>> Dan, be sure you're copying BOTH the sword.dll and the gui.exe from
>> the .zip over your old files, and be sure you stop the process from 
>> running on your device BEFORE attempting to overwrite:
>> Start|Settings|System|Memory|Running Programs|*SwRd|Stop
>> Hope this helps; keep me posted,
>>     -Troy.
>> Dan Bertles wrote:
>>> Troy,
>>> It acts exactly the same as before.  NASB works fine, KJV is 
>>> invisible.
>>> Dan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: sword-devel-admin@crosswire.org 
>>> [mailto:sword-devel-admin@crosswire.org] On Behalf Of Troy A. 
>>> Griffitts
>>> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 10:10 PM
>>> To: sword-devel@crosswire.org
>>> Subject: Re: [sword-devel] New Test: Windows CE interface
>>> Ok guys, I have a new CE binary ready for testing.  Did some
>>> debugging on the KJV that indeed wasn't showing up, and found that
>>> were returning null occasionally from XMLTag::getName() -- must have

>>> invalid markup.  So, we must check for .getName() == null first 
>>> before sending it to strcmp.
>>> http://crosswire.org/~scribe/swordce.zip
>>> Anyway, the sword libs have been updated and the KJV seems to work 
>>> ok
>>> now for me.
>>> I think we still have a problem with UTF-16.  I'll try to have a 
>>> look at
>>> our UTF8 to UTF16 filters soon and see if we can get things 
>>> resolved.  I
>>> figured out that you can specify the font in the HTML source 
>>> stylesheet,
>>> so there is a line commented out that hardcodes code2000 in there.
>>> Maybe we can make the font selectable for individual modules.
>>> Well, try it out and let us know.  If you're programming, be sure to
>>> update both the sword and swordreader cvs modules.
>>>     God's blessings,
>>>         -Troy A. Griffitts.
>>> Dan Bertles wrote:
>>>> Troy,
>>>> Ok, I followed everything religiously, without my quirks of trying
>>>> to maintain old file structures.  This build won't read KJV where
>>>> would before.  Note: the KJV does have notes that showed in 
>>>> italics.  It reads the NASB module fine.
>>>> Program Files\sword\books has 3 subdirectories (mods.d, nasb and 
>>>> kjv)
>>>> mods.d has 3 files (nasb.conf, kjv.conf and globals.conf)
>>>> I need the datapath statement in each modules conf file for them to
>>>> work.
>>>> The globals.conf file is empty?
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> Dan
>>>> P.S. http://palmtops.about.com/library/bltips9.htm says to install
>>>> fonts:
>>>> Tip: To install new fonts on you iPaq,  copy the true type font 
>>>> file
>>>> from you desktop windows\fonts directory into your iPaq's 
>>>> windows\fonts directory.
>>>> Ipaqs are supposed to handle Unicode already.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: sword-devel-admin@crosswire.org
>>>> [mailto:sword-devel-admin@crosswire.org] On Behalf Of Troy A.
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 1:01 PM
>>>> To: sword-devel@crosswire.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Windows CE interface
>>>> Dan,
>>>>     Yeah, the layout has changed now that we use the SWORD library 
>>>> defaults.  Also, it's not the same as the windows frontend.  I have

>>>> books placed in the 'books' folder now, so sword.conf will be used 
>>>> to find them AND books on SD/MMC cards.  If you read the 
>>>> INSTALL.txt in
>>> the
>>>> zip file, it will explain the preferred layout, and the .zip file 
>>>> contains the correct subdirectories, so you should unzip it and
>>> preserve
>>>> directories.
>>>>     What you show below includes a few workarounds that should not
>>> be
>>>> necessary any longer.  So, I would recommend removing \Program
>>>> Files\sword and starting over with the zip file (and reading the 
>>>> INSTALL.txt)
>>>>     Also, I can't confirm that these modules actually work.  I've
>>> tried
>>>> BHS, ASV, and WHNU, and all seem to lookup fine.  I still have font
>>>> issues, but for the ASV, I get readable text, and the other 2 I get
>>> the
>>>> correct number of [] boxes :)  Hoping someone can tell me how to 
>>>> use
>>>> other fonts on CE.
>>>>     Hope this helps.  Keep me posted on your progress,
>>>>         -Troy.
>>>> D. Bertles wrote:
>>>>> Troy,
>>>>> I can't get this version to find the modules.
>>>>> My mods.conf contains:
>>>>> [NASB]
>>>>> DataPath=modules/texts/ztext/nasb/
>>>>> ...
>>>>> [KJV]
>>>>> DataPath=modules/texts/ztext/kjv/
>>>>> ...
>>>>> sword.conf contains:
>>>>> [Install]
>>>>> DataPath=/Program Files/sword/modules
>>>>> The build before this one works fine, but not this one.  I tried 
>>>>> to
>>>>> maintain the directory structure for the Windows version.
>>>>> Dan
>>>>> Quoting "Troy A. Griffitts" <scribe@crosswire.org>:
>>>>> For anyone interested, I feel I am at a good solid point for
>>>>> supporting
>>>>> the latest SWORD engine on CE.
>>>>> All my changes are checked in if anyone wants to play.
>>>>> Here's a build for testers:
>>>>> http://crosswire.org/~scribe/swordce.zip
>>>>> There are install instructions in the zip file.
>>>>> Books should be recognized from SD/MMC cards now, as well.
>>>>>     Thanks for all the great work and effort people have put into
>>>> this,
>>>>> so
>>>>> far!  Hoping developers with better CE UI development skills than
>>>>> me will make this a really cool application!  Johan, thank you so 
>>>>> much!
>>>>>     -Troy.
>>>>> Johan Gorter wrote:
>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>> I have just made some progress on the windows CE user interface 
>>>>>> for sword. The text is now displayed through the built-in 
>>>>>> browser, so
>>>> it can
>>>>>> do some more layout-things. I have made a screen shot for 
>>>>>> everyone
>>>> who
>>>>>> is interested to see what the program looks like right now. (and
>>>> what an
>>>>>> IPAQ looks like)
>>>>>> http://home.student.utwente.nl/j.gorter/SwordReader/
>>>>>> I have a question about the thml filters:
>>>>>> I use the thmlhtml filter to generate the HTML to display. How 
>>>>>> can
>>>> I get
>>>>>> the html formatted in such a way that the notes disappear (or 
>>>>>> move somehow), that red words of Christ are turned on (when 
>>>>>> available),
>>>> and
>>>>>> that other features (for example centered text in songs) are also
>>>> shown?
>>>>>> I hope someone can help me out here.
>>>>>> My (and I have faith it is also His) planning on the rest of the
>>>> project
>>>>>> is like this:
>>>>>> version 0.5 - The first version that I emailed to the list 
>>>>>> version 0.6 - The update version that I sent version 0.7 - this 
>>>>>> version (Source and compiled version in
>>>>>> http://ozy.student.utwente.nl/~drsoong/SwordReader0.7.zip)
>>>>>> version 0.8 - The find page implemented
>>>>>> version 0.9 - The first real beta version: downloadable from a
>>>> webpage,
>>>>>> a normal installer, an about screen, etc
>>>>>> Greetings from the Netherlands,
>>>>>> Johan
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