[sword-devel] Re: [sword-devel]polish bible valid against CoreOsis 2.0

ingo7 sword-devel@crosswire.org
Sun, 9 Nov 2003 14:50:12 +0100

> schultz wrote:
> I took the liberty to  insert verses tags in your osis text and have
> made some small changes . Now it is valid against CoreOSIS 2.0.
> I validated this  with Sun's Multi Schema Validator (MSV).
> The largest problem was to find the verses, because I do not speak
> Polish. :)

We've checked the text and versification is OK. We've only been asked by
the e-text copyright owner to change verse <rights> - instead of .org
should be .net:
<rights>eversion copyrights BIBLIA TM, biblia.elblag.net</rights>
Text (with only this one change) is here 

in His service,
