[sword-devel] BibleCS 1.5.4BetaK

Troy A. Griffitts sword-devel@crosswire.org
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 04:21:37 -0700

New Windows Beta available at:


Items completed:

     special module prefs are all defaulted if not assigned.
     strongs and footnote color turned back on.
     i18n should be complete for all forms.  Please see code at end of 
this message for _tr strings to add to the locale file.
     context hint popups should feel much nicer.

STILL TODO (please volunteer if you're interested in any of these):

     1) more bug fixes
     2) make unicode search work better    -OSK?
     3) make unicode search one line preview work    -OSK?
         About this, does TListView allow a cell (column) to be assigned 
a control class?  If so, could we use the TntEdit for the display?
     4) further printing enhancements   - DTROTZJR
     5) Change installmgr to use CURL so I can compile it again -TAG
     6) move much of installmgr functionality to engine (after 1.5.4?)
     7) get working bcb6 project files commited
     8) change more of our #verselist| logic to real tags (GBF or ThML) 
Specifically, TSK and Naves?    -OSK?
     9) BDB @ showing as letter in LORD entry 3063 and elsewhere    -OSK?

     10) change Save Layout/Bookmarks/etc prefs checkbox to AutoSave 
Layout/Bookmarks/etc -DTROTZJR
     11) Fix module font selection form (and others?) for large fonts. 

Locale code:

	tmp = _tr("BackBtnImage");
	if (strcmp("BackBtnImage", tmp)) {
		bitmap = pic->Bitmap;
	else bitmap = BackBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap;
	TColor transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0];
	ImageList1->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor);

	tmp = _tr("SearchBtnImage");
	if (strcmp("SearchBtnImage", tmp)) {
		bitmap = pic->Bitmap;
	else bitmap = SearchBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap;
	transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0];
	ImageList1->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor);
	bitmap = BookmarkBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap;
	transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0];
	ImageList2->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor);

	delete pic;
	// MainForm
	File1->Caption = _tr("&File");
	SaveLayout1->Caption = _tr("S&ave Layout");
	Exit1->Caption = _tr("E&xit");
	Edit1->Caption = _tr("&Edit");
	Copy1->Caption = _tr("&Copy");
	Copy2->Caption = _tr("&Copy");
	Copy3->Caption = _tr("&Copy");
	Copy4->Caption = _tr("&Copy");
	CopyasBGreekTransliteration1->Caption = _tr("Copy as &B-Greek 
	MenuItem1->Caption = _tr("Dictionary Lookup");
	Copy4->Caption = _tr("&Copy");
	Copy4->Caption = _tr("&Copy");
	Copy4->Caption = _tr("&Copy");
	Options2->Caption = _tr("Options");
	Options1->Caption = _tr("&Preferences...");
	Search1->Caption = _tr("&Search");
	NewSearchWindow1->Caption = _tr("&New Search Window");
	Tools1->Caption = _tr("&Tools");
	InstallManager1->Caption = _tr("Install Manager");
	Help1->Caption = _tr("&Help");
	Contents1->Caption = _tr("Contents");
	DevotionaloftheDay1->Caption = _tr("Devotional of the Day");
	About1->Caption = _tr("&About");
	Bookmarkbtn->Caption = _tr("Bookmark");
	DictionaryLookup1->Caption = _tr("Dictionary Lookup");
	DictionaryLookup2->Caption = _tr("Dictionary Lookup");
	EditEntry1->Caption = _tr("&Edit Entry");
	DeleteEntry1->Caption = _tr("&Delete Entry");
	LinktoVerse1->Caption = _tr("Link to Comment for Verse...");
	AddBookmark1->Caption = _tr("&Add Bookmark");
	EditBookmarks1->Caption = _tr("&Edit Bookmarks / Tree View...");
	HideShowModules1->Caption = _tr("Hide / Show Modules");

	// AboutBox
	AboutBox->Caption = _tr("About The SWORD Project");
	AboutBox->OKButton->Caption = _tr("OK");

	// bookmarkForm
	bookmarkForm->Caption = _tr("Bookmarks");

	// DevOfTheDay2
	DevOfTheDay2->Caption = _tr("Devotion for Today");
	DevOfTheDay2->ckShowTip->Caption = _tr("Show Devotional at Startup");
	DevOfTheDay2->btnOK->Caption = _tr("&Close");

	// EditEntryForm
	EditEntryForm->Caption = _tr("Edit Entry");
	EditEntryForm->Label1->Caption = _tr("Font Size:");
	// ModInstForm
	ModInstFrm->Caption = _tr("Found New Module...");
	ModInstFrm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK");	
	// ModVisForm
	ModVisForm->Caption = _tr("Check Modules To Show As Tabs");
	ModVisForm->modList->Columns->Items[0]->Caption = _tr("Module");
	ModVisForm->modList->Columns->Items[1]->Caption = _tr("Description");
	ModVisForm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK");
	ModVisForm->CancelBtn->Caption = _tr("Cancel");

	// NewBMfrm
	NewBMfrm->Caption = _tr("Add New Bookmark File");
	NewBMfrm->Label1->Caption = _tr("File Name (without extension):");
	NewBMfrm->Label2->Caption = _tr("Bookmark Section Title:");
	NewBMfrm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK");
	NewBMfrm->CancelBtn->Caption = _tr("Cancel");

	// OptionsForm
	Optionsfrm->Caption = _tr("Preferences");
	Optionsfrm->TabSheet1->Caption = _tr("General");
	Optionsfrm->TabSheet2->Caption = _tr("Special Modules");
	Optionsfrm->TabSheet3->Caption = _tr("Display");
	Optionsfrm->gbPersonalize->Caption = _tr("Personalize");
	Optionsfrm->AutoBMPersonal->Caption = _tr("Save Personal Bookmarks");
	Optionsfrm->AutoBMOther->Caption = _tr("Save Other Bookmarks");
	Optionsfrm->HintPopups->Caption = _tr("Show Hint Pop-ups");
	Optionsfrm->Label4->Caption = _tr("Language");
	Optionsfrm->AutoLayout->Caption = _tr("Save Screen Layout");
	Optionsfrm->HintStrongs->Caption = _tr("Show Hint Over Strongs Numbers");
	Optionsfrm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK");
	Optionsfrm->CancelBtn->Caption = _tr("Cancel");
	Optionsfrm->gbDefModules->Caption = _tr("Original Language Support - 
Default Modules");
	Optionsfrm->Label7->Caption = _tr("Definitions");
	Optionsfrm->Label8->Caption = _tr("Parsing");
	Optionsfrm->Label5->Caption = _tr("Greek");
	Optionsfrm->Label6->Caption = _tr("Hebrew");
	Optionsfrm->Label10->Caption = _tr("Strong's Numbered Text");
	Optionsfrm->gbDevos->Caption = _tr("Daily Devotionals");
	Optionsfrm->Label9->Caption = _tr("Default Devotional");
	Optionsfrm->devSplashCB->Caption = _tr("Show Devotional Splash Screen on 
	Optionsfrm->devsAsDictsCB->Caption = _tr("Show Devotionals as Dictionaries");
	Optionsfrm->gbGloss->Caption = _tr("Glossaries");
	Optionsfrm->glosAsDictsCB->Caption = _tr("Show Glossaries as Dictionaries");
	Optionsfrm->gbColors->Caption = _tr("Display Colors");
	Optionsfrm->Label2->Caption = _tr("Preview");
	Optionsfrm->Label3->Caption = _tr("Module Type");
	Optionsfrm->Label14->Caption = _tr("Scheme");
	Optionsfrm->Label11->Caption = _tr("Text Font");
	Optionsfrm->btnFont->Caption = _tr("Select Font...");
	Optionsfrm->Label13->Caption = _tr("Verse Number Color");
	Optionsfrm->btnNumClr->Caption = _tr("Select Color...");
	Optionsfrm->AutoVSColor->Caption = _tr("Current Verse Color");
	Optionsfrm->btnCurrVerse->Caption = _tr("Select Color...");
	Optionsfrm->Label15->Caption = _tr("Combo/Edit Fields");
	Optionsfrm->btnFieldClr->Caption = _tr("Select Color...");
	Optionsfrm->Label1->Caption = _tr("Individual Modules (Font Only)");
	Optionsfrm->btnModFonts->Caption = _tr("Select Font...");

	// RangeMaintForm
	RangeMaintForm->Caption = _tr("Maintain Custom Ranges");
	RangeMaintForm->Label1->Caption = _tr("Range Name");
	RangeMaintForm->Label2->Caption = _tr("Range Text");
	RangeMaintForm->Label3->Caption = _tr("eg. mat-jo;rev4");
	RangeMaintForm->SpeedButton1->Caption = _tr("&Add");
	RangeMaintForm->SpeedButton2->Caption = _tr("&Remove");
	RangeMaintForm->SpeedButton3->Caption = _tr("&Save");
	RangeMaintForm->SpeedButton4->Caption = _tr("&Cancel");

	// searchForm
	searchForm->Caption = _tr("Search...");
	searchForm->searchBtn->Caption = _tr("Search");
	searchForm->searchTypeGroup->Caption = _tr("Search Type");
	searchForm->searchTypeGroup->Items->CommaText = _tr("\"Mult 
Word\",\"Phrase\",\"Regular Expression\"");
	searchForm->caseSensitiveCkBx->Caption = _tr("Case Sensitive");
	searchForm->searchOptionsGroup->Caption = _tr("Search Options");
	searchForm->scopeGroup->Caption = _tr("Scope");
	searchForm->scopeGroup->Items->CommaText = _tr("\"Entire 
Module\",\"Current Results\",\"Custom Range\"");
	searchForm->customRangeBtn->Caption = _tr("Define Custom Range");
	searchForm->resultsLV->Columns->Items[0]->Caption = _tr("Reference");
	searchForm->resultsLV->Columns->Items[1]->Caption = _tr("Preview...");

	// VerseSelFrm
	VerseSelFrm->Caption = _tr("Type Verse");
	VerseSelFrm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OkBtn");
	VerseSelFrm->CancelBtn->Caption = _tr("Cancel");

	// VerseListFrm
	VerseListFrm->Caption = _tr("Verse List");