FW: [sword-devel] Official Logo: We need one?!

Gary Amirault sword-devel@crosswire.org
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 20:23:00 -0600

I don't like a sword at all. The Sword Revelation is taking about is a Word
that can divide between soul and spirit, between bone and marrow. The Sword
and the red Cross is a reminder of when the church became militant under
Constantine; an apostate church. It's a reminder of the Crusades where the
church became an instrument of Satan under the Cross and the Sword. I think
a symbol which represents a discerning Word would be a better symbol of the
truth behind what the Sword in Jesus' mouth actually means. A physical sword
does NOT convey the Truth. And many ministries and churches who like to tout
the Sword as part of their logo are often hard, pharisaic and unchristlike.
One of the Churches I was a part of had a sword across the Bible as their
logo. It always gave me a cold feeling. And the church was very pharisaical
so the sword was actually a reflection of their attitude. Find a symbol for
the Word as Truth which divided the Truth from Lies, darkness from light.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sword-devel@crosswire.org
[mailto:owner-sword-devel@crosswire.org]On Behalf Of Jorge Chacón
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 1:57 PM
To: sword-devel@crosswire.org
Subject: RE: [sword-devel] Official Logo: We need one?!


I actually like the downward pointing sword.  It makes me think about
two things: first of the double-edged sword of the Spirit, and also
reminds me of the cross, due to its shape.

I would not change anything in it, but if you do, keep in mind the two
points above, as for me they are what make the current image a powerful


Hey Everyone,

	As I see that I will be sending letters out to copyright holders
really, really soon. I am putting together the last little bit of
touches to the whole process that includes having a professional looking
letterhead, which means I need a logo for The SWORD Project (you know if
anyone wants to help me out and provide me with a good finished
letterhead e-mail me.) What are people's opinion is the logo on the
website (http://www.crosswire.org/sword/) professional looking enough to
be used. Should we have a different one? Anyone still interested in a
logo contest? I am still willing to front some money for a prize for the
logo contest.

In Christ,