[sword-devel] Apocrypha?

Don A. Elbourne Jr. sword-devel@crosswire.org
Sun, 6 Aug 2000 05:35:55 -0500

> Whether we would handle such works like we do Bibles or as General Books
> is kind of a toss up.   Perhaps, ideally we could make a General Book
> class where modules carried their own indexing formats with them.  For
> example, some books might just support lookups by chapter--like your
> average novel.  A collection of Pseudepigrapha might support lookups in
> the book "chapter:verse format" like biblical lookups.  And (something I'd
> be quite interested in seeing) the works of Josephus could be queried by
> their standard "work book.chapter.verse" (e.g. Antiquities 1.2.3) format.
> --Chris Little

I think this is a great idea. I've been lurking on this list a while and
there seems to be some opposition to open the Sword Project up to general
works and I still have not put my finger on why this is. I for one would
love to have the stuff from CCEL and other places available in a tightly
integrated searchable interface.

Since I'm not a programmer I probably ought to keep my mouth shut. :-) But I
would be capable and willing to mark up texts in ThML for use in the Sword

Don A. Elbourne Jr.