[sword-devel] Tech question: a comnmentary by any other name, and season's greetings

Troy A. Griffitts sword-devel@crosswire.org
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 01:58:24 -0700

Welcome back.

> I am unsure how to rename the
> personal commentary module to something more specific so that I may download
> more Personal Commentary modules and work on more than one at  a time.

It's not much more complicated then just renaming a few files.

1) rename the directory for your commentary data, eg.
	cd /usr/share/sword/modules/comments/rawfiles
	mv personal mystuff

2) rename your .conf file, eg.
	cd /usr/share/sword/mods.d
	mv personal.conf mystuff.conf

3) edit your .conf file to reflect the new directory name and module
name, eg.
	[Personal], to:

	DataPath=./modules/comments/rawfiles/personal/, to:

4) reinstall the personal commentary module

This should do it.  Let me know if you run into troubles.


> Something tells me that it is a tad  more complicated than a simple "rename
> file" command.  If this has been addressed already and I'm merely flogging a
> dead horse then I apologize but any assistance in this matter will be
> greatly appreciated.