[sword-svn] r3134 - in trunk: include src/modules/common

Chris Little chrislit at crosswire.org
Mon Mar 17 04:18:46 MST 2014

On 03/17/2014 03:45 AM, DM Smith wrote:
> Chris,
> I thought that the \r\n was part of the module specification. I'll need to verify that such a change doesn't hurt JSword. I don't think it will.
> DM

You mean the specification that we define via code? :)

I'm pretty sure it's just extra junk at the end of the entry since the 
comments specifically indicate it's just there for readability (of the 
data files). Reading RawCom modules with the code change seems to work 
fine. The only code I see dependent upon particular character looks for 

That said, it's easy enough to switch to use "\r\n" consistently, but 
omitting the '\r' saves us about 32k on a full uncompressed Bible. 
(Admittedly that's not so meaningful since we don't publish uncompressed 
zVerse- or zStr-keyed modules anymore.)


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