[osis-users] Some more footnote questions

Chris Little chrislit at crosswire.org
Fri Feb 22 22:55:16 MST 2013

On 2/21/2013 7:32 AM, Markku Pihlaja wrote:
> *Case 3) If I have a footnote that explains a range two (OR MORE)
> adjacent verses and obviously has the asterisk once somewhere in the
> range, how should the markup look?*
>     <verse sID="Matt. 23:7" osisID="Matt.23.7" />ja ovat hyvillään, kun
>     ihmiset toreilla tervehtivät heitä ja kutsuvat heitä
>     rabbiksi*.<verse eID="Matt. 23:7" /></p>
>     <p><verse sID="Matt. 23:8" osisID="Matt.23.8" />»Älkää te antako
>     kutsua itseänne rabbiksi, sillä teillä on vain yksi opettaja ja te
>     olette kaikki veljiä.<verse eID="Matt. 23:8" />
> Here, the note applies to the whole range of verses 7 and 8, even though
> the asterisk is just at the end of 7.
> I'd guess the osisRef for the note to be "Matt.23.7-Matt.23.8", but what
> about the osisID? Should it contain the info about the longer range or
> should it just contain the one verse it happens to be positioned in (and
> again let the osisRef indicate the info about several verses)?

This osisRef looks perfect. The osisID is your choice, but 
Matt.23.7!note would be my recommendation.

Side note: If this is actual markup you have cut & pasted from your 
document, I would recommend changing the sID and eID values to match the 
osisID of the element on which they appear. What you have is technically 
valid, but I've only ever seen texts use legal osisID values here. I'm 
not honestly sure why sID and eID values are so unrestricted.


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