[osis-core] Users Manual Bug List
Chris Little
Sat, 31 Jan 2004 22:07:33 -0700 (MST)
Patrick's Users Manual Bug List follows since he is having computer
The deadline for comments is the 15th--after which those of us who are NOT
Patrick or Steve have to live with the resolutions decided by those of us
who ARE Patrick or Steve. (Vote early & vote often.)
1. Introduction
This is a comprehensive listing of the errors, comments and bugs that have
been submitted on the OSIS Users Manual, with their submitters and their
2. Versions/Editions
How to specify editions/versions (e.g. article edition "1.3.2" or "second
edition") of books/articles in OSIS? I've found nothing in OSIS 1.5.
Submitted by: Victor Porton (porton@ex-code.com; http://ex-code.com)
3. OSIS IDs for own articles
what should be osisID for _my own_ articles? Submitted by: Victor Porton
(porton@ex-code.com; http://ex-code.com)
4. Email element
Please add <email> element (or attribute of <creator> element) in OSIS to
specify author's email. Submitted by: Victor Porton (porton@ex-code.com;
5. newTerm
Element to mark the first time a term is used in a text, such as <hi
type="newterm"< or new element, or <seg> with appropriate attribute.
Submitted by: Victor Porton (porton@ex-code.com; http://ex-code.com)
6. Q in transChange
I am trying to encode the following text (Matt 16:14): 14They said, "Some
<say, 'He is> John the Baptist,' but others, 'Elijah,' and others,
'Jeremiah or one of the prophets.'" In this text, <..> should translate to
<transChange type="added"> This means that I get
<verse osisID="Matt.16.14>
They said, <q>Some <transChange type="added"> say, <q
sID="Matt.16.14.q.1"/>He is</transChange> <name type="human">John the
Baptist</name>,<q eID="Matt.16.14.q.1"/> but others, <q><name
type="human">Elijah</name>,</q> and others, <q><name
type="human">Jeremiah</name> or one of the prophets.</q></q></verse>
The problem with this is that <transChange> does not allow a <q> element
to appear in it. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
Resolution: I suggested:
<verse osisID="Matt.16.14>They said, <q>Some say, <q
sID="Matt.16.14.q.1"/><transChange>He is</transChange> <name
type="human">John the Baptist</name>, but others, <name
type="human">Elijah</name>, and others, <name type="human">Jeremiah</name>
or one of the prophets.</q></verse>
at least based on the presentation of the text in the NIV.
Followup note from Jim makes it clear that he wants <transChange> to cross
element boundaries. From my followup post to Jim:
When you say:
> I cannot milestone a transChange, and I
> cannot start a speech (or a quote) inside of a transChange.
You do not mean that the <speech> or <q> should be
contained inside the <transChange>? Correct?
In other words, what you are really looking for is for
<transChange> to become milestoneable such that you can start a
<q> or <speech> inside a <transChange>?
Taking your earlier example:
"Some <say, 'He is> John the Baptist,'
You want:
<q>Some <transChange sID="0101" type="added"/>say <q>He is<transChange
eID="0101"> John the Baptist,</q></q>
So it is <transChange> being able to cross element boundaries
(along with the appropriate content models) that is the issue?
Sorry, you're right, I missed that from the original post.
The other question will be, what advantages/disadvantages are there to the
<q>Some <transChange type="added">say</transChange><q><transChange
type="added">He is</transChange> John the Baptist</q></q>
Captures the <transChange> without crossing the boundaries.
May need to look at where transChange can occur, presently:
Children of <transChange>
More comments from Jim on a solution: Yes, you now have the sense of the
issue. My suggestion would be to keep <transChanges> as non-milestone
able, but to allow for a <q> milestone (and relatives) to be placed inside
of it. I would be leery of the suggestion of breakin g up the
<transChange> as you make it much harder to determine where to place the
brackets (using my scheme to mark these items) and generally any notes on
the <transChange> want to apply to the entire item.
7. UTF-8 Encoding?
Section 5: Are you only allowing UTF-8 encoding? This is implied from the
text that the first line must be copied exactly. This is not a requirement
(although is the ususal case) for XML. You could, for example, use UTF-16.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
Resolution: Changed the text in the manual.
8. Specify Reference Scheme
Section 5: There is a statement that every osisText needs to specify the
reference scheme, but none of the schemes listed are in the osisText
statement. Nor is the attribute needed to do this referencing stated.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
9. Discussion of osisRefWork
Section 5: discussion is missing on osisRefWork attribute Submitted by:
Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
10. Need reference to latter lang discussion
Section 5: discussion is missing on lang attribute (reference to later
section would be sufficent). Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
11. Date format inconsistency
Section 7.1 - The date format is inconsistant between here and section
7.5. one uses hh:mm:ss and the other uses hh.mm.ss. Also in section 7.3.4.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
12. Need example with resp attribute
Section 7.1 - Example should be using the resp attribute as
document.Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
13. Typo: osisIDRef to osisIDWork
Section 7.2 - change "osisIDRef" to "osisIDWork" in the second paragraph.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
14. What can osisRefs reference?
Section 7.2 - "can then be referred to from osisIDs or osisRefs" I would
have though that all osisIDs must be fore the current (containing) work.
osisRefs can refer to other works but not osisIDs? -------EXPLAIN------
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
15. Explain short names
Section 7.2 - Text describing short names appears to allow for astricks.
Correct discription would be "Short names consist of letters, numbers and
the underscore character." Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
16. Element order swapped in manual
Section 7.3 - contributor and creator order is swapped from schema
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
17. Attribute out of order in manual
Section 7.3 - type is out of order from schema Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
18. Language and identifier out of order
Section 7.3 - language and identifier order is swapped from
schemaSubmitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
19. List order of Elements
Section 7.3 - should have a list of the order of the elements. This should
not need to be implied from the examples - where the examples do not list
every element. Either that or the sentence "must be encoded in the order
shown here." Should be removed. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
20. Order of elements question (compare to schema)
Section 7.* - Are these suppose to be in the same order as the schema?
It's not even close. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
21. Appendix D - Retitling
Section 7.3.2 - Appendix D is titled Contributor roles, but is referenced
from the creator not the contributor section. I suggest referencing from
both locations and changing to "Creator and Contributor Roles" Submitted
by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
22. Cira dates?
Section 7.3.4 - How do I specify a date a cira? If one is looking at say,
Mark, one might say original is dated cira 0070. --- Response: 7.5 ~0070
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
23. Preference or equivalency for language declarations?
Seciton 7.3.6 - Given the number of different ways that I can specify the
language to be english, do we need to have some type of equivancy tables?
Or is there an order of preference for using the different types?
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
24. OSIS type?
Seciton 7.3.7 - If there is an OSIS type, then the legal types need to be
listed here. If there is not an OSIS type, then remove it from the
example. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
25. Define OSIS type
Section 7.3.8 - Need to define the content of type="OSIS" for identifier
so we know what to expect here. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
26. DC:description element question
Section 7.3.10 - If description is a simple content, then it is difficult
to put complex data like tables of contents into it and make it usable.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
27. typo in layout of manual
Section - I believe this should be up a level in the heirarchy.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
28. duplicate of prior section
Section - I believe this is a duplicate of section 7.3.7
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
29. osisRef attribute missing from example
Section - States scope elements must have an osisRef attribute,
but this is missing in the example in section 4. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
30. Text elements in canonical order?
Section - If the reference is in canonical order, are text
eleemnts within the actual text required to be in canonical order as well?
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
31. Where's the third date format?
Section 7.5: States there are 3 standard date formats, but only two are
listed. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
32. Years have 4 digits?
Section 7.5: Please remove requirement that years always have four digits.
The year 0039 obscures what is trying to be read. Simply stating that
years may not be abbrivated by dropping the centry is sufficent for what
you want. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
33. Example of date dropping year?
Section 7.5: Please provide a n example of a date dropping the year. Is
this 03-15 or -03-15? What is the iteraction of this with comment 28
above? Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
34. BCE (Gregorian and Julian only)
Section 7.5: Qualify the comment on BCE as refering to the Gregorian and
Julian calanders only. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
35. Weekly to daily?
Section 7.5: I suggest changing weekly to daily. Weekly would indicate a
number of 1 to 53 for me and refer to the weeks of a year. Submitted by:
Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
36. Possible error in date expression
Section 7.5: in weekly, why is it not nThh.mm.ss? Submitted by: Jim
Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
37. When is date prefix needed?
Section 7.5: no discussion exists on when the prefix tag is needed and
when it is not needed. In other locations the yearly prefix appears to be
missing (i.e. <change><date>2003-09-11</date></change> Submitted by: Jim
Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
38. hh is 24 hour or 12 hour clock
Section 7.5: Is the hh in the time field based on a 24 hour clock or a 12
hour clock? Is there ever a need to make this field based on UCT (GMT)
time rather than local time? Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
39. Problem with named syntax format
Section 7.5: I have a problem with your named time syntax. What I expect
is not what is demonstrated. Issues: 1. Is the tilda character actually
allowed. 2. Are the parens necessary or just window dressing? Submitted
by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
40. titlePage not allowed inside osis (and?)
Section 8: titlePage is not allowed in the osis element according to the
schema. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
41. div after titlepage (traditional view)
Section 9: The first div element should occur after the titlepage if on
exists else the header. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
42. Remove div type (chapter)
Section 9: I would suggest removing the "ok-ness" of <div type="chapter"/>
as this makes an implementer's life harder. Use a single method of doing
things an more people get it right. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
43. Typo in example
Section 10: Verse Esth.4.13 is missing a <q> and has a ". (ends in
Esth.4.14) Verse Esth.4.16 hash both <q> and ". NOTE: This breaks the
statement that nesting is nice. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
44. Typo in example
Section 12.1.1: Example does not demonstrate the point being made. I think
you needed to add some <p> markers or get a different item. Submitted by:
Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
45. Correct example
Section 12.4: Need either <q> or <speech> for Acts.7.3 Delete " start of
Acts.7.4 speech needed for Acts.7.6 (god spoke) Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
46. typo
Section 12.7: I think yo mean to say 'simply n="24" ' since you are
dealing with a line break not a page break. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
47. Error in examples
Section 13.10: I believe that you need to separate the two examples (acts
and dan). Additionally the acts version is missing a <verse/>. Submitted
by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
48. Add examples for reference
Section 13.13: Please add text on the three types used in quotes.
(initial, medial &final) Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
49. Reference, use better example
Section 14: example using the reference does not have a /> on the end of
the reference. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
50. Presentation suggestion
Section 14.1: in the last sentence, I suggest putting quotes around the
two items since the command and trailing period are confusing to look at.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
51. Opsy, error in osisID!
Section 14.6: The example has "josephus-war:loeb:245.22" as an osisID, but
this is an illeagal id. Only one : is allowed. Should be
"josephus_war_loeb:245.22" Question: Pattern seems to only allow _ not -.
Is this correct? (hyphen is not a N or an L or a _) Submitted by: Jim
Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
52. Addition: second parameter for occurrence on s?
Section 15.1: I like the fact that s is provided, however it needs to have
a second parameter, the occurrence to find. I.e. find the 3rd occurrence
of "the" in the text. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
53. Combining ! and @ in a single reference? order?
Section 15: Can I combine both ! And @ in a single reference? If so what
is the order -- not specified. (order is : ! @ based on the schema)
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
54. Is Fred..3 a legal reference?
Schema: From the schema it appears that Fred..3 is a legal reference. I
believe you have two * in a row when you meant to have a + then a *
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
55. How does reference state a versification scheme?
Section 16: It states that a reference can state what versification scheme
is used. But this does not seem to be true based on anything that I have
seen either in the schema or in the text. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
56. Sample document is not valid.
Section 17.1.1: Based on the requirements in this section, the sample
document in section 4 is not a valid OSIS document. [Missing creator, date
in word. Missing revision element. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
57. Gen. is not valid main part of osisID
Section 21.2: Gen. is not a valid main part of an osisID. (ditto section
22.2) Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
58. prefix en?
Section 29.1.1: Where is the prefix en: suppose to be going? This is not
good to put into a work short name. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
59. Spelling and grammar errors
Just marked the corrections accepted with an asterisk on the number:
Grammer And Spelling: -- feel free to ignore these.
1. Section 2: "Many such program are" --> "Many such programs are"
2. Section 3: "of this kinds is" --> "of this kind is"
3. Seciton 6: "overidden" --> "overridden"
4. Section 6: "judgements" --> "judgments"
5. Section 7.2: "hypens" --> "hyphens"
6. Section 7.2: "declaring a short name, and using it later as a prefix,
is very" (added a comma after name)
7. Section 7.3.4: "Date elements in the" --> "Date element in the"
There is only one element even if it occurs multiple times.
8. Section 7.3.5: "indentify" --> "identify"
9. Section 7.3.5: "one publisher, and" -- inserted a comma.\
10. Section 7.3.7: "occcur" --> "occur"
11. Section 7.3.14: "have been prepared" --> "has been prepared"
12. Section 7.4: "The six elements already described" There is no
reference to what six elements are to be noted and there were more than
six elements just described.
13. Section 7.5: "string (include any leading underscore) is" as text is
written _~5000 seems to be legal.
14. Section 7.5: "the the" --> "the"
15. Section 7.5: "chgronological" --> "chronological"
16. Section 10: "First" --> First"
16a. Section 10: "meanining" --> "meaning"
17. Section 11: "would appears as" --> "would appear as"
18. Section 12.1.2: "For example (RSV):" --> "For example:"
19. Section 12.3: (I don't have my NRSV handy to check this one) "lilly"
-> lily" (twice)
20. Section 12.4: "repesented" --> "represented"
21. Section 12.4: "occassion" -> "occasion"
22. Section 12.5.2: "poety" -> "poetry"
23. Section 12.6.3: "imortant" -> "important"
24. Section 12.6: "dicitonary" -> "dictionary"
25. Section 12.6.1: "valuess" -> "values"
26. Section 12.7: "simpley" ---> "simply"
27. Section 12.7: "setting attribute" --> "setting the attribute"
28. Section 13.4: "chose" --> "choose"
29. Section 13.4: "diplay" -> "display"
30. Section 13.12: "divineName Different forms" --> "divineName.
Different forms"
31. Section 13.14: "lilly" --> "lily"
32. Section 13.15: "Aplified Bible" --> "Amplified Bible"
33. Section 13.16: "commets" --> "comments"
34. Section 13.17: "tranliteration" --> "transliteration"
35. Section 14: "refererence" --> "reference"
36. Section 14: "for for" --> "for"
37. Section 14.2: Either "Apostolic Fathers" or "apostolic fathers"
38. Section 17.1.1: "actualy" --> "actually"
39. Section 17.1.4: "Blble" --> "Bible"
40. Section 18: "Implementors" --> "Implementers" (twice)
41. Section 20.1: "borad" --> "broad"
42. Section 20.2.1: "mediatation" --> "meditation"
43. Section 20.2.1: "studyguide" --> "study guide"
44. Section "this enumerations" --> "these enumerations"
45. Section 20.2.7: "columnMarks" --> "column Marks"
46. Section 20.2.11: "tites" --> "titles"
47. Section 21: "adventerous" --> "adventurous"
48. Section 21.3: "and other are not" --> "and others are not" (ditto
section 22.3)
49. Section 22: "addiional" --> "additional"
50. Section 22.4: "mimimum" --> "minimum" (twice)
51. Section 22.4: "brakets" --> "brackets" (twice)
52. Seciton 22.4: "limiation" --> "limitation"
53. Section 23: "responsiblefor" --> "responsible for"
54. Section 31: "othe" --> "other"
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
60. Removal of divTitle attribute
I am curious about the reasoning behind the removal of the divTitle
attribute. The presence of this attribute allows for fast lookup of title
information. Needing to search down for a title (and possibly
differenciating between different title elements) seems to be difficult.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
61. Single method: container or milestone?
Section 11: In the first bullet item it says that you must use a single
method in an entire text. Does this mean an osisText or an osis document?
Does this mean that one needs to go back and change all verse elements to
verse milestones the first time you insert a single verse milestone? Just
double checking. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
62. eID and sID on same element?
Section 11: Does it make sense to be able to put both an eID and an sID on
the same element? i.e. <verse osisID="Matt.5.2" sID="Matt.5.2"
eID="Matt.5.1/>? Is this considered legal? Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
63. References to genealogies
Section 12.6: Title section header lists genealogies, but the content does
not have any references to genealogies. Submitted by: Jim Schaad,
64. Person to human
Section 13.12: I would suggest changing "person" to "human". As things
stand I don't know the definition of a human. Is Frodo a person or a
nonhuman. The two are not mutually exclusive. (Yes I know there is a big
argument about the question of Jesus and his humanity, but I think that
can be ignored for this purpose, although one might be able to argue that
all references to Jesus and to The Holy Spirit in John should be marked
with divineName as they are all part of the Deity. Personally I fall into
the Arian camp, but that is neither here nor there.) Submitted by: Jim
Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
65. Searches limited to scope of base references?
Section 15.1: contains an example of a paragraph with an osisRef="Matt.1.1
Matt.1.2 Matt.1.3", but this does not seem to be of reality. Based on the
text I assume that searches are limited to the scope of the base
reference. So Gen.1.1@s[Adam] will fail to resolve, while Gen.1@s[Adam]
would resolve. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
66. Parameters for extended syntax conflict in rules
Section 15.1 &Section 22.3: Are the parameters placed in (), [] or {}? Or
any of the above as long as they match. The rules in 15.1 and the examples
in 22.3 don't agree. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
67. Canonical and divs
Section 6: I believe there is a problem with canonical and the div object.
This object has a default value of false rather than true or inherit. This
means that I must set it to be true on all div objects (such as books)
that contain canonical text. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
68. Canonical ordering on elements
I think it would be worthwhile to add a section on "conical" ordering of
elements in an OSIS document. I was looking at a pargraph that was an
entire verse and an entire quote. According to my calculations the
arrangement of these three elements alone (without the problems of adding
notes, titles and other such things) is that there are 24 different
encodings to start the paragraph with. This is just too much different
ways for my poor style sheet to handle, although not a huge issue for the
programmic methods of doing display that can build and keep state while
crossing the different items. Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
69. Extraction of chapters
Possible addition for consideration: To facilitate the extraction of
chapters from the text, it would be nice to be able to add <q> and
<speech> elements at the beginning of divisions (such as chapter) in order
to have history of these elements moved forward. I would suggest tagging
them with an attribute of cID that matches the correct sID and eID.
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
70. Getting quote marks correct
I am looking at trying to get my quote marks correct. I believe
that the way to determine this is as follows:
A) obtain the correct root for this node - this would either be the
osisText/div or div[@type="book"] ancestor of this node.
B) obtain all q and speech nodes that are predecessors of this node,
including this node.
C) remove all q[@type="block"] nodes from the list
D) Level = count of nodes with sID - count of nodes with eID
E) Add to Level the number of speech and q nodes where @type!="block" in
the ancestor tree.
F) Emit no quote if Level== 0, " if Level==odd, ' if Level==even
Submitted by: Jim Schaad, jimsch@nwlink.com
71. Another Bible Name
HNV Hebrew Names Version of the World English Bible, also known as the
World English Bible: Messianic Edition (WEBME) Submitted by: Michael Paul
Johnson, mpg@eBible.org
72. event/events to replace role/roles
To be consistent with osisCore.2.0.xsd, section 7.3.4 of the OSIS 2.0.1
User's Manual should be edited to replace "role" and "roles" with "event"
and "events". The colons should be changed to periods in the last line of
the section, since the OSIS dates use periods for separators. A suggested
sample might clarify things:
For example,
<date event="edition" type="Gregorian">1749</date>
<date event="eversion" type="Gregorian">2003-12-30</date>
It might be good to suggest that software reading OSIS texts always assume
Gregorian dates unless otherwise specified. Submitted by: Michael Paul
Johnson, mpg@eBible.org
73. typo
In section 7.3.7, change occcur to occur. Submitted by: Michael Paul
Johnson, mpg@eBible.org
74. change working on revision
In section 7.1, "change" should be changed to "revisionDesc" to be
consistent with the corresponding xsd. Submitted by: Michael Paul Johnson,
75. xml:lang inheritance
Since XML defines the inheritance of xml:lang in terms of element
containment, the value doesn't inherit onto the content of a
milestone-delimited element. This is a potential problem. We could easily
state that OSIS applications are also supposed to inherit lang through
milestone-delimited elements, but I don't see any way to specify the real
meaning of that unambiguously. If you've got several phenomena
overlapping, just whose "lang" is in effect at any given time? (Derose)
We can say in prose that you can't put xml:lang on a milestone container
but we would have to leave the attribute on the element because they are
used for both milestones and traditional XML containers. (Tillinghast)
May I suggest that for the cases where quotes are of different languages
from the XML hierarchy AND the quote container is milestones, that we
suggest that people add in <seg> elements to carry the xml:lang attribute
in conjunction with the other elements in the XML hierarchy.
(Tillinghast). Submitted by: Steve Derose, sdrose@acm.org
76. OSIS codes for Bible Editions
29. Standard OSIS Codes for Bible Editions All Bible Edition codes must
have the language code for the target language in question, then a colon,
then the abbreviation shown here. Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer,
77. Ancient language editions
29.1. Ancient language editions Steph Stephanus GNT, 1551 Vul Latin
Vulgate, 1405 Erasmus Latin translation by Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus,
1516 Mas Masoretic text (various, ~900-1100) BHS Biblia Hebraica
Stuttgartsiensa NA Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament (may suffix edition
number, such as "NA27") LXX Greek Septuagint Submitted by: Daniel
Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
78. What language code to use?
Which language code has to be used to specify the translation? IANA, IETF,
ISO-639-1, ISO-639-2, ISO-639-2-B, ISO-639-2-T, LINGUIST or SIL? What is
the language code for the "BHS"? The 'hebrew' bible contains biblical
hebrew and biblical aramaic. Is the Code for LXX "gr:LXX" or "GKO:LXX" or
"GRK:LXX"? Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
79. No language code defined
29.1.2. Non-English Modern Languages Thousands of additional languages
have Bibles or portions; most of these have only one translation in the
language. In those cases the language code as defined elsewhere in OSIS
may be used, with no following name required. Submitted by: Daniel
Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
It sure is simple to handle it that way, but what will happen, in case
someone offers another translation in this language? Then there are two
versions and you would have to find another way to give a translation type
or the first written version will block the short form. Older versions of
OSIS-texts have to be modified. I think it's better to build a type of
database of OSIS standard codes over the time with a name for every known
bible translation.
Luther German by Martin Luther, 1534
Algonquin Tr. John Eliot, 1662
ReinaV Spanish Reina Valera
80. German Bible editions
The German translation of the bible by Luther in 1534 is "de:Luther". Is
the 1984 revision then "de:Luther1984" if there is no standard OSIS codes
for bible editions yet? So I make a recommendation for German versions
next section. Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
81. Defaults for other osisRefWork?
There is a default value for the optional osisRefWork- attribute (Bible).
Are there other given standard attributes like "comment", "lexica", "book"
or "article"? Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
82. Translations by the author?
How to mark up verses within a text that are not directly taken from a
given (published) translation, but are translated by the author of the
book or article? Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
83. OSIS Codes for German Bibles
29. Standard OSIS Codes for Bible Editions
29.1.3. German Editions (prefix "de:")
Most common editions in German language
Luther - German by Martin Luther, 1534
Luther1912 - German by Martin Luther, unrevised edition, 1912
Luther1984 - German by Martin Luther, revised edition, 1984
ELO - German Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder, 1905
ELB - German Elberfelder Bibel, revidierte Fassung, 1993
EIN - German Einheitsübersetzung der Heiligen Schrift,
Schlachter - German Schlachter Version, 1951
GN - German Gute Nachricht
GNa - German Gute Nachricht, with apocrypha
HFA - German Hoffnung für alle
HFA02 - German Hoffnung für alle, revidierte Fassung, 2002
Bengel - German Bengel NT (scope: NT)
Zink - German by Jörg Zink, 1998
BRZ - German by Buber-Rosenzweig (scope: OT)
Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
84. Table example
12.6.4 table
OSIS provides only very rudimentary tables: a table consists of
rows, which in turn consist of cells. Formatting and layout is
not part of the table markup; it can either be done
automatically, as in HTML browsers, or by inserting some signal
to the layout engine, such as type attributes or processing
instructions. Note that a *table* can be nested inside another
*table*. Simply start a new *table* element inside a *cell*
You can specify how many rows and columns there are with the
attributes "rows" and "cols", but this is optional.
In the *head* section you give the table a title or small
<table cols="2" rows="2">
A detailed example is in "12.6.6 cell" below.
Note again: OSIS provides no attributes or elements to layout the
table, rows and cells, like "width", "cellspacing" or "align" in
(X)HTML. All this has to be done by the rendering software or the
browser. Here is an example out of an XSL-file for XHTML output:
<xsl:stylesheet version = '1.0'
<xsl:template match="table">
<table class="tab2" border="1">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:template match="row">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:template match="cell">
<td class="tabhigh">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
12.6.5 row
*row* is the element that binds together a number of cells for a
line. The use is similar to the (X)HTML element <tr>.
12.6.6 cell
Due to the fact that table cells in printed publications can
contain nearly anything, nearly anything is allowed in OSIS'
*cell*s . even verses and other tables.
<table cols="3" rows="4">
<head>Settlement of the three patriarchs</head>
<cell>The group of</cell>
<cell>settled nearby</cell>
<cell>belonged to the tribe of</cell>
<cell><name type="person">Abraham</name></cell>
<cell><name type="geographic">Mamre</name>
<name type="geographic">Hebron</name>
(eg. <reference osisRef="Gen.18">Gen 18</reference>,
<reference osisRef="Gen.13.18">Gen 13:18</reference> or
<reference osisRef="Gen.14.13">Gen 14:13</reference>. And
more in the south:
<reference osisRef="Gen.12.9">Gen 12:9</reference> or
<reference osisRef="Gen.13.1">Gen 13:1</reference>)
<cell><name type="x-group">Caleb</name> (
<reference osisRef="Num.13">Num 13</reference>) and
<name type="x-group">Judah</name>).
<cell><name type="person">Isaac</name></cell>
<cell><name type="geographic">Beersheba</name>
(<reference osisRef="Gen.26.23-Gen.26.33">Gen 26:23-33
<name type="geographic">Beerlahairoi</name>
in the South (<reference osisRef="Gen.24.62">Gen 24:62
<cell><name type="x-group">Simeon</name>
in the South and
<name type="x-group">Joseph</name>
in the North
<cell><name type="person">Jacob</name></cell>
<name type="geographic">Sichem</name>
and <name type="geographic">Bethel</name>
<cell><name type="x-group">Reuben</name>, later
<name type="x-group">Ephraim-Manasseh</name>
This example shows the use of *table*, *row* and *cell*. You see
that in a cell you are free to use other elements from the OSIS
scheme. Here esp. *name* and *reference*.
Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
85. Figure example
12.6.7. figure Another example for <figure> showing the use of the
<figure src="dore1.jpg"
alt="Woodcut by G. Dore, titled The Agony in the Garden"
<caption>The Agony in the Garden by Gustave Dore,
<index index="illustrations" index1="woodcuts" index2="Dore,
Gustave" index3="Agony"/>
<note type="allusion">DORE, Gustave, grafic artist, painter and
sculptor, born 1/6/1832 in Strasburg, died 1/23/1883 in
Paris. - For over 90 books of world literature he has
created woodcutten illustrations and is especially known
for his illustraions of the bible. This work here is an
example for his extraordinary talent.</note>
A correction of the given example is in the errata block. Submitted by:
Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
86. OSISID extensions
21. osisIDs: Construction Rules &22. osisRefs: Construction Rules I
thought of another possible extension as example: Eg. Gen.18!J for the
part of the "Jahwist", E for the "Elohist", P for the "Priest" and so on.
Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
87. Links to subject catalogs
Links to the subject classification systems If authors are not librarians
or doing classifications on a regular basis they have to "learn" it (if
they want to do so). It would be helpful if there were links to websites
or books provided, where one can get information. Submitted by: Daniel
Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
88. History of core elements
History of Changes &Conversion-Tools There should be a history of changes
in the OSIS core scheme in the appendix of the manual. This ,would make it
easier to convert texts encoded with an earlier version of OSIS. It would
be nice if there were some tools for converting older OSIS-versions into
the new one, i.g. an XSLT 'program'. Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer,
89. Non-Biblical text examples
The future of OSIS resp. of the manual I know this manual is only a first
draft. But I'd find it helpful for my work if soon I had access to
information on how to write articles, books, outlines etc. in OSIS. Most
of the most used bibles seem to be converted into OSIS 2.0 right now.
There was a lack of these passages already in the last draft for OSIS 1.5.
I have no bible to encode but lots of texts since I'm the webmaster of
three websites with theological articles, abstracts, original writings and
outlines. Up to now the drafts are esp. for the use of OSIS with bibles
and there only are remarks that texts other than bibles have to be encoded
"differently" - but not how to do this in a correct manner. Submitted by:
Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
90. More errata
7.3.5. publisher
The publisher element in the work element is used to indentify
7.3.8. identifier
<identifier type="ISBN">0809617250</identifier>
<identifier type="LCCN">69-18840</identifer>
</identifier> subject classification systems
BILDI Biblewissenschaftliche Literaturdokumentation Innsbruck
12.5.2. l
Hebrew poety can often be divided into lines ...
12.6. Lists, tables, genealogies, figures and other material
A dicitonary extension is well along in development, ...
12.6.1. list
they can be distinguished by type attribute valuess such as
"ordered", ...
values ?
12.6.7 figure
<figure src="Beckmann_1917.jpg" alt="Painting by Max Beckmann,
Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery"><caption>Christ and
the Woman Taken in Adultery by Max Beckmann,
1917</caption><index index="illustrations"
index1="Beckmann, Max">
The <index> tag has to be closed.
13.4. abbr
... the expansion attribute allows software to chose to diplay
the expansion ...
20.2.10. subject
BILDI Biblewissenschaftliche Literaturdokumentation Innsbruck
22. osisRefs: Construction Rules
... in part because of the addiional capabilitie ...
22.4. Grains (optional)
Warning: ... That is to say that you cannot put a phrase between
the square brakets. That limiation is due to the handling of
spaces in XML.
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
brackets limitation
29.1. Ancient language editions
BHS Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartsiensa
Submitted by: Daniel Englbauer, osis@englbauer.de
91. Complete Sample Text (short)
I do not know if this would be possible, but I think it would be helpful
to users if some sample marked up code was provided.
Now I know there are whole chunks available on the website - but they are
genuine scriptures i.e. huge chunks of text for users to wade through -
which it is not always easy to find samples of what one is looking for.
What I am suggesting is either some artificially created text purely for
the purposes of being best (recommended) practice in how to mark up
scriptures and commentaries. Such text need contain only a few lines, but
these would need to embrace:-
Book (with sub title)
Chapter (with sub title)
Divisions [crossing chapter boundaries]
Section titles
And any other elements which occur in scripture.
Maybe a sort of new apocryphal book called "The Gospel Mark Up According
Alternatively, a hit list of scripture references which contain such mark
up for users to refer to?
I know I would find this immeasurably useful.
With SFM mark-up was both easy and either right or wrong. OSIS is so much
much much more feature rich, and open to different interpretations on how
to mark-up.
Submitted by: Maurice Manktelow, maurice@manktelow.net
92. Unbalanced Quotes
I'm marking up the TEV and could use some advice.
We've got <q/> for marking balanced quotations. And we've got
<milestone type="cQuote"/> for marking continuation quotes.
1) If I'm marking quotation levels, how should I indicate this on
continuation quote milestones? Should they be linked with their <q/>
parent elements (perhaps with a new cID attribute, similar to the sID
&eID attributes)?
I can appreciate the academic case where a continuation quote mark
occurs within a nested quote, but is this a case you have actually run
into or are you just trying to be explicitly clear in what you are
The TEV uses single and double quotes. Double quotes are sometimes
embedded within double quotes to mark single words. Regardless of how
deeply embedded they actually are, I use the single/double quote
distinction to decide the value of the level attribute.
That said, there are instances where both single &double quotes cross
paragraph boundaries and require continuation quotes.
I would rather see <milestone type="cQuote.1"/> and <milestone
type="cQuote.2"/> than add an attribute to <milestone> that is tailored
specifically to continuation quote marks.
I think that would work for me.
We could also specify that one of the following:
1) <milestone type="cQuote"/> ONLY applies to the outer most quote OR
2) <milestone type="cQuote"/> applies to the level="1" quote OR
3) <milestone type="cQuote"/> applies to the <q> container that it is
the most immediate child of.
Would any or all of these solve the problem you are facing?
These would all be unable to handle multiple levels of continuation
quotes, like the TEV has.
2) If I have unbalanced quotes that are not continuation quotes, how
should I mark them? Perhaps with a <q/> that has an sID or eID but
without a matching <q/> with the same value? Specifically, I have
some close quotation marks inside of notes that lack matching open
quotation marks.
This exact issue is one that I ran into before and we did not get
resolved in the OSIS meeting last summer.
We have said that it is invalid for an element with and sID to not have
a matching eID and visa versa.
Your suggestion seems to be the most natural. Possibly we could allow
<q sID=""/> where the empty value indicates that there will be not
matching eID and vica versa.
Alternatively we could add <milestone type="unbalancedLeftQuote"/> and
<milestone type="unbalancedRightQuote"/> (with better attribute names of
We should try to come up with a solution the upcoming meeting.
Any of these solutions would work for me.
Submitted by: Chris Little, chrislit@crosswire.org
93. Lang codes
The first difficulty came in attempting to encode the required xml:lang
attribute on the osisText element. There is no 2-letter code for this
language. Two-letter codes for languages are inadequate for Bible
translation use, because there are over 6,000 living languages spoken
today on this planet. Two-letter codes are limited to 676 combinations.
Three letters could work, albeit a bit cryptically, using SIL Ethnologue
codes. Tok Pisin does have a perfectly good three-letter Ethnologue code
(PDG), which I tried to insert, and that caused a validation failure.
Suggestion: make this attribute OPTIONAL, but require the
header/work/language element, which does allow language type "SIL".
Submitted by: Michael Paul Johnson, mpg@eBible.org
94. Verse Bridges
The second difficulty came in encoding verse identifiers for verse
bridges. Because of word order constraints and translational
considerations, it is often better to translate more than one verse as a
unit. A few less literal translations and paraphrases even in English use
verse bridges, too. In these cases, the verses are marked with a range.
Allowing an osisID range in the same way as an osisRef range would solve
this problem. OSIS is not usable for a broad range of Bible texts without
a good way to encode verse bridges. I recommend using the same syntax for
verse bridge OSIS IDs as for OSIS references, but document that the
meaning of this syntax for an osisID is for a verse bridge, and should not
be used to identify passages that really are translated verse by verse.
Submitted by: Michael Paul Johnson, mpg@eBible.org
95. Footnote start tags
One minor point I noticed while attempting to convert the World English
Bible and Hebrew Names Version to OSIS 2.0 was that footnote start tags
had no equivalent in OSIS. These are the tags that make it easy to convert
the text that a note refers to into a hyperlink (as you will see in, for
example, http://eBible.org/web/John.htm, which was converted from web.gbf
in http://eBible.org/web/webgbf.zip). For now, I threw in some milestone
elements with x-startNoteAnchor attributes at those points. The equivalent
element in XSEM is the "anchor" element. Submitted by: Michael Paul
Johnson, mpg@eBible.org
96. annotant for q?
<div annotateRef="Rev.8.1-Rev.8.3">
<!-- Discussing some related verses --> ...
<q type="annotant" osisRef="Rev.8.1-Rev.8.2"> <!-- Quote from
Bible -->
<verse osisID="Rev.8.1">When he opened the seventh seal,
there was silence in heaven for about half an
<verse osisID="Rev.8.2">I saw the seven angels who stand before
God, and seven trumpets were given to them.</verse>
I have to admit, the first option, though quite possibly consistent with
the decisions from the Grand Rapids meeting, doesn't make much sense to
me. My problem is with the fact that a quote is being marked as a
reference (<reference>) rather than a quote (<q>).
It seems to me that if you're actually quoting text from another work, it
should be in a <q> element and should implement something like the
annotant type. I think <reference> should be reserved for things like
"<reference type="annotateRef" osisRef="Rev.8.1-Rev.8.2">Revelation
Submitted by: Chris Little, chrislit@crosswire.org
Comment from Todd: Are you suggesting adding the enumerated type value <q
type="annotant">...body of the quoted text... </q>?
97. Mapping from XSEM to OSIS
One comment on http://www.bibletechnologies.net/osisCore.2.0.xsd: I
noticed that unlike the XSEM, which tries to dissect copyright and other
rights information into little chunks like copyrightDate and holder, you
just have a <rights> element that can hold a nice plain language
description of rights (copyrights on various parts of the book, different
dates and ranges, trademarks, permissions, public domain declarations,
etc.). I think I like your approach better, although this mismatch is one
of many things that makes lossless bidirectional transfers to and from
other formats less than straight-forward. I suppose multiple rights
elements with x-types corresponding to these little chunks could be used
on texts converted from XSEM or other formats. Submitted by: Michael Paul
Johnson, mpg@eBible.org