[jsword-devel] Recent issue deluge and JSword version

Martin Denham mjdenham at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 10:38:01 MST 2010


*Issue Deluge*
Apologies for sending issues in waves but I have tended to patch JSword on
the fly to make it work with Android.  Many of the patches I later undo
because I find they were not required but some have been there for a few
releases now and I am trying to feed back into JSword any that seem
useful.  Thanks (DM) for the changes you have applied recently.

There are still more changes I have made that I will try to feed back soon
for consideration.  There is a jsword-tweaked-src.jar in the And Bible
repository so people know what source is currently being used.

*Which JSword Version*
When starting And Bible I took JSword from the tip without thinking but are
others working off of a tagged build or from the tip or released jars?
 Working from the tip means after refreshing I need to take some time to be
sure everything is working before a release so I tend to update my copy of
JSword just after a release to ensure there are no surprises.  I was
wondering what approach others use.

Many thanks
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