[jsword-devel] Re: Sword/jsowrd web...

DM Smith dmsmith555 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 21 14:41:32 MST 2005

I think that it makes sense to do the following:
1) Convert your texts to modules. Use OSIS if at all possible, ThML otherwise.
2) Work out the copyright issues to see if you can share the modules on Crosswire.
3) Get a copy of the code for either sword-web or Joe's studious and i18n, l10n it, sharing this back to the community. You may want 
to base your decision on which is more mature, most flexible/adaptable, has the features you want, has an architecture closest to 
what you want, would be the least amount of effort, .... Perhaps, Joe and Troy can help you decide.
4) Use the code on your site.
5) Put a link to your site on Crosswire (Do we do this) or at least announce it there.
6) Put a link on your site to Crosswire, if it makes sense.

In His Service,

We are on both lists and I think this benefits the readers of both. So I
am posting the reply to it.

Yiguang Hu wrote:

>Dear brothers,
>Peace be with you all. 
>I am not sure if you are on both the sword-devel and
>jsword-devel list. So I am not using the lists for
>this email.
>Basically, I am struggling to make a choice on how
>should I get involved in the sword/jsword project.
>Wish you could 
>help me make that decision. I am kind of disoriented.
>There are several things involved here. 
>1. Since the sword-web project is almost mature and
>covers almost all the functions that ccim bible search
>offers, except  a few chinese books(theological
>encyclopedia, bible, theology etc). It makes no sense
>for me to develop another bible web, either based on
>sword or jsword. I could help transform these chinese
>material into the sword modules and may be add more
>funcitons if necessary. I definitely need check
>permission to make these material available as part of
>sword project. It should be no problem to transform
>into sword module format first.
>2. The bible studio Joe has on his web site is also
>very cool. I looked at some of the DWR tutorial/demos,
>I would certainly 
> love to use it as appropriate. I could also help
>adding more function and make it I18N ready if not
>already and localize it to Chinese 
>  on this one if that is a choice.
>3. The 3rd choice is I scratch a new web front as I
>initially proposed. Based on the current work you
>already got, I really didn't feel that is the best
>I really thank God that this open source project
>brought many hands togather and created this great
>product. I seems to suddenly entered a great city
>after strolling alone on the country road. CCIM has
>many coworkers. But I am the only
>one that maintains/develops the bible related
>projects. Sometimes, I have some idea to better serve
>the readers, but it takes me long time to implement
>it. I hope  this open source project would help me and
>also help serve Chinese reader better.
>I also chatted with our CCIM coworkers, our coworkers
>still belive ccim should continue host a bible search
>site though there are many bible sites and a few
>Chinese ones. Chinese Christians in large cities like
>Beijing almost double in every 2 to 3 years. This
>explosion of growth demend huge support. CCIM tried to
>continue play a important role and be a part of groups
>that help the Chinese christians grow in China with
>the rich resources that have accumulated in USA.
>Please help me make the choice, I really want to get
>involved in a effective way.
>DM, Thank you for updating the API example.
>In His Service,
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