[jsword-devel] Module Format

Joe Walker jsword-devel@crosswire.org
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 14:20:08 +0000

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Troy A. Griffitts wrote:

> Ugh.  I'm old and forgetful.

Hey, I used to be able to program in C!

I've attached a version that I patched to fix what I thought was wrong. 
It is completely untested though.

This is the JavaDoc I wrote to help out the next person:

There are 3 files, 2 (comp and idx) are indexes into the third (text)
which contains the data. I'm not sure why we need 2 indexes, but that's the
way it is done any it is too late to change it now.

In addition there is a separate set of files for each testament. So for
each read you will need to know the testament from which to read and an 
(derived from the book, chapter and verse) within that testament.

All numbers are stored 2-complement, little endian.

Then proceed as follows, at all times working on the set of files for the
testament in question:

in the comp file, seek to the index * 10
read 10 bytes.
the compressed-buffer-index is the first 4 bytes (32-bit number)
the remaining bytes are ignored

in the idx file seek to compressed-buffer-index * 12
read 12 bytes
the text-buffer-index is the first 4 bytes
the compressed-size is the next 4 bytes
the uncompressed-size is the next 4 bytes

in the text file seek to the text-buffer-index
read compressed-size bytes
//decipher them. wont this change their size?
unGZIP them and check for uncompressed-size



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 *  zverse.h   - code for class 'zVerse'- a module that reads raw text
 *				files:  ot and nt using indexs ??.bks ??.cps ??.vss
 *				and provides lookup and parsing functions based on
 *				class VerseKey for compressed modules

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef __GNUC__
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <string.h>
#include <utilfuns.h>
#include <versekey.h>
#include <zverse.h>
#include <sysdata.h>

#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0


 * zVerse Statics

int zVerse::instance = 0;

const char zVerse::uniqueIndexID[] = {'X', 'r', 'v', 'c', 'b'};

 * zVerse Constructor - Initializes data for instance of zVerse
 * ENT:	ipath - path of the directory where data and index files are located.
 *		be sure to include the trailing separator (e.g. '/' or '\')
 *		(e.g. 'modules/texts/rawtext/webster/')
 *		fileMode - open mode for the files (O_RDONLY, etc.)
 *		blockType - verse, chapter, book, etc.

zVerse::zVerse(const char *ipath, int fileMode, int blockType, SWCompress *icomp)
	char buf[127];

	nl = '\n';
	path = 0;
	cacheBufIdx = -1;
	cacheTestament = 0;
	cacheBuf = 0;
	dirtyCache = false;
	stdstr(&path, ipath);

	if ((path[strlen(path)-1] == '/') || (path[strlen(path)-1] == '\\'))
		path[strlen(path)-1] = 0;

	compressor = (icomp) ? icomp : new SWCompress();

	if (fileMode == -1) { // try read/write if possible
		fileMode = O_RDWR;
	sprintf(buf, "%s/ot.%czs", path, uniqueIndexID[blockType]);
	idxfp[0] = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, fileMode|O_BINARY, true);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/nt.%czs", path, uniqueIndexID[blockType]);
	idxfp[1] = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, fileMode|O_BINARY, true);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/ot.%czz", path, uniqueIndexID[blockType]);
	textfp[0] = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, fileMode|O_BINARY, true);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/nt.%czz", path, uniqueIndexID[blockType]);
	textfp[1] = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, fileMode|O_BINARY, true);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/ot.%czv", path, uniqueIndexID[blockType]);
	compfp[0] = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, fileMode|O_BINARY, true);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/nt.%czv", path, uniqueIndexID[blockType]);
	compfp[1] = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, fileMode|O_BINARY, true);

 * zVerse Destructor - Cleans up instance of zVerse

	int loop1;

	if (cacheBuf) {

	if (path)
		delete [] path;

	if (compressor)
		delete compressor;


	for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < 2; loop1++) {

 * zVerse::findoffset	- Finds the offset of the key verse from the indexes
 * There are 3 files, 2 (comp and idx) are indexes into the third (text)
 * which contains the data. I'm not sure why we need 2 indexes, but that's the
 * way it is done any it is too late to change it now.
 * In addition there is a separate set of files for each testament. So for
 * each read you will need to know the testament from which to read and an index
 * (derived from the book, chapter and verse) within that testament.
 * All numbers are stored 2-complement, little endian.
 * Then proceed as follows, at all times working on the set of files for the
 * testament in question:
 * in the comp file, seek to the index * 10
 * read 10 bytes.
 * the compressed-buffer-index is the first 4 bytes (32-bit number)
 * the remaining bytes are ignored
 * in the idx file seek to compressed-buffer-index * 12
 * read 12 bytes
 * the text-buffer-index is the first 4 bytes
 * the compressed-size is the next 4 bytes
 * the uncompressed-size is the next 4 bytes
 * in the text file seek to the text-buffer-index
 * read compressed-size bytes
 * //decipher them. wont this change their size?
 * unGZIP them and check for uncompressed-size
 * ENT: testmt	- testament to find (0 - Bible/module introduction)
 *	book	- book      to find (0 - testament    introduction)
 *	chapter	- chapter   to find (0 - book         introduction)
 *	verse	- verse     to find (0 - chapter      introduction)
 *	start	- address to store the starting offset
 *	size	- address to store the size of the entry

void zVerse::findOffset(char testmt, long idxoff, long *start, unsigned short *size)
	// set start to offset in
	// set size to
	// set
	unsigned long ulBuffNum=0;	          // buffer number
	unsigned long ulVerseStart=0;	       // verse offset within buffer
	unsigned short usVerseSize=0;	       // verse size
	unsigned long ulCompOffset=0;	       // compressed buffer start
	unsigned long ulCompSize=0;	             // buffer size compressed
	unsigned long ulUnCompSize=0;	          // buffer size uncompressed
	char *pcCompText=NULL;					 // compressed text

	*start = *size = 0;
	//printf ("Finding offset %ld\n", idxoff);
	idxoff *= 10;
	if (!testmt) {
		testmt = ((idxfp[0]) ? 1:2);
	// assert we have and valid file descriptor
	if (compfp[testmt-1]->getFd() < 1)
	long newOffset = lseek(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), idxoff, SEEK_SET);
	if (newOffset != idxoff) {
		printf ("Error performing first seek\n");

	if (read(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &ulBuffNum, 4) != 4) {
		printf ("Error reading ulBuffNum\n");

	ulBuffNum = swordtoarch32(ulBuffNum);

	if (read(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &ulVerseStart, 4) < 4)
		printf ("Error reading ulVerseStart\n");
	if (read(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &usVerseSize, 2) < 2)
		printf ("Error reading usVerseSize\n");

	*start = swordtoarch32(ulVerseStart);
	*size = swordtoarch16(usVerseSize);

	if (*size) {
	if (((long) ulBuffNum == cacheBufIdx) && (testmt == cacheTestament) && (cacheBuf)) {
		// have the text buffered

	//printf ("Got buffer number{%ld} versestart{%ld} versesize{%d}\n", ulBuffNum, ulVerseStart, usVerseSize);

	if (lseek(idxfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), ulBuffNum*12, SEEK_SET)!=(long) ulBuffNum*12)
		printf ("Error seeking compressed file index\n");
	if (read(idxfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &ulCompOffset, 4)<4)
		printf ("Error reading ulCompOffset\n");
	if (read(idxfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &ulCompSize, 4)<4)
		printf ("Error reading ulCompSize\n");
	if (read(idxfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &ulUnCompSize, 4)<4)
		printf ("Error reading ulUnCompSize\n");

	ulCompOffset  = swordtoarch32(ulCompOffset);
	ulCompSize  = swordtoarch32(ulCompSize);
	ulUnCompSize  = swordtoarch32(ulUnCompSize);

	if (lseek(textfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), ulCompOffset, SEEK_SET)!=(long)ulCompOffset)
		printf ("Error: could not seek to right place in compressed text\n");
	pcCompText = new char[ulCompSize];

	if (read(textfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), pcCompText, ulCompSize)<(long)ulCompSize)
		printf ("Error reading compressed text\n");

	rawZFilter(pcCompText, ulCompSize, 0); // 0 = decipher
	compressor->zBuf(&ulCompSize, pcCompText);

	if (cacheBuf) {
	unsigned long len = 0;
	compressor->Buf(0, &len);
	cacheBuf = (char *)calloc(len + 1, 1);
	memcpy(cacheBuf, compressor->Buf(), len);

	cacheTestament = testmt;
	cacheBufIdx = ulBuffNum;
	if (pcCompText)
		delete [] pcCompText;
	// }

 * zVerse::zreadtext	- gets text at a given offset
 * ENT:	testmt	- testament file to search in (0 - Old; 1 - New)
 *	start	- starting offset where the text is located in the file
 *	size	- size of text entry + 1 (null)
 *	buf	- buffer to store text

void zVerse::zReadText(char testmt, long start, unsigned short size, SWBuf &inBuf) {
	inBuf = "";
	if (size > 0) {
		if (cacheBuf)
			strncpy(inBuf.getRawData(), &(cacheBuf[start]), size);

 * zVerse::settext	- Sets text for current offset
 * ENT: testmt	- testament to find (0 - Bible/module introduction)
 *	idxoff	- offset into .vss
 *	buf	- buffer to store
 *      len     - length of buffer (0 - null terminated)

void zVerse::doSetText(char testmt, long idxoff, const char *buf, long len) {

	len = (len < 0) ? strlen(buf) : len;
	if (!testmt) 
		testmt = ((idxfp[0]) ? 1:2);
	if ((!dirtyCache) || (cacheBufIdx < 0)) {
		cacheBufIdx = lseek(idxfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), 0, SEEK_END) / 12;
		cacheTestament = testmt;
		if (cacheBuf)
		cacheBuf = (char *)calloc(len + 1, 1);
	else cacheBuf = (char *)((cacheBuf)?realloc(cacheBuf, strlen(cacheBuf)+(len + 1)):calloc((len + 1), 1));

	dirtyCache = true;

	unsigned long start, outstart;
	unsigned long outBufIdx = cacheBufIdx;
	unsigned short size;
	unsigned short outsize;

	idxoff *= 10;
	size = outsize = len;

	start = strlen(cacheBuf);

	if (!size)
		start = outBufIdx = 0;

	outBufIdx = archtosword32(outBufIdx);
	outstart  = archtosword32(start);
	outsize   = archtosword16(size);

	lseek(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), idxoff, SEEK_SET);
	write(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &outBufIdx, 4);
	write(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &outstart, 4);
	write(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &outsize, 2);
	strcat(cacheBuf, buf);

void zVerse::flushCache() {
	if (dirtyCache) {
		unsigned long idxoff;
		unsigned long start, outstart;
		unsigned long size, outsize;
		unsigned long zsize, outzsize;

		idxoff = cacheBufIdx * 12;
		if (cacheBuf) {
			size = outsize = zsize = outzsize = strlen(cacheBuf);
			if (size) {
	//			if (compressor) {
	//				delete compressor;
	//				compressor = new LZSSCompress();
	//			}
				outzsize = zsize;

				char *buf = new char [ zsize * 2 ];
				memcpy(buf, compressor->zBuf(&zsize), zsize);
				rawZFilter(buf, zsize, 1); // 1 = encipher

				start = outstart = lseek(textfp[cacheTestament-1]->getFd(), 0, SEEK_END);

				outstart  = archtosword32(start);
				outsize   = archtosword32(size);
				outzsize  = archtosword32(zsize);

				write(textfp[cacheTestament-1]->getFd(), buf, zsize);

				delete [] buf;

				lseek(idxfp[cacheTestament-1]->getFd(), idxoff, SEEK_SET);
				write(idxfp[cacheTestament-1]->getFd(), &outstart, 4);
				write(idxfp[cacheTestament-1]->getFd(), &outzsize, 4);
				write(idxfp[cacheTestament-1]->getFd(), &outsize, 4);
			cacheBuf = 0;
		dirtyCache = false;

 * RawVerse::linkentry	- links one entry to another
 * ENT: testmt	- testament to find (0 - Bible/module introduction)
 *	destidxoff	- dest offset into .vss
 *	srcidxoff		- source offset into .vss

void zVerse::doLinkEntry(char testmt, long destidxoff, long srcidxoff) {
	long bufidx;
	long start;
	unsigned short size;

	destidxoff *= 10;
	srcidxoff  *= 10;

	if (!testmt)
		testmt = ((idxfp[1]) ? 1:2);

	// get source
	lseek(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), srcidxoff, SEEK_SET);
	read(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &bufidx, 4);
	read(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &start, 4);
	read(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &size, 2);

	// write dest
	lseek(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), destidxoff, SEEK_SET);
	write(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &bufidx, 4);
	write(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &start, 4);
	write(compfp[testmt-1]->getFd(), &size, 2);

 * RawVerse::CreateModule	- Creates new module files
 * ENT: path	- directory to store module files
 * RET: error status

char zVerse::createModule(const char *ipath, int blockBound)
	char *path = 0;
	char *buf = new char [ strlen (ipath) + 20 ];
	FileDesc *fd, *fd2;

	stdstr(&path, ipath);

	if ((path[strlen(path)-1] == '/') || (path[strlen(path)-1] == '\\'))
		path[strlen(path)-1] = 0;

	sprintf(buf, "%s/ot.%czs", path, uniqueIndexID[blockBound]);
	fd = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/nt.%czs", path, uniqueIndexID[blockBound]);
	fd = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/ot.%czz", path, uniqueIndexID[blockBound]);
	fd = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/nt.%czz", path, uniqueIndexID[blockBound]);
	fd2 = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/ot.%czv", path, uniqueIndexID[blockBound]);
	fd = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE);

	sprintf(buf, "%s/nt.%czv", path, uniqueIndexID[blockBound]);
	fd2 = FileMgr::systemFileMgr.open(buf, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE);

	VerseKey vk;
	long offset = 0;
	short size = 0;
	for (vk = TOP; !vk.Error(); vk++) {
		write((vk.Testament() == 1) ? fd->getFd() : fd2->getFd(), &offset, 4);	//compBufIdxOffset
		write((vk.Testament() == 1) ? fd->getFd() : fd2->getFd(), &offset, 4);
		write((vk.Testament() == 1) ? fd->getFd() : fd2->getFd(), &size, 2);


	delete [] path;
	RawVerse rv(path);
	VerseKey mykey("Rev 22:21");
	return 0;

 * zVerse::preptext	- Prepares the text before returning it to external
 *				objects
 * ENT:	buf	- buffer where text is stored and where to store the prep'd
 *			text.

void zVerse::prepText(SWBuf &buf) {
	unsigned int to, from; 
	char space = 0, cr = 0, realdata = 0, nlcnt = 0;
	for (to = from = 0; buf[from]; from++) {
		switch (buf[from]) {
		case 10:
			if (!realdata)
			space = (cr) ? 0 : 1;
			cr = 0;
			if (nlcnt > 1) {
//				*to++ = nl;
				buf[to++] = 10;
//				*to++ = nl[1];
//				nlcnt = 0;
		case 13:
			if (!realdata)
//			*to++ = nl[0];
			buf[to++] = 10;
			space = 0;
			cr = 1;
		realdata = 1;
		nlcnt = 0;
		if (space) {
			space = 0;
			if (buf[from] != ' ') {
				buf[to++] = ' ';
		buf[to++] = buf[from];

	while (to > 1) {			// remove trailing excess
		if ((buf[to] == 10) || (buf[to] == ' '))
		else break;

