[bt-devel] feature suggestion
Joachim Ansorg
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 14:36:19 +0000
Hi Jeff!
Thank you for all your ideas :-)
>I was doing some Bible research with BT 0.23, and had an idea. It would be
>VERY nice if each Bible reference (like in commentaries, etc.) was a
>hyperlink that would open up that passage in the Bible Browser (0.2x) or a
>new Bible presenter (0.3). This brings a couple of questions:
This feature won't be included in 0.2, but in 0.3.
The problem is how to recognize all the different hyperlinks to other pasages. This feature will hard to e implemented (at least for me).
>1. Would all those <a href> tags have to be hardcoded?
Don't know what you mean. The presenters will contain things like <A HREF="ref://passage">Text</A>. Was this your question ?
>2. Would there have to be a "default Bible version" so the program knows
>which version to open up the scripture in?
Probably. Will go into the optionsdialog.
>I understand that this would add more work to some already very busy coders
>;-) , but I would like your thoughts on this.
Yes, Torsten is very busy: His work,family etc. I'm busy ith coding and not a very good coder.
We need some more coders. If you know somebody able to code and interested in BibleTime ask him!
I'm really thankful that Darwin helps coding !
BTW, I commited my local changes.
The Groupmanager should be working now:
-Drag and Drop (sometime it doesn't start, will be fixed in some time)
-Creating groups, savving them and restoring them on startup
-Bookmarkmanagement (the description isn't shown yet, don't know where , do you know ?)
(RMB->New Bookmark doesnt work yet)
-Drag and Drop of versenumberlinks of a presenter into the groupmanager to create a bookmark (this works)
-Clicking on a bookmark will open the right presenter with the key (slow ?, will only work if the presenter isn't already opened)
Please comment about thiese features and find bugs ;-)
>Jeff Hoyt
> --
>| http://jhoyt.faithweb.com |
> Don't be conservative.
> Don't be liberal.
BibleTime - the bible study program for KDE