Module NameIriODomhnuill
Book NameA modern Irish New Testament (Luke preview)
Module TypeBible
Module Version1.0 (2008-07-20)
Minimum SWORD Version1.5.1a
Download Size?.?? b
Install Size136.68 kb
AboutThis contains the complete book of Luke from William O'Domhnuill's 1602 translation of the New Testament into modern Irish. The intent of the Irish New Testament Project,, is to complete an electronic edition of O'Domhnuill's New Testament.

"A modern Irish New Testament" was begun in 1574 from the original Greek by John O'Kearney (or Kearney, or Carney; d. 1600?), Nicholas Walsh (later Bishop of Ossory; d. 1585), and Nehemias Donellan (later Archbishop of Tuam). The translation was finished by William O'Domhnuill (or Daniell; d. 1628) and Mortogh O'Cionga (King) and was first printed in 1602.
Help the Irish New Testament Project to finish digitizing this Bible.
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