<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" %> <%@ page import="org.crosswire.xml.*" %> <%@ page import="org.crosswire.sword.orb.*" %> <%@ page import="java.net.URLEncoder" %> <%@ page import="java.net.URL" %> <% final int VERSEKEY_TESTAMENT = 0; final int VERSEKEY_BOOK = 1; final int VERSEKEY_CHAPTER = 2; final int VERSEKEY_VERSE = 3; final int VERSEKEY_CHAPTERMAX = 4; final int VERSEKEY_VERSEMAX = 5; final int VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME = 6; final int VERSEKEY_OSISREF = 7; final int VERSEKEY_SHORTTEXT = 8; final int VERSEKEY_BOOKABBREV = 9; String requestURI = request.getRequestURI(); int pe = requestURI.lastIndexOf('/', requestURI.length()-2); requestURI = (pe > 0) ? requestURI.substring(0, pe) : ""; URL baseURL = new URL(request.getScheme(), request.getServerName(), request.getServerPort(), requestURI); URL appBaseURL = new URL(request.getScheme(), request.getServerName(), request.getServerPort(), "/study/"); SWMgr mgr = SwordOrb.getSWMgrInstance(request); mgr.setJavascript(true); String activeModuleName = request.getParameter("mod"); if (activeModuleName == null) activeModuleName = "WHNU"; SWModule activeModule = mgr.getModuleByName(activeModuleName); SWModule eusVs = mgr.getModuleByName("Eusebian_vs"); SWModule eusNum = mgr.getModuleByName("Eusebian_num"); String promoLine = activeModule.getConfigEntry("ShortPromo"); if (promoLine.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { promoLine = ""; } String activeKey = request.getParameter("key"); if (activeKey == null) { activeKey = "jas 1:19"; } String buf = request.getParameter("strongs"); boolean strongs = "on".equalsIgnoreCase(buf); buf = request.getParameter("morph"); boolean morph = "on".equalsIgnoreCase(buf); activeModule.setKeyText("="+activeKey); activeKey = activeModule.getKeyText(); // be sure it is formatted nicely String book = activeModule.getKeyChildren()[VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME]; String bookAbbrev = activeModule.getKeyChildren()[VERSEKEY_BOOKABBREV]; int chapter = Integer.parseInt(activeModule.getKeyChildren()[VERSEKEY_CHAPTER]); int verse = Integer.parseInt(activeModule.getKeyChildren()[VERSEKEY_VERSE]); int verseMax = Integer.parseInt(activeModule.getKeyChildren()[VERSEKEY_VERSEMAX]); if (verse > verseMax) { activeKey = bookAbbrev + "." + chapter + "." + verseMax; verse = verseMax; activeModule.setKeyText("="+activeKey); activeKey = activeModule.getKeyText(); // be sure it is formatted nicely } String specialFont = activeModule.getConfigEntry("Font"); if (specialFont.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { specialFont = null; } String lang = activeModule.getConfigEntry("Lang"); boolean rtol = ("RtoL".equalsIgnoreCase(activeModule.getConfigEntry("Direction"))); %> <%= activeKey %>%%%
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" + d.getAttribute("table"); } else myEusNum = ""; } } if (first) { %> <% first = false; } int curVerse = Integer.parseInt(keyProps[VERSEKEY_VERSE]); int curChapter = Integer.parseInt(keyProps[VERSEKEY_CHAPTER]); if (!book.equals(keyProps[VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME]) || curChapter > chapter) { break; } mgr.setGlobalOption("Strong's Numbers", ((strongs) && (curVerse >= activeVerse -1) && (curVerse <= activeVerse + 1)) ? "on" : "off"); mgr.setGlobalOption("Morphological Tags", ((morph) && (curVerse >= activeVerse -1) && (curVerse <= activeVerse + 1)) ? "on" : "off"); %> <% String[] heads = activeModule.getEntryAttribute("Heading", "Preverse", "", true); for (int h = 0; h < heads.length; ++h) { %> <% } %> <% if (!rtol) { %> <% } %> <% if (rtol) { %> <% } %> <% } if (!first) { %>
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<%= heads[h] %>

> <% if (myEusNum.length() > 0) { %> "><%= myEusNum %> <% } %>
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> <% if (myEusNum.length() > 0) { %> "><%= myEusNum %> <% } %>
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<%= promoLine %>