@echo off REM REM BuildPpcUpdate.bat creates the CAB files and then the actual Setup.exe ver 2.31 2007-Dec-01 lda REM REM REM You Must modify the following directories to point to the correct locations. REM set fileSwordReader=SwordReader.inf set fileCabwiz=cabwiz.exe if not exist %filefileSwordReader% goto Usage if not exist %fileCabwiz% goto Usage echo "Building" %fileCabwiz% %fileSwordReader% %fileCabwiz% %fileSwordReader% /err SwordReader.err /cpu PPC_ARM REM if exist SwordReader.err goto CabWizError if exist SwordReader.err echo "There is a SwordReader.err file for you" ezsetup -l english -i SwordReader.ini -r Readme.txt -e Eula.txt -o SwordReader.exe REM copy /Y BerBiblePpcUpdate.exe %BERBIBLE_HOME%\SfWebSite\download REM copy /Y BerBiblePpcUpdate.PPC_ARM.CAB %BERBIBLE_HOME%\SfWebSite\download echo "Built (check by looking at ..Setup.exe date)" goto Exit :Usage @echo --- @echo Edit this batch file to point to the correct directories @echo fileSwordReader = %fileSwordReader% @echo fileCabwiz = %fileCabwiz% @echo (these files are included in the Windows CE SDK) @echo --- goto Exit :CabWizError @echo --- @echo CabWiz failed @echo Look in SwordReader.err for problem @echo --- goto Exit :Exit if exist ezs*.tmp del ezs*.tmp /Q pause