package WLC2OSIS ; import WLC2OSIS.Parse.* ; import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.XMLWriter ; //================================================================================================= /** * * Core of WLC2OSIS, set Strings here before running program.

* */ //================================================================================================= public class WLC2OSIS{ // Define the title and descriptions. private String Title = "The Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC)" ; private String ShortDescription = "from the electronic version of the Leningrad Codex " + "maintained by the Westminster Hebrew Institute." ; private String[] Description = { "This text began as an electronic transcription by Whitaker and Parunak of the 1983 " + "printed edition of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS). The " + "transcription is called the Michigan-Claremont electronic text and was archived " + "at the Oxford Text Archive (OTA) in 1987. " + "Since that time, the text has been modified to " + "conform to the photo-facsimile of the Leningrad Codex, Firkovich " + "B19A, residing at the Russian National Library, St. " + "Petersberg; hence the change of name." + "This version contains all 6 of the " + "textual elements of the OTA document: consonants, vowels, cantillation " + "marks, \"paragraph\" (pe, samekh) markers, ketib-qere variants, and morphological divisions. ", "The BHS so-called \"paragraph\" markers (pe and samekh) do " + "not actually occur in the Leningrad Codex. The editors of BHS use them " + "to indicate open space deliberately left blank by the scribe. Pe " + "(\"open\" paragraph) represents a space between verses, where the new " + "verse begins on a new column line. This represents a major section of " + "the text. Samekh (\"closed\" paragraph) represents a space of less than " + "a line between verses. This is understood to be a subdivision of the " + "corresponding \"open\" section. Since these markers represent an actual " + "physical feature of the text, they have been retained. " , "The transcription was based on the \"Supplement to the code manual for " + "the Michigan Old Testament\" by Alan Groves and includes the " + "transcription notes defined there. A listing of these notes can be " + "obtained by clicking on the \"Notes\" link of the index page. " + "Transcription notes appear as superscripts and can be viewed by clicking " + "on them.", "The book names in English and Hebrew of the Jewish Publication Society " + "(JPS) Tanach have been added."} ; public static XMLWriter writer; public static String OutputDirectory ; public WLC2OSIS( String in_file, String out_directory, String out_file, boolean wlc_only ){ OutputDirectory = out_directory ; System.out.println("WLC2OSIS: " + Title + " " + ShortDescription ); if (wlc_only){ System.out.println("Not including MORPH data."); } else{ System.out.println("Including full MORPH data."); } System.out.println("Input file: " + in_file ); System.out.println("Output file: " + OutputDirectory + "/" + out_file ); // Read, parse, and write the book files. writer = new XMLWriter(OutputDirectory, out_file) ; writer.openTag("osisText osisIDWork=\"writer\" osisRefWork=\"bible\" xml:lang=\"he\"", 0) ; writer.openTag("header", 0) ; writer.openTag("work osisWork=\"writer\"", 1) ; writer.writeString("title", 2, "Westminster Leningrad Codex"); writer.writeAttributedString("contributor", 2, "role=\"encoder\"", "Martin Gruner"); writer.writeAttributedString("type", 2, "type=\"OSIS\"", "Bible"); writer.writeAttributedString("identifier", 2, "type=\"OSIS\"", "Bible.he.writer.2004"); writer.writeAttributedString("rights", 2, "type=\"x-copyright\"", "The WLC is maintained by the Westminster Hebrew Institute, Philadelphia, PA ("); writer.writeString("scope", 2, "Hebrew Bible, Old Testament"); writer.writeString("refSystem", 2, "MT"); writer.closeTag("work", 1); writer.closeTag("header", 0); Parser p = new Parser() ; p.parse(in_file, wlc_only) ; writer.closeTag("osisText", 0); writer.close(); System.out.println("Finished.") ; } }