/* PocketSword - A frontend for viewing SWORD project modules on the iPhone and iPod Touch Copyright (C) 2008-2010 CrossWire Bible Society This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // Simplified Chinese Localisation // By Yiguang Hu // Last Updated v1.2.2 "Edit" = "编辑"; "Done" = "完成"; "Module Download" = "模块下载"; "Installing" = "安装:"; "Yes" = "是"; "No" = "否"; "ConfirmInstall" = "你要安装此模块吗?"; "Next" = "下一个"; "Previous" = "前一个"; "Ok" = "行"; "Cancel" = "取消"; "Error" = "错"; // Module About "AboutModuleName" = "模块名称: "; "AboutModuleDescription" = "描述: "; "AboutModuleType" = "类型: "; "AboutModuleLang" = "语言: "; "AboutModuleVersion" = "版本: "; "AboutModuleVersionUnspecified" = "(未定)"; "AboutModuleAboutText" = "关于: "; "AboutModuleLicence" = "散发执照: "; "AboutModuleLCSH" = "美国国会图书馆主题标题: "; "Disclaimer" = "免责声明"; "DisclaimerMsg" = " -=+* 警告 *+=-\n, \n虽然安装管理器提供了安装和升级sword部件的便捷方法,它也使用了访问网站的系统方法,这些网站可能成为数据包嗅探器为了锁定个别用户的目标。 \n如果你住在信仰受迫害的国家,不希望冒险被侦测到,您*不*应该使用安装源管理器的的远程资源功能。 \n另外,Crosswire以外的其他远程源可能含有质量不高的模块,那些模块含非正统的内容,有些模块可能甚至是不可以合法派发的。许多资源库有很好的有用内容。但Crosswire没有审查或维护过这些资源库,所以Crosswire不能对他们的内容负责。买者自负。\n你明白这一点并仍愿意启用远程源功能吗?"; "WebNoIP" = "网: 不能确定外部IP\n"; "WiFiNoConnection" = "Wifi: 无连接\n"; "NoNetworkConnection" = "无可用的网路连接。"; "manualInstallHelp" = "若手工安装模块,请将浏览器指向下列之一的地址,然后跟作提示。 (或用Bonjour搜寻你的iPhone!)。但我们建议你使用内置模块安装器,这个手工安装器只是提供给那些有自制模块的用户。"; "InstallManagerDisabled" = "禁止..."; "InstallTitle" = "安装?"; "files" = "文件"; "InstallProblem" = "安装中出了问题."; "InstalledButtonTitle" = "安装了"; "InstallButtonTitle" = "安装"; "RefreshProblem" = "刷新中出了问题。"; "RefreshingModuleSource" = "刷新模块源。"; "NoModulesRefresh" = "这儿没有模块。请试试刷新。"; "NoModulesInstalled" = "没有模块已经安装。"; "InstallSourcesTitle" = "源"; "PreferencesTitle" = "偏好"; "PreferencesDisplayPreferencesTitle" = "显示偏好"; "PreferencesDevicePreferencesTitle" = "设备偏好"; "PreferencesFontSizeTitle" = "字体大小"; "PreferencesNightModeTitle" = "夜间模式"; "PreferencesVPLTitle" = "一行一节"; "PreferencesFontTitle" = "字体"; "PreferencesRedLetterTitle" = "红字体"; "PreferencesRedLetterNote" = "注意只有某些模块支持红字模式"; "PreferencesDisableAutoLockTitle" = "禁用自动锁"; "PreferencesModuleMaintainerModeTitle" = "模块维护模式"; "PreferencesModuleMaintainerModeNote" = "注意,模块维护模式是为那些有自制模块而必须手工安装其自制模块的用户的。对所有别的用户,请用内置模块下载器下载CrossWire提供的模块。"; "AboutTitle" = "关于"; "TabBarTitleBible" = "圣经"; "TabBarTitleCommentary" = "注解"; "TabBarTitleDictionary" = "字典"; "TabBarTitleModules" = "模块"; "TabBarTitlePreferences" = "偏好"; "TabBarTitleAbout" = "关于"; "ModulesTitle" = "模块"; "BookmarksTitle" = "书签"; "ActivityLabelLoading" = "装载..."; "MMMBonjourLoading" = "Bonjour 装载..."; "MMMIPLoading" = "IP 装载..."; "Biblical Texts" = "经文"; "Commentaries" = "注解"; "Lexicons / Dictionaries" = "词典/字典"; "Generic Books" = "一半图书"; "Daily Devotional" = "每日灵修"; "Glossaries" = "词汇表"; "Cults / Unorthodox / Questionable Material" = "邪教/非正统/可疑问的材料"; "Essays" = "散文"; "Maps" = "地图"; "Images" = "图片"; "BibleHistoryTitle" = "圣经历史"; "CommentaryHistoryTitle" = "注解历史"; "None" = "无"; "CloseButtonTitle" = "关闭"; "CacheDictionaryKeysTitle" = "缓存?"; "CacheDictionaryKeysMsg" = "此字典尚未初始化,你现在想要缓存此字典吗?"; "IndexDownloadTitle" = "索引下载"; "NoSearchIndexTitle" = "没有搜索索引"; "NoSearchIndexMsg" = "你尚未安装此模块的搜索索引。 你想要检查已有的搜索索引吗?"; "SearchDownloaderTitle" = "搜索下载器"; "FontPreferenceTitle" = "字体"; "EmailUsButton" = "发电邮给我们"; "NoSearchIndexInstalled" = "没有安装搜索索引"; "SearchResults" = "结果"; "IndexControllerInstalled" = "你已经安装了搜索索引:"; "IndexControllerDownloadable" = "请从下列可下载的模块中挑选你所需要的搜索索引以便你可以搜索该模块:"; "IndexControllerNone" = "为了搜索,请检查你的网路连接:"; "IndexControllerNoneRemote" = "目前没有可下载的搜索索引:"; "SearchHelpTitle" = "搜寻帮助"; "IndexControllerConfirmQuestion" = "你是否想下载这个模块的搜索索引?\n下载其注解模块可能需要一些时间!"; "PreferencesStrongsPreferencesTitle" = "史特朗码"; "PreferencesDisplayTitle" = "显示"; "PreferencesGreekModuleTitle" = "希纳文模块"; "PreferencesHebrewModuleTitle" = "希伯来文模块"; "PreferencesMorphologyPreferencesTitle" = "形态偏好"; "PreferencesOriginalLanguagePreferencesTitle" = "原文"; "PreferencesGreekAccentsTitle" = "希腊口音"; "PreferencesHVPTitle" = "希伯来语元音点"; "PreferencesHebrewCantillationTitle" = "希伯来语吟诵符"; "PreferencesGreekStrongsLexiconTitle" = "希纳文史特朗词典"; "PreferencesHebrewStrongsLexiconTitle" = "希伯来文史特朗词典"; "PreferencesGreekMorphLexiconTitle" = "希腊词汇形态"; "PreferencesCrossReferencesTitle" = "交叉引用"; "PreferencesFootnotesTitle" = "注脚"; "NoHebrewStrongsNumbersModuleInstalled" = "没有安装希伯来文史特朗词典. 请通过更多-》下载和安装一个 (例如 'strongshebrew')。"; "NoGreekStrongsNumbersModuleInstalled" = "没有安装希腊文史特朗词典. 请通过更多-》下载和安装一个 (例如 'strongsgreek')。"; "NoMorphGreekModuleInstalled" = "没有安装希腊文形态分析码词典. 请通过更多-》下载和安装一个 (例如 'Robinson')。"; "MorphHebrewNotSupported" = "可惜现在只有希腊文字的形态分析码。您如果有语言天分并愿意帮忙添加此功能在PocketSword上,请到
并加入讨论小组。"; "AboutModuleFeaturesTitle" = "模块特征"; "AboutModuleContainsStrongsNumbers" = "含史特朗码"; "AboutModuleContainsMorphTags" = "含形态标符"; "AboutModuleContainsFootnotes" = "含注脚"; "AboutModuleContainsHeadings" = "含页首"; "AboutModuleContainsRedLetterWords" = "基督的话为红色"; "AboutModuleContainsVariants" = "含文字变化"; "AboutModuleContainsGreekAccents" = "含希腊口音"; "AboutModuleContainsScriptref" = "含经文交叉引用"; "AboutModuleContainsLemma" = "引理"; "AboutModuleContainsCantillation" = "含吟诵符"; "AboutModuleContainsHebrewPoints" = "含希伯来文点"; "AboutModuleContainsMorphSegmentation" = "这是词素分割希伯来文"; "AboutModuleContainsGreekDef" = "定义希腊文史特朗码"; "AboutModuleContainsHebrewDef" = "定义希伯来文史特朗码"; "AboutModuleContainsGreekParse" = "定义希腊文形态分析码"; "AboutModuleContainsHebrewParse" = "定义希伯来文形态分析码"; "AboutModuleContainsDailyDevotion" = "含每日灵修"; "AboutModuleContainsImages" = "含图片"; "NotSupported" = "目前不支持此模块"; "ConfirmDeleteTitle" = "去除?"; "ConfirmDeleteQuestion" = "您肯定要去除此模块?"; "EmptyChapterWarning" = "此模块本章无内容。"; "ModuleNotInstalled" = "尚未安装"; "AboutModuleCurrentVersion" = "已安装的版本: "; // new v1.2.2 strings: "ModuleLockedTitle" = "模块被锁"; "ModuleLockedQuestion" = "此模块现在被锁。你必须买钥匙(key)打开它。可是你目前不能通过PocketSword买。请阅读此模块的介绍来找到如何买模块\n 你如果已经买了钥匙,请输入你的钥匙来打开模块。你要输入你的钥匙吗?"; "ModuleEnterKeyTitle" = "输入钥匙(key):"; "ModuleUnlockScreenTitle" = "解锁模块"; "ModuleUnlockHelpText" = "请输入你买模块时收到的钥匙来打开它。按完成以测试模块,如果正确就按存档(Save)."; "RefSelectorBookTitle" = "选择书名"; "RefSelectorChapterTitle" = "章"; "RefSelectorVerseTitle" = "节"; "RefSelectorBackButtonTitle" = "回去";