/* PocketSword - A frontend for viewing SWORD project modules on the iPhone and iPod Touch Copyright (C) 2008-2010 CrossWire Bible Society This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // Korean localisation // By // Last Updated v1.0b2 "Edit" = "편집"; "Done" = "완료"; "Module Download" = "Module Download"; "Installing" = "설치 중:"; "Yes" = "네"; "No" = "아니오"; "ConfirmInstall" = "이 모듈을 설치하시겠습니까?"; "Next" = "다음"; "Previous" = "이전"; "Ok" = "Ok"; "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "Error" = "Error"; // Module About "AboutModuleName" = "Module name: "; "AboutModuleDescription" = "Description: "; "AboutModuleType" = "Type: "; "AboutModuleLang" = "Language: "; "AboutModuleVersion" = "Version: "; "AboutModuleVersionUnspecified" = "(unspecified)"; "AboutModuleAboutText" = "About: "; "AboutModuleLicence" = "Distribution Licence: "; "AboutModuleLCSH" = "Library of Congress Subject Heading: "; "Disclaimer" = "Disclaimer"; "DisclaimerMsg" = " -=+* WARNING *+=-\nAlthough Install Manager provides a convenient way for installing and upgrading SWORD components, it also uses a systematic method for accessing sites which gives packet sniffers a target to lock into for singling out users. \nIF YOU LIVE IN A PERSECUTED COUNTRY AND DO NOT WISH TO RISK DETECTION, YOU SHOULD *NOT* USE INSTALL MANAGER'S REMOTE SOURCE FEATURES. \nAlso, Remote Sources other than CrossWire may contain less than quality modules, modules with unorthodox content, or even modules which are not legitimately distributable. Many repositories contain wonderfully useful content. These repositories simply are not reviewed or maintained by CrossWire and CrossWire cannot be held responsible for their content. CAVEAT EMPTOR.\nDo you understand this and are you willing to enable remote source features?"; "WebNoIP" = "Web: Unable to determine external IP\n"; "WiFiNoConnection" = "Wifi: No Connection\n"; "NoNetworkConnection" = "No network connection available."; "manualInstallHelp" = "To manually install a module you need to point a web browser to one of the locations below and then follow the prompts there (or just search for your iPhone using Bonjour!). However, it is suggested that you use the built-in module installer - this manual installer is only provided for those users who create their own modules."; "InstallManagerDisabled" = "disabled..."; "InstallTitle" = "Install?"; "files" = "files"; "InstallProblem" = "A problem occurred during the installation."; "InstalledButtonTitle" = "Installed"; "InstallButtonTitle" = "Install"; "RefreshProblem" = "A problem occurred during the refresh."; "RefreshingModuleSource" = "Refreshing Module Source"; "NoModulesRefresh" = "No modules here. Try a refresh."; "NoModulesInstalled" = "No modules installed."; "InstallSourcesTitle" = "Sources"; "PreferencesTitle" = "Preferences"; "PreferencesDisplayPreferencesTitle" = "Display Preferences"; "PreferencesDevicePreferencesTitle" = "Device Preferences"; "PreferencesFontSizeTitle" = "Font Size"; "PreferencesNightModeTitle" = "Night Mode"; "PreferencesVPLTitle" = "Verse Per Line"; "PreferencesFontTitle" = "Font"; "PreferencesRedLetterTitle" = "Red Letter"; "PreferencesRedLetterNote" = "Note that Red Letter mode is only available for certain modules"; "PreferencesDisableAutoLockTitle" = "Disable auto-lock"; "PreferencesModuleMaintainerModeTitle" = "Module Maintainer Mode"; "PreferencesModuleMaintainerModeNote" = "Note that Module Maintainer Mode is for those users who create their own modules & require a method to manually install their own modules. For all other users, it is suggested that you use the built-in module downloader to access official modules provided by CrossWire."; "AboutTitle" = "About"; "TabBarTitleBible" = "Bible"; "TabBarTitleCommentary" = "Commentary"; "TabBarTitleDictionary" = "Dictionary"; "TabBarTitleModules" = "Modules"; "TabBarTitlePreferences" = "Preferences"; "TabBarTitleAbout" = "About"; "ModulesTitle" = "Modules"; "BookmarksTitle" = "Bookmarks"; "ActivityLabelLoading" = "Loading..."; "MMMBonjourLoading" = "Bonjour Loading..."; "MMMIPLoading" = "IP Loading..."; "Biblical Texts" = "Biblical Texts"; "Commentaries" = "Commentaries"; "Lexicons / Dictionaries" = "Lexicons / Dictionaries"; "Generic Books" = "Generic Books"; "Daily Devotional" = "Daily Devotional"; "Glossaries" = "Glossaries"; "Cults / Unorthodox / Questionable Material" = "Cults / Unorthodox / Questionable Material"; "Essays" = "Essays"; "Maps" = "Maps"; "Images" = "Images"; "BibleHistoryTitle" = "Bible History"; "CommentaryHistoryTitle" = "Commentary History"; "None" = "None"; "CloseButtonTitle" = "Close"; "CacheDictionaryKeysTitle" = "Cache?"; "CacheDictionaryKeysMsg" = "This Dictionary has yet to be initialised, do you wish to cache this Dictionary now?"; "IndexDownloadTitle" = "Index Download"; "NoSearchIndexTitle" = "No Search Index"; "NoSearchIndexMsg" = "You don't have a search index installed for this module. Do you wish to check for available search indices now?"; "SearchDownloaderTitle" = "Search Downloader"; "FontPreferenceTitle" = "Font"; "EmailUsButton" = "Email Us"; "NoSearchIndexInstalled" = "No Search Index Installed"; "SearchResults" = "Results"; "IndexControllerInstalled" = "You already have installed a search index for:"; "IndexControllerDownloadable" = "Select a downloadable search index from the following list to enable search for that module:"; "IndexControllerNone" = "Check your network connection to enable search for:"; "IndexControllerNoneRemote" = "There is currently no downloadable search index available for:"; "SearchHelpTitle" = "Search Help"; "IndexControllerConfirmQuestion" = "Do you wish to download the search index for this module?\nThis may take a while for Commentary modules!"; "PreferencesStrongsPreferencesTitle" = "Strong's Numbers"; "PreferencesDisplayTitle" = "Display"; "PreferencesGreekModuleTitle" = "Greek module"; "PreferencesHebrewModuleTitle" = "Hebrew module"; "PreferencesMorphologyPreferencesTitle" = "Morphology Preferences"; "PreferencesOriginalLanguagePreferencesTitle" = "Original Language"; "PreferencesGreekAccentsTitle" = "Greek Accents"; "PreferencesHVPTitle" = "Hebrew Vowel Points"; "PreferencesHebrewCantillationTitle" = "Hebrew Cantillation"; "PreferencesGreekStrongsLexiconTitle" = "Greek Strong's lexicon"; "PreferencesHebrewStrongsLexiconTitle" = "Hebrew Strong's lexicon"; "PreferencesGreekMorphLexiconTitle" = "Greek Morphological lexicon"; "PreferencesCrossReferencesTitle" = "Cross-references"; "PreferencesFootnotesTitle" = "Footnotes"; "NoHebrewStrongsNumbersModuleInstalled" = "No Hebrew Strong's Numbers Lexicon installed. Please install one (such as 'strongshebrew') via the More->Downloads tab."; "NoGreekStrongsNumbersModuleInstalled" = "No Greek Strong's Numbers Lexicon installed. Please install one (such as 'strongsgreek') via the More->Downloads tab."; "NoMorphGreekModuleInstalled" = "No Greek Morphological Analysis Codes Lexicon installed. Please install one (such as 'Robinson') via the More->Downloads tab"; "MorphHebrewNotSupported" = "Unfortunately, Morphological Analysis Codes are only currently available for Greek words. If you have the language ability and are willing to help bring this feature to PocketSword, please take a look at
and join the discussion group there."; "AboutModuleFeaturesTitle" = "Module Features"; "AboutModuleContainsStrongsNumbers" = "Contains Strong's Numbers"; "AboutModuleContainsMorphTags" = "Contains Morphological tags"; "AboutModuleContainsFootnotes" = "Contains Footnotes"; "AboutModuleContainsHeadings" = "Contains Headings"; "AboutModuleContainsRedLetterWords" = "Words of Christ in Red"; "AboutModuleContainsVariants" = "Contains Textual Variants"; "AboutModuleContainsGreekAccents" = "Contains Greek Accents"; "AboutModuleContainsScriptref" = "Contains Scriptual Cross-References"; "AboutModuleContainsLemma" = "Lemmas"; "AboutModuleContainsCantillation" = "Contains Cantillation Marks"; "AboutModuleContainsHebrewPoints" = "Contains Hebrew Points"; "AboutModuleContainsMorphSegmentation" = "This is a morpheme segmented Hebrew text"; "AboutModuleContainsGreekDef" = "Defines Greek Strong's Numbers"; "AboutModuleContainsHebrewDef" = "Defines Hebrew Strong's Numbers"; "AboutModuleContainsGreekParse" = "Defines Greek Morphological Analysis Codes"; "AboutModuleContainsHebrewParse" = "Defines Hebrew Morphological Analysis Codes"; "AboutModuleContainsDailyDevotion" = "Contains a Daily Devotional"; "AboutModuleContainsImages" = "Contains Images"; "NotSupported" = "This module is not currently supported"; "ConfirmDeleteTitle" = "Remove?"; "ConfirmDeleteQuestion" = "Are you sure you wish to remove this module?"; "EmptyChapterWarning" = "This chapter is empty for this module."; "ModuleNotInstalled" = "is not installed."; "AboutModuleCurrentVersion" = "Installed Version: "; // new v1.2.2 strings: "ModuleLockedTitle" = "Module Locked"; "ModuleLockedQuestion" = "This module is currently locked. You must purchase a key to unlock this module. Unfortunately, you can't do this through PocketSword at this time. Please read the description of this module to find out how to purchase this module.\n If you have already purchased a key, you can input your key to unlock this module. Do you want to input your key now?"; "ModuleEnterKeyTitle" = "Enter Key:"; "ModuleUnlockScreenTitle" = "Unlock Module"; "ModuleUnlockHelpText" = "To unlock this module, please enter the key you were sent when you bought this module. Press Done to test the key and then press Save if it looks correct."; "RefSelectorBookTitle" = "Select Book"; "RefSelectorChapterTitle" = "Chapter"; "RefSelectorVerseTitle" = "Verse"; "RefSelectorBackButtonTitle" = "Back";