// GoBibleCreator.java
// GoBibleCreator
// Created by Jolon Faichney on Sat Oct 30 2004.
// For the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and the furtherance of His Kingdom.
// This file is placed into the public domain.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import jolon.xml.*;
import java.util.zip.*;
* Creates Go Bible JAR files from XML Bible texts. Supports OSIS, ThML and
* XHTML-TE formats. See OsisConverter, ThmlConverter and XhtmlTeConverter
* classes for format specific information.
* The collections file specifies the name of the collection, the
* contents of the collection, and the location of the source text.
* It has the following format:
* Source-Text: Source.thml
* Collection: Collection Name
* Book: Book Name, Start Chapter, End Chapter
* Book: Book Name, Start Chapter, End Chapter
* Collection: Collection Name
* Book: Book Name, Start Chapter, End Chapter
* The book name is that which is contained within the div2 title tag.
* The start and end chapters can be omitted if the entire book is to be
* included.
* An example would be:
* Source-Text: KJV.thml
* Collection: Gospels
* Book: Matthew
* Book: Mark
* Book: Luke
* Book: John
* Collection: Psalms I
* Book: Psalms, 1, 41
* Collection: Psalms II
* Book: Psalms, 42, 72
public abstract class GoBibleCreator
* Version of Go Bible to be written to JAR and JAD files. Major version will
* be the MIDP version. eg. MIDP 2.0 version will be 2.x.x.
public final static String SUB_VERSION = "4.99"; // "3.6";
/** Style changes are written out as flags in a single byte. **/
public final static char STYLE_RED = 1;
/** Text that will be appended to every collection name. **/
public final static String NAME_APPENDAGE = " Go Bible";
/** Combines multiple chapters into a single file. File size will be approximately MAX_FILE_SIZE. **/
public final static boolean COMBINED_CHAPTERS = true;
/** If COMBINED_CHAPTERS = true then this represents the approximate file size of the combined chapters. **/
public final static int MAX_FILE_SIZE_MIDP_2 = 24 << 10;
public final static int MAX_FILE_SIZE_MIDP_1 = 4 << 10;
/** Go Bible text alignment: LEFT. **/
public final static int ALIGN_LEFT = 0;
/** Go Bible text alignment: RIGHT. **/
public final static int ALIGN_RIGHT = 1;
/** GoBible-Align JAD property values. **/
public final static String[] ALIGN_TEXT = {"Left", "Right"};
/** File name of the UI properties file. **/
public final static String UI_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "ui.properties";
/** MIDP version in the manifest and JAD. **/
public static String midpVersion = "MIDP-2.0";
//the USFM file codepage for the source files
// introduced in version 2.3
protected static String fileCodepage = null;
/** MIDP version in the manifest and JAD. **/
public static String versionString = "2." + SUB_VERSION;
public static int MAX_FILE_SIZE = MAX_FILE_SIZE_MIDP_2;
* By default GoBibleCreator parses the source text and generates the verse
* data which is stored in the JAR files. This is a time consuming process
* and rarely needs to be repeated. If "-u" is specifed on the command-line
* then this variable is set to true which means to only update the existing
* JAR/JAD files instead of reparsing the source text and generating the
* verse data. However, it is off by default to ensure that the files are
* generated.
protected static boolean updateOnly = false;
/** Location of WAP site where JAD files will be placed.
If no 'Wap-site:' attribute is specified in the Collections file then no WAP files will be
produced. **/
protected static String wapSite = null;
/* attributes deleted: (put them elsewhere)
* MIDlet-INfo_URL
* MIDlet-Vendor
* Info-string
/** Custom font string. **/
protected static String customFontString = null;
/** Text alignment. **/
protected static int align = ALIGN_LEFT;
/** Language Code appended to Collection names. eg. Ar, Zh, En, etc. **/
protected static String languageCode = "";
public enum languageCodePositionType
protected static languageCodePositionType languageCodePosition;
/** Contains the contents of the English UI properties file and
non-English UI strings specified in the Collections file.
protected static Properties uiProperties = new Properties();
* This will be prepended to the Source-Text path in the Collections.txt file.
* Can be set through the -d parameter.
protected static String baseSourceDirectory = null;
// the file path (relative to the baseSource directory) to an alternate
// icon that will display on the phone
// introduced in version 2.3
protected static String phoneIconFilepath = null;
// alternate name for the application that will be displayed in the
// phone's title
// introduced in version 2.3
protected static String applicationName = null;
// flag to determine if red lettering is used
// introduced in version 2.3
protected static boolean useRedLettering = true; /* TODO: duplicate */
public enum SourceFormatType
// introduced in version 2.3
protected static SourceFormatType sourceFormatType;
/** Empty-Verse-Text string. **/
protected static String EmptyVerseString = null;
private static final int MODE_GENERATE_COLLECTION = 0;
private static final int MODE_CREATE_JAR = 1;
private static final int MODE_UPDATE_BINARIES = 2;
private static String fileName = null;
private static int actionMode = MODE_CREATE_JAR;
private static void printHeader() {
System.out.println("GoBibleCreator Version: " + versionString);
private static void printUsage() {
System.out.println("Usage: (java -jar GoBibleCreator) [ options ] CollectionsFilePath");
System.out.println("\t-b (path) - Path to GoBibleCore binaries (.jar)");
System.out.println("\t-m (path) - Path to Manifest file template");
System.out.println("\t-p (path) - Path to ui.properties template");
System.out.println("\t-dh - Show some debug output");
System.out.println("\t-u - Update only");
System.out.println("\t-d - Set base source text directory");
private static void readProgramOptions(String args[]) {
if (args.length < 1)
String paramOptionMap[][] = {
{ "-b", "GBCoreBinaryPath" },
{ "-m", "ManifestFilePath" },
{ "-p", "UIFilePath" },
{ "-dh", null},
{ "-u", null},
{ "-d", "BaseSourceDirectory" }
String updateOption = null;
int i;
for (i=0; i " + System.getProperty(property));
catch (Exception e) {}
if (programOptions.containsKey("-u"))
// Update-only flag has been specified which means we won't be
// parsing the source text or updating the text in the JAR file.
// Instead we will be only modifying the existing JAR/JAD files
// which should already exist
updateOnly = true;
System.out.println(" ** The \"Update-only\"(-u) flag has been found: updating the JAR/JAD files.");
System.out.println(" ** The original JAR files[s] are renamed with the file extension .TMP");
if (programOptions.containsKey("BaseSourceDirectory"))
// This argument is the base directory for Source-Text, we can
// switch the flag off now and considered the other arguments
// as normal.
baseSourceDirectory = programOptions.get("BaseSourceDirectory");
System.out.println(" ** Using <"+baseSourceDirectory+"> as the base Source Directory.");
System.out.println(" ** Using the GoBibleCore binary:\n\t<" + programOptions.get("GBCoreBinaryPath") + ">");
System.out.println(" ** Using the Manifest file:\n\t<" + programOptions.get("ManifestFilePath") + ">");
System.out.println(" ** Using the UI Properties file:\n\t<" + programOptions.get("UIFilePath") + ">");
for (; i programOptions = null;
private static HashMap goBibleOptions = new HashMap();
public static void initializeOptions() {
File jarDirectory = getJarDirectory();
if (programOptions == null) {
programOptions = new HashMap();
programOptions.put("ManifestFilePath", new File(jarDirectory, "./GoBibleCore/MANIFEST.MF").getAbsolutePath());
programOptions.put("GBCoreBinaryPath", new File(jarDirectory, "./GoBibleCore/GoBibleCore.jar").getAbsolutePath());
programOptions.put("UIFilePath", new File(jarDirectory, "./GoBibleCore/ui.properties").getAbsolutePath());
if (goBibleOptions == null) {
goBibleOptions = new HashMap();
goBibleOptions.put("Go-Bible-Align", "left");
* Parses the XML and collection files and writes out the Go Bible data
* files in the same directory as the collection files.
* @param collectionsFile Collections File
public static void create(File collectionsFile) throws IOException
HashMap books = null;
if (!updateOnly)
// Extract xml file from the collectionsFile property: Source-Text
String sourceTextPath = extractSourceTextPath(collectionsFile);
// Extract the source file type from the collectionsFile property: SourceFormat
sourceFormatType = extractSourceFormatType(collectionsFile);
if (sourceFormatType.equals(SourceFormatType.unknown))
//do extra testing on the file to see if the format can be determined
//this is for backward compatibility for GBC 2.2.6 version and prior
//which did not specify the Source-Format property
sourceFormatType = SourceFormatTypeRetry(baseSourceDirectory, sourceTextPath);
// Base source directory can be overridden with the -d argument
if (sourceFormatType == SourceFormatType.osis
|| sourceFormatType == SourceFormatType.thml
|| sourceFormatType == SourceFormatType.xhtml_te)
File xmlFile = new File(baseSourceDirectory, sourceTextPath);
XMLConverter xc = XMLConverter.getConverter(xmlFile);
books = xc.parse();
else if (sourceFormatType == SourceFormatType.usfm)
USFMConverter uc = new USFMConverter
books = uc.parse();
//dump out message saying that it cannot determine the file format type
System.out.println("Error: Could not determine Bible format type, " +
sourceFormatType + ". Please use the 'Source-Format'");
System.out.println("property in your collections file.");
else // updateOnly
if (actionMode == MODE_CREATE_JAR) {
UpdateBaseSourceDirectory(collectionsFile); // to update icons
if (books != null || updateOnly)
Vector collections = null;
if (actionMode == MODE_CREATE_JAR) {
/* TODO: Collections file is parsed AFTER files are interpreted?
* HOw does it affect the fileCodePage?
// Parse the collections file
collections = parseCollectionsFile(collectionsFile, books);
if (customFontString != null)
generateCustomFont(customFontString, collectionsFile, books);
// Work out the current directory of the GoBibleCreator.jar
File jarFile = new File(programOptions.get("GBCoreBinaryPath"));
JarFile goBibleJar = new JarFile(jarFile);
// Find the manifest file attributes and load it.
File manifestFile = new File(programOptions.get("ManifestFilePath"));
MyManifest manifest;
try {
manifest = new MyManifest(new FileInputStream(manifestFile));
System.out.println("Manifest template found");
catch (IOException ioe) {
manifest = new MyManifest();
System.out.println("Manifest data NOT found");
for (Enumeration e = collections.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
Collection collection = (Collection) e.nextElement();
System.out.println("Writing Collection " + collection.fileName + ": ");
* @return The directory containing the GoBibleCreator.jar file that is being executed.
public static File getJarDirectory()
String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String pathSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator");
String[] paths = classPath.split(pathSeparator);
// Find the path which contains GoBibleCreator.jar
for (String path: paths)
if (path.contains("GoBibleCreator.jar"))
File file = new File(path);
return file.getParentFile();
System.out.println("Warning: couldn't find the path to GoBibleCreator.jar. Using current directory.");
return new File(".");
public static String extractSourceTextPath(File collectionsFile) throws IOException
String sourceTextPath = null;
// Open the file for reading one line at a time in UTF-8 character encoding
LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(collectionsFile), "UTF-8"));
String line = null;
String sourceTextPropertyName = "Source-Text:";
// Read the collections in the file
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
// Test if line contains the source text property
if (line.startsWith(sourceTextPropertyName))
sourceTextPath = line.substring(sourceTextPropertyName.length()).trim();
if (sourceTextPath == null)
System.err.println("Error parsing collections file: No Source-Text specified.");
System.err.println("The source text is either a ThML, OSIS or XHTML-TE XML file.");
System.err.println("It must be specified as follows:");
System.err.println("Source-Text: Source.xml");
System.err.println("For example:");
System.err.println("Source-Text: kjv.thml");
return sourceTextPath;
* @return the enum of the source file format (i.e., Thml/osis/usfm)
public static SourceFormatType extractSourceFormatType(File collectionsFile) throws IOException
SourceFormatType srcFormatType = SourceFormatType.unknown;
// Open the file for reading one line at a time in UTF-8 character encoding
LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(collectionsFile), "UTF-8"));
String line = null;
String sourceTextPropertyName = "Source-Format:";
// Read the collections in the file
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
// Test if line contains the source text property
if (line.startsWith(sourceTextPropertyName))
String sFormat = line.substring(sourceTextPropertyName.length()).trim().toLowerCase();
if (sFormat.equals("osis"))
{ srcFormatType = SourceFormatType.osis; }
else if (sFormat.equals("thml"))
{ srcFormatType = SourceFormatType.thml; }
else if (sFormat.equals("usfm"))
{ srcFormatType = SourceFormatType.usfm; }
else if (sFormat.equals("xhtml_te"))
{ srcFormatType = SourceFormatType.xhtml_te; }
{ srcFormatType = SourceFormatType.unknown; }
return srcFormatType;
* tries one last time to parse the source file to determine the file format
public static SourceFormatType SourceFormatTypeRetry(String baseSourceDirectory, String sourceTextPath) throws IOException
SourceFormatType srcFormatType = SourceFormatType.unknown;
//convert source text to file
File fIn = new File(baseSourceDirectory, sourceTextPath);
//read in up to the first 200 lines and see if you can spot the tags
BufferedReader readerIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fIn));
String lineIn;
int iRowCount = 0;
while ((lineIn = readerIn.readLine()) != null || iRowCount < 200)
lineIn = lineIn.toLowerCase();
if (lineIn.indexOf(OsisConverter.OSIS_TAG.toLowerCase()) > 0)
srcFormatType = SourceFormatType.osis;
if (lineIn.indexOf(ThmlConverter.THML_TAG.toLowerCase()) > 0)
srcFormatType= SourceFormatType.thml;
if (lineIn.indexOf(XhtmlTeConverter.XHTML_TAG.toLowerCase()) > 0)
srcFormatType= SourceFormatType.xhtml_te;
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
return srcFormatType;
* Parses the English UI properties file. The English definitions
* can be overridden in the Collections file.
public static void parseUiProperties(InputStream stream) throws IOException
// Open the file for reading one line at a time in UTF-8 character encoding
LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"));
String line = null;
// Read the properties in the file
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
if (line.startsWith("UI-"))
int index = line.indexOf(':');
uiProperties.put(line.substring(0, index), line.substring(index + 1));
else if(line.startsWith("#") ||line.startsWith("//") || line.startsWith("rem") || line.startsWith("REM"))
//do nothing - ignore line
// If line isn't empty then report that we don't know what it is
else if (!line.trim().equals(""))
System.out.println("Error parsing ui.properties file. Can't understand line:\n" + line);
// Close the file
* Creates a vector of collections from the specified file.
* @param collectionsFile Collections file with the format specified above.
* @param books HashMap of books indexed by book name.
* @return Vector of Collection objects.
public static Vector parseCollectionsFile(File collectionsFile, HashMap books) throws IOException
// Open the file for reading one line at a time in UTF-8 character encoding
LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(collectionsFile), "UTF-8"));
Vector collections = new Vector();
Collection collection = null;
String line = null;
int lineCount = 0;
java.util.regex.Matcher m = null;
// Read the collections in the file
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
//ignore blank lines
if (!line.trim().equals(""))
//test to see if the line is a comment line
if (line.startsWith("//") || line.startsWith("rem") || line.startsWith("REM"))
//do nothing - ignore line
// Test if line specifies a WAP site for the JAD files
else if (line.startsWith("Wap-site:"))
wapSite = line.substring(9).trim();
// Source-Text is ignored here but is retrieved earlier from within extractSourceTextPath()
else if (line.startsWith("Source-Text:"))
// Source-FileExtension is the extension of the USFM files in the format ptx,ltn,uz..
// retrieved earlier
else if (line.startsWith("Source-FileExtension:"))
// Source-Format is ignored here but is retrieved earlier
// Added in version > 2.2.6
else if (line.startsWith("Source-Format:"))
// USFM-TitleTag is ignored here but is retrieved earlier
// Added in version > 2.2.6
else if (line.startsWith("USFM-TitleTag:"))
// Phone-Icon-Filepath is the filepath to the alternate icon
// to be displayed by the application
// Added in version > 2.2.6
else if (line.startsWith("Phone-Icon-Filepath:"))
phoneIconFilepath = line.substring("Phone-Icon-Filepath:".length()).trim();
else if (line.startsWith("Codepage:"))
fileCodepage = line.substring("Codepage:".length()).trim();
// alternate name for the application that will be displayed in the
// phone title
// introduced in version > 2.2.6
else if (line.startsWith("Application-Name:"))
applicationName = line.substring("Application-Name:".length()).trim();
// Check to see if the user wants to use red lettering
// brought in earlier
else if (line.startsWith("RedLettering:"))
//defaults to true
if (line.toLowerCase().indexOf("false") > 0 || line.toLowerCase().indexOf("no") > 0)
useRedLettering = false;
// Test if line specifies Info property
else if (line.startsWith("Info:"))
goBibleOptions.put("Go-Bible-Info", line.substring(5).trim());
// Test if line specifies Custom-Font property
else if (line.startsWith("Custom-Font:"))
customFontString = line.substring(12).trim();
// Test if line specifies Language-Code property
else if (line.startsWith("Language-Code:"))
int commaIndex = line.indexOf(',');
if (commaIndex == -1)
languageCode = line.substring(14).trim();
languageCodePosition = languageCodePositionType.suffix; // default value
languageCode = line.substring(14, commaIndex);
String langPosition = line.substring(commaIndex + 1).trim();
if (langPosition.equalsIgnoreCase("prefix"))
languageCodePosition = languageCodePositionType.prefix;
else if (langPosition.equalsIgnoreCase("suffix"))
languageCodePosition = languageCodePositionType.suffix;
languageCodePosition = languageCodePositionType.suffix; // default value
System.out.println("Error parsing collections file. Unsupported Language-Code position: " + langPosition + ", use 'prefix' or 'suffix'. (EX: Language-Code: en, prefix)");
// Test if line specifies MIDP property
else if (line.startsWith("MIDP:"))
String midpVersionString = line.substring(5).trim();
// Release 2.4.0 will no longer support MIDP-1.0
//if (midpVersionString.equals("MIDP-1.0"))
// midpVersion = midpVersionString;
if (!midpVersionString.equals(midpVersion)) //"MIDP-2.0"))
// System.out.println("Error parsing collections file. Unsupported MIDP version: " + midpVersionString + ", try MIDP-1.0 or MIDP-2.0");
System.out.println("Error parsing collections file. Unsupported MIDP version: " + midpVersionString + ", use " + midpVersion);//MIDP-2.0");
// Test if this is the alignment property
else if (line.startsWith("Align:"))
// Set the alignment
String alignString = line.substring(6).trim().toLowerCase();
if (alignString.equals("left"))
goBibleOptions.put("Go-Bible-Align", alignString);
else if (alignString.equals("right"))
goBibleOptions.put("Go-Bible-Align", alignString);
System.out.println("Error passing collections file. Did not understand align property: '" + alignString + "'. Must be either 'Left' or 'Right'.");
// Test if this is a book name map
else if (line.startsWith("Book-Name-Map:"))
int length = 14;
// Grab the book short name
String valuePart = line.substring(length).trim(); // trim away initial tabs
String parts[] = valuePart.split("[,\\t]",2);
String bookLongName = parts[1].trim();
String bookShortName = parts[0].trim();
if (!updateOnly)
// Find the book
Book book = (Book) books.get(bookShortName);
if (book == null)
System.out.println("Warning: can't find book name: " + bookShortName);
System.out.println("Check Book-Name-Map entries with source text file[s].");
// Set the book's long name
book.name = bookLongName;
// For files with \id, use Book-Name, only tabs allowed
else if (line.startsWith("Book-Index-Id-Name:"))
char delimiter = '\t';
String value = line.substring(5+6+3+5);
String parts[] = value.split("/\t/",3);
parts[0] = parts[0].trim();
parts[1] = parts[1].trim();
parts[2] = parts[2].trim();
if (!updateOnly)
// Find the book
Book book = (Book) books.get(parts[1]);
if (book == null)
System.out.println("Warning: can't find book id: " + parts[1]);
System.out.println("Check Book-Index-Id-Name entries with source text file[s].");
// Set the book's long name
book.name = parts[2];
// Test if this is a new collection
else if (line.startsWith("Collection:"))
String collectionName = line.substring(11).trim();
String fileName = collectionName;
// If there is a comma then the first name is the file name
// and the second name is the collection name
int commaIndex = collectionName.indexOf(',');
if (commaIndex != -1)
fileName = collectionName.substring(0, commaIndex);
collectionName = collectionName.substring(commaIndex + 1).trim();
// Create a new collection with the name after "Collection:"
if (languageCodePosition == languageCodePositionType.suffix)
collection = new Collection(fileName + " " + languageCode, (collectionName + " " + languageCode).trim());
collection = new Collection(languageCode + " " + fileName, (languageCode + " " + collectionName).trim());
else if (line.startsWith("Book:") ||
(m = (java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("^Book-([0-9]+):")).matcher(line)).matches())
int bookNumber = -1;
if (m != null && m.matches()) {
bookNumber = Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
// If an existing collection doesn't exist then it is an error
if (collection == null)
System.out.println("'Book:' without collection on line " + reader.getLineNumber());
// The book line may contain commas if start and end chapters are specified
String bookName = line.substring(5);
int startChapter = -1;
int endChapter = -1;
int commaIndex = bookName.indexOf(',');
if (commaIndex >= 0)
// Grab the chapter numbers after the comma
String startChapterString = bookName.substring(commaIndex + 1);
// Remove the commas and chapter numbers from the book name
bookName = bookName.substring(0, commaIndex);
// Grab the second comma
commaIndex = startChapterString.indexOf(',');
if (commaIndex >= 0)
String endChapterString = startChapterString.substring(commaIndex + 1).trim();
startChapterString = startChapterString.substring(0, commaIndex).trim();
startChapter = Integer.parseInt(startChapterString);
endChapter = Integer.parseInt(endChapterString);
System.out.println("Start chapter specified without end chapter on line " + reader.getLineNumber());
// Trim whitespace from around the book name
bookName = bookName.trim();
//clean up the extranous characters in the book name
if(sourceFormatType == SourceFormatType.usfm)
bookName = USFMConverter.CleanBookName(bookName);
// If the start and end chapters aren't specified then get them from the XML book.
// We can only do this if updateOnly isn't set, otherwise the source text
// won't have been parsed.
if (startChapter == -1 && !updateOnly)
Book xmlBook = (Book) books.get(bookName);
if (xmlBook == null)
System.out.println("Couldn't find book: " + bookName);
startChapter = xmlBook.startChapter;
endChapter = xmlBook.chapters.size() + startChapter - 1;
// Create a new book and add it to the current collection
Book book = new Book(bookName, startChapter, endChapter);
book.bookNumber = bookNumber;
else if (line.startsWith("UI-"))
// Override English definition
int index = line.indexOf(':');
uiProperties.put(line.substring(0, index), line.substring(index + 1));
// Empth verse text
else if (line.startsWith("Empty-Verse-Text:"))
// Grab text to display where the verse text is missing
EmptyVerseString = line.substring(15).trim();
// Any other random property
else if (line.startsWith("Go-Bible-") || line.startsWith("MIDlet-"))
// Set the alignment
int colonPosition = line.indexOf(":");
if (colonPosition == -1) {
System.out.println("Error parsing collections file. Can't understand line<"+lineCount+">:\n" + line);
String propertyString = line.substring(0, colonPosition);
String valueString = line.substring(colonPosition + 1).trim();
goBibleOptions.put(propertyString, valueString);
// If line isn't empty then report that we don't know what it is
else if (!line.trim().equals(""))
System.out.println("Error parsing collections file. Can't understand line<"+lineCount+">:\n" + line);
} // While
// Close the file
return collections;
* Creates a new directory within the specified directory and writes out the specified
* collection therein. Also creates a wap subdirectory where WAP JAD files are placed. Adds a new line
* to the wapPage StringBuffer creating a link to the WAP JAD file.
* @param directory Directory to place the collection in.
* @param collection Collection to create.
* @param books HashMap of books read in from XML file.
* @param goBibleJar JAR containing the Go Bible classes.
* @param wapPage StringBuffer containing the contents of the WAP page where a new line will be added for
* the current collection.
public static void writeCollection(
File directory,
Collection collection,
HashMap books,
JarFile goBibleJar,
Manifest templateManifest) throws IOException
// Create a manifest file for the new JAR
MyManifest finalManifest = new MyManifest();
HashMap versionOptions = new HashMap();
// prepare the name for this application
if (applicationName != null) {
s = applicationName;
// Default options that prevent a program from crashing if Manifest file is not found
// But don't overwrite a previous GoBible name.
if (collection != null && actionMode != MODE_UPDATE_BINARIES) {
versionOptions.put("MIDlet-Name", collection.name + " " + s);
versionOptions.put("MIDlet-1", collection.name + " " + s + ", /Icon.png, GoBible");
versionOptions.put("MIDlet-Icon", "/Icon.png");
versionOptions.put("MIDlet-Version", "2.4.99"); /* some dummy version number */
versionOptions.put("MIDlet-Data-Size", "100");
versionOptions.put("MicroEdition-Configuration", "CLDC-1.0");
versionOptions.put("MicroEdition-Profile", "MIDP-2.0");
Attributes attributes = finalManifest.getMainAttributes();
// Create a String to contain the UI properties
String uiPropertiesString = "";
Set uiMappings = uiProperties.entrySet();
for (Iterator i = uiMappings.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
uiPropertiesString += entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue() + "\n";
if (actionMode == MODE_UPDATE_BINARIES) {
new File(
directory.getName().replaceAll(".jar$", ".jad")), // TODO if .jar exists inside the name this fails
"http://example.com/" + directory.getName(),
else {
// Create a new JAR file using the contents of the Go Bible JAR and the new manifest
File jarFile = new File(directory, collection.fileName + ".jar");
File jadFile = new File(directory, collection.fileName + ".jad");
// If updateOnly is true then we haven't parsed the source text and hence
// won't be generating any books or verse data so we are going to
// source the Bible Data from the existing JAR file
if (updateOnly)
updateCollectionJar(directory, jarFile, goBibleJar, finalManifest, uiPropertiesString);
writeCollectionJar(directory, jarFile, collection, books, goBibleJar, finalManifest, uiPropertiesString);
// Create the JAD file that will go in the zip
createJadFile(directory, jadFile, jarFile.length(), collection.fileName + ".jar", attributes);
if (wapSite != null)
File wapDirectory = new File(directory, "wap");
if (!wapDirectory.exists())
// Create the JAD file for the WAP site
new File(wapDirectory, collection.fileName + ".jad"),
wapSite + "/" + directory.getName() + "/" + collection.fileName + ".jar",
// Add a line to the wapPage
wapPage.append("" + collection.name + " " + (jarFile.length() >> 10) + "k \n\n");*/
* 1. Rename existing jar file appending ".tmp"
* 2. Create new jar file with initial name
* 3. Copy "Bible Data" entry of tmp jar file to new jar file
* 4. Delete tmp jar file.
public static void updateCollectionJar(File directory, File jarFile, JarFile goBibleJar, Manifest manifest, String uiPropertiesString) throws IOException
// Make sure the existing JAR exists
if (jarFile.exists())
File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("gobible", ".jar.tmp", directory);
String oldName = jarFile.getName();
// Recreate the JAR file using the tmp as a base
jarFile = new File(directory, oldName);
JarFile tmpJar = new JarFile(tmpFile);
JarOutputStream jarOutputStream = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile)), manifest);
// Copy in the Bible Data from the original JAR
copyInContentsOfJar(tmpJar, jarOutputStream, "Bible Data");
// Copy in GoBibleCore
copyInContentsOfJar(goBibleJar, jarOutputStream, null);
// Create a JAR entry for the UI properties
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(UI_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME));
// Remove the tmp file
System.out.println("Error: existing JAR file does not exist: " + jarFile.getAbsolutePath());
System.out.println("An existing JAR file must exist when the -u option is used.");
* Creates a JAR file containing all of the Books specified in the Collections.txt file.
public static void writeCollectionJar(File directory, File jarFile, Collection collection, HashMap books, JarFile goBibleJar, Manifest manifest, String uiPropertiesString) throws IOException
JarOutputStream jarOutputStream = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile)), manifest);
// Copy from Go Bible Jar
copyInContentsOfJar(goBibleJar, jarOutputStream, null);
// Create a JAR entry for the UI properties
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(UI_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME));
writeMultipleIndex(jarOutputStream, collection, books);
writeMultipleMappings(jarOutputStream, collection, books);
writeMultipleBooks(jarOutputStream, collection, books);
System.out.println(collection.books.size() + " book(s) written to " + jarFile);
* Copies the contents of one JAR into another already open JAR.
* @param jar The source JAR to copy from.
* @param jarOutputStream The destination JAR to copy to.
* @param name Will only copy entries that begin with this name, can be null to copy everything.
public static void copyInContentsOfJar(JarFile jar, JarOutputStream jarOutputStream, String name) throws IOException
// Copy contents of Go Bible JAR into new JAR
for (Enumeration e = jar.entries(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
JarEntry jarEntry = (JarEntry) e.nextElement();
//System.out.println("Reading entry from GoBible.jar: " + jarEntry.getName());
String entryName = jarEntry.getName();
String sFilepath = "";
// Ignore existing manifest, and ui.properties file if
// the Collections file has specified UI properties
if (!entryName.startsWith("META-INF") &&
!entryName.equals(UI_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME) &&
(name == null || entryName.startsWith(name)))
boolean bNewIcon = false;
if (entryName.equals("/Icon.png") && phoneIconFilepath != null)
//check for file existance first
File oFile = new File(baseSourceDirectory, phoneIconFilepath);
if (oFile.exists())
bNewIcon = true;
sFilepath = oFile.getPath();
System.out.println("Error: Icon file doesn't exist <"+phoneIconFilepath+">.");
InputStream inputStream;
if (!bNewIcon)
// Add entry to new JAR file
//copy over the resource from the jar
inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(jar.getInputStream(jarEntry));
// Read all of the bytes from the Go Bible JAR file and write them to the new JAR file
byte[] buffer = new byte [100000];
int length;
while ((length = inputStream.read(buffer)) != -1)
jarOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, length);
// Close the input stream
//add in the replacement icon
byte[] buffer = new byte[100000];
FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(sFilepath);
inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(fi, 100000) ;
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry("Icon.png");
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry ( entry ) ;
int count;
while ((count=inputStream.read(buffer, 0, 100000)) != -1 )
jarOutputStream.write ( buffer, 0, count ) ;
* Creates a JAD file in the specified location, for the specified collection, with the specified JAR file length,
* with the specified URL.
* @param directory Location to place the JAD file.
* @param collection Collection for which the JAD file is being created for.
* @param jarFileLength Length in bytes of the JAR file.
* @param url The string to place in the MIDlet-Jar-URL property.
* @param attr Re-use the attributes found in the Manifest.
public static void createJadFile
(File directory,
File jadFile,
long jarFileLength,
String url,
Attributes attr)
throws IOException
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(
new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(jadFile), "UTF-8")));
// retrieve and write values
Set s = attr.keySet();
// sort the values for presentation
TreeSet sorted = new TreeSet( new Comparator() {
public int compare(Attributes.Name a, Attributes.Name b) {
return a.toString().compareTo(b.toString());
for (Object key: sorted) {
writer.print(": ");
writer.println("MIDlet-Jar-Size: " + jarFileLength);
writer.println("MIDlet-Jar-URL: " + url);
* Writes the index of the collection.
* @param directory Directory to place index.
* @param collection Collection to create.
* @param books Books parsed from ThML file.
public static void writeMultipleIndex(/*File directory,*/ JarOutputStream jarOutputStream, Collection collection, HashMap books) throws IOException
// Write out the main bible index
// DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(directory, "Index"))));
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
// Write out the number of books
// Write the number of chapters and verses for each book
for (Enumeration e = collection.books.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
Book collectionBook = (Book) e.nextElement();
Book thmlBook = (Book) books.get(collectionBook.name);
// Write the book name
// Write the book's file name
// Write the start chapter and number of chapters
output.writeShort(collectionBook.endChapter - collectionBook.startChapter + 1);
int fileNumber = 0;
int fileLength = 0;
for (int i = collectionBook.startChapter; i <= collectionBook.endChapter; i++ )
Chapter chapter = (Chapter) thmlBook.chapters.elementAt(i - thmlBook.startChapter);
// If this isn't the first chapter for the file and the length of the
// next chapter will be greater than the maximum allowed file length
// then put this chapter into the next file
if ((fileLength != 0) && ((fileLength + chapter.allVerses.length() - MAX_FILE_SIZE) > (MAX_FILE_SIZE - fileLength)))
fileLength = 0;
fileLength += chapter.allVerses.length();
chapter.fileNumber = fileNumber;
// Get the bytes of the index so that they can be written to the JAR file
byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("Bible Data/Index"));
jarOutputStream.write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length);
* Writes the necessary verse mappings, book mappings etc. in the collection.
* @param directory Directory to place index.
* @param collection Collection to create.
public static void writeMultipleMappings(JarOutputStream jarOutputStream, Collection collection, HashMap books) throws IOException
System.err.println("Writing out the mappings");
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("Bible Data/Reference Lookup"));
DataOutputStream jarDataOutput = new DataOutputStream(jarOutputStream);
// Verse mappings
int bookIndex = 0;
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
for (Book key: collection.books)
Book cBook = books.get(key.name);
Integer verseMappings[] = cBook.getVerseMappings();
for (Integer mapping : verseMappings) {
int mappingValue = mapping.intValue() | ((bookIndex & 0xFF) << 24);
System.err.println("mapping: " +
((mappingValue >> 24) & 0xFF) + " " +
((mappingValue >> 16) & 0xFF) + " " +
((mappingValue >> 8) & 0xFF) + " " +
((mappingValue) & 0xFF));
// Get the bytes of the index so that they can be written to the JAR file
byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
jarDataOutput.writeInt(byteArray.length + 4);
jarDataOutput.write(new byte[] {-1, -1, -1, -1});
// Book mappings (TODO)
int bookIndex = 0;
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
for (Book key: collection.books)
Book cBook = books.get(key.name);
if (cBook.bookNumber != -1) {
((bookIndex & 0xFF) << 8) |
((cBook.bookNumber & 0xFF)));
bookIndex ++;
byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
jarDataOutput.writeInt(byteArray.length + 2);
jarDataOutput.write(new byte[] {-1, -1});
jarDataOutput.write(new byte[] {0,0});
* Writes out the actual book data.
* @param directory Directory to place the Go Bible data.
* @param collection Collection to create.
* @param books Books from the XML file.
public static void writeMultipleBooks(JarOutputStream jarOutputStream, Collection collection, HashMap books) throws IOException
// Write the number of chapters and verses for each book
for (Enumeration e = collection.books.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
Book collectionBook = (Book) e.nextElement();
// Get the book from the XML file
Book thmlBook = (Book) books.get(collectionBook.name);
System.out.print(thmlBook.fileName + ", ");
// Write out the book index
writeMultipleBookIndex(jarOutputStream, collectionBook, thmlBook);
DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(jarOutputStream);
int fileNumber = 0;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int chapterNumber = collectionBook.startChapter; chapterNumber <= collectionBook.endChapter; chapterNumber++)
Chapter chapter = (Chapter) thmlBook.chapters.elementAt(chapterNumber - thmlBook.startChapter);
// Write out the chapter
// If the file number has changed then write out the file
if (chapter.fileNumber != fileNumber)
//byte[] byteArray = buffer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
//System.out.println("Writing " + thmlBook.name + " " + fileNumber + " - " + byteArray.length + " bytes");
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("Bible Data/" + thmlBook.fileName + "/" + thmlBook.fileName + " " + fileNumber));
//jarOutputStream.write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length);
// Convert the StringBuffer to bytes
byte[] verseBytes = buffer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
dataOutputStream.write(verseBytes, 0, verseBytes.length);
fileNumber = chapter.fileNumber;
buffer = new StringBuffer();
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
String allVerses = chapter.allVerses.toString();
//System.out.println("Writing " + thmlBook.name + " " + chapterNumber + " - " + allVerses.length() + " bytes");
byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("Bible Data/" + thmlBook.fileName + "/" + thmlBook.fileName + " " + chapterNumber));
jarOutputStream.write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length);
// Write out the final file
//byte[] byteArray = buffer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
//System.out.println("Writing " + thmlBook.name + " " + fileNumber + " - " + byteArray.length + " bytes");
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("Bible Data/" + thmlBook.fileName + "/" + thmlBook.fileName + " " + fileNumber));
//jarOutputStream.write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length);
// Convert the StringBuffer to bytes
byte[] verseBytes = buffer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
dataOutputStream.write(verseBytes, 0, verseBytes.length);
* Writes out the index for a book.
* @param collectionBook Contains the book start and end chapters to write out.
* @param xmlBook Contains the book data to write out.
public static void writeMultipleBookIndex(/*File directory,*/ JarOutputStream jarOutputStream, Book collectionBook, Book xmlBook) throws IOException
// Create index file
//DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(directory, "Index"))));
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
// Write the verse sizes for every chapter
for (int chapterNumber = collectionBook.startChapter; chapterNumber <= collectionBook.endChapter; chapterNumber++)
Chapter chapter = (Chapter) xmlBook.chapters.elementAt(chapterNumber - xmlBook.startChapter);
for (Enumeration e = chapter.verses.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
String verse = (String) e.nextElement();
byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("Bible Data/" + xmlBook.fileName + "/Index"));
jarOutputStream.write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length);
* Goes through all of the characters in the verses and generates font bitmaps for them.
* This is currently experimental and shouldn't be used for any production collections.
public static void generateCustomFont(String customFontString, File collectionsFile, HashMap books) throws IOException
System.out.println("Generating fonts...");
// Create a glyph directory
File glyphDirectory = new File(collectionsFile.getParent(), "glyphs");
if (!glyphDirectory.exists())
Font font = new Font(customFontString, Font.PLAIN, 14);
BufferedImage testFontImage = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D testGraphics = (Graphics2D) testFontImage.getGraphics();
FontMetrics fontMetrics = testGraphics.getFontMetrics();
int ascent = fontMetrics.getAscent();
FontRenderContext testFontRenderContext = testGraphics.getFontRenderContext();
HashMap glyphs = new HashMap();
for (Object bookObject: books.values())
Book book = (Book) bookObject;
for (Object chapterObject: book.chapters)
Chapter chapter = (Chapter) chapterObject;
char[] charArray = chapter.allVerses.toString().toCharArray();
int startIndex = 0;
int c = 0;
// Go through verse data and convert characters not yet converted
for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++)
c |= charArray[i];
// If next character will be a Tamil vowel then skip to next character
if (i < charArray.length - 1 && charArray[i + 1] >= '\u0BBE' && charArray[i + 1] <= '\u0BCD')
startIndex = i;
c <<= 16;
if (!glyphs.containsKey(c))
Rectangle2D stringBounds = font.getStringBounds(charArray, startIndex, i + 1, testFontRenderContext);
String hexString = Integer.toHexString(c);
System.out.println(hexString + ": " + ((char) c) + ", height: " + fontMetrics.getHeight());
BufferedImage fontImage = new BufferedImage((int) stringBounds.getWidth(), fontMetrics.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) fontImage.getGraphics();
graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
// Convert character to a bitmap
graphics.drawString(new String(charArray, startIndex, i - startIndex + 1), 0, ascent);
//ImageIO.write(fontImage, "PNG", new File(glyphDirectory, hexString + ".png"));
glyphs.put(c, fontImage);
startIndex = i + 1;
c = 0;
// Go through HashMap and generate new HashMap of glyph indexes.
HashMap glyphIndexes = new HashMap();
int index = 0;
for (int key: glyphs.keySet())
glyphIndexes.put(key, index);
ImageIO.write(glyphs.get(key), "PNG", new File(glyphDirectory, index + ".png"));
System.out.println("Fonts generated.");