import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; /** * Class to store and manage the text styles. The properties are booleans * stored in an 8-bit (byte) value, so there are a maximum of 8 properties. * * After toggling the property, obtain the new font using getFont() and * update the Graphics by calling updateGraphis(g) (to set the colour). * * This class also has several stubs for functions that are meant to * be used in place of functions in Graphics and Font. This class will * then handle all drawing requests according to the properties set. * The reason for this is to support text styles that are not support by the * host platform. * * For example, * 1. Faux bold, by drawing twice, shifted horizontally by 1 pixel * 2. Faux underline, by drawing a 1px-wide solid line below the text baseline * 3. Faux dotted-underline. Similar to the faux underline, but with a dotted * line instead. * * @author Sim */ public class TextStyle { private short property = 0; private short lastProp = 0; private Font lastFont = null; public final static char STYLE_RED = 1; public final static char STYLE_ADD = 2; public final static char STYLE_ND = 3; public final static char STYLE_QUOTE = 4; public final static char STYLE_PROPERNOUN = 5; public final static char STYLE_CHAPTER_TITLE = 6; public final static char STYLE_SECTION_TITLE = 7; public final static char STYLE_BOLD = 8; public static boolean fauxBold = false; public static boolean fauxUnderlined = false; public static boolean fauxItalic = false; public static int christWordsColour = 0xD00000; public static int textColour = 0x000000; public static int fauxItalicColour = 0x666666; public static int fontHeight; public static boolean reverseCharacters = false; public static boolean redLetter = true; public static int fontSize = Font.SIZE_MEDIUM; public static boolean defaultFontBold = false; private Graphics graphics; /** * @param g */ public void setGraphics(Graphics g) { = g; } /** * */ public Graphics getGraphics() { return graphics; } /** * Possibly add 1px for faux underlines */ public int getHeight() { return ((int) GoBible.lineHeight * getFont().getHeight()); } /** * Stub * @param g */ public int stringWidth(String str) { return getFont().stringWidth( reverseCharacters ? GBCToolkit.reverseCharacters(str) : str) + ((fauxBold && isBold())?1:0); } /** * * @param ch * @param offset * @param length * @return */ public int charsWidth(char[] ch, int offset, int length) { return stringWidth( new String(ch, offset, length) ); } /** * * @param ch * @return */ public int charWidth(char ch) { return stringWidth( new String( new char[] {ch}, 0, 1) ); } /** * Stub * @param g */ public int substringWidth(String str, int offset, int len) { // note difference in specification // String.substring(startIndex, endIndex); return stringWidth(str.substring(offset, len + offset)); } /** * * @param str * @param x * @param y * @param anchor */ public void drawString(String str, int x, int y, int anchor) { if (TextStyle.reverseCharacters) { str = GBCToolkit.reverseCharacters(str); } updateGraphics(graphics); graphics.setFont(getFont()); graphics.drawString(str, x, y, anchor); if (fauxBold && isBold()) { graphics.drawString(str, x + 1, y, anchor); } if (fauxItalic && isItalic() && (anchor & Graphics.TOP) != 0) { graphics.setStrokeStyle(Graphics.DOTTED); /* TODO: Optimize this code by saving the value of stringWidth() */ graphics.drawLine( x, y + getFont().getBaselinePosition(), x + stringWidth(str) * (((anchor & Graphics.RIGHT) != 0)? -1 : 1), y + getFont().getBaselinePosition() ); } } /** * * @param str * @param offset * @param len * @param x * @param y * @param anchor */ public void drawSubstring(String str, int offset, int len, int x, int y, int anchor) { drawString(str.substring(offset, offset+len), x, y, anchor); } /** * * @param character * @param x * @param y * @param anchor */ public void drawChar(char character, int x, int y, int anchor) { drawString(new String(new char[]{character}, 0, 1), x, y, anchor); } /** * * @param data * @param offset * @param length * @param x * @param y * @param anchor */ public void drawChars(char[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y, int anchor) { drawString( new String(data,offset, length), x, y, anchor); } /** * Resets the text style to default settings. Also resets the lastProp * so that fonts may be reloaded (e.g. after size change) */ public void reset() { lastProp = property = 0; } /** * Toggles the property. * * @param prop 0 <= prop < 8, to manage any one of 8 possible properties. */ public void toggleProperty(int prop) { if (0 < prop && prop <= 8) { ^= 1 << (prop - 1); } } /** * Sets a property to a value. * * @param prop 0 <= prop < 8, to manage any one of 8 possible properties. */ public void setProperty(int prop, boolean value) { if (0 < prop && prop <= 8) { byte mask = (byte) ( 1 << (prop - 1)); if (value) { |= mask; } else { &= ~mask; } } } /** * Tests whether a property is active * * @param prop * @return true if the property is active, false otherwise. */ public boolean isActive(int prop) { if (0 < prop && prop <= 8) { return ( & (1 << (prop - 1)) ) > 0; } return false; } /** * Returns the font to be used for the current text style * * @return */ public Font getFont() { /* // doesn't work if font size has changed if (lastProp == property && lastFont != null) { return lastFont; } */ boolean italic = false, bold = false, underlined = false; italic = isItalic(); bold = isBold(); underlined = isUnderlined(); lastProp = property; lastFont = Font.getFont( Font.FACE_SYSTEM, ( ( (italic && !fauxItalic)?Font.STYLE_ITALIC:0) | ( (bold && !fauxBold) ?Font.STYLE_BOLD:0) | ( (underlined && !fauxUnderlined)?Font.STYLE_UNDERLINED:0) ), TextStyle.fontSize); return lastFont; } public boolean isBold() { return defaultFontBold || isActive(STYLE_SECTION_TITLE) || isActive(STYLE_CHAPTER_TITLE) || isActive(STYLE_BOLD); } public boolean isItalic() { return isActive(STYLE_ADD); } public boolean isUnderlined() { return isActive(STYLE_PROPERNOUN); } public boolean isDottedUnderline() { return isActive(STYLE_ADD); } public boolean isSmallCaps() { return isActive(STYLE_ND); } /** * Updates the Graphics according to the current text style. * * @param g */ public void updateGraphics(Graphics g) { if ( TextStyle.redLetter && isActive(STYLE_RED) ) { g.setColor(christWordsColour); } else if (isItalic() && fauxItalic) { /* We don't have 2D transformation capabilities, so we paint the text in * a lighter colour instead. */ g.setColor(fauxItalicColour); } else { g.setColor(textColour); } } /** * Creates a copy of this text style */ public void cloneInto(TextStyle ts) { =; } public TextStyle clone() { TextStyle ts = new TextStyle(); =; return ts; } public short getStyleValue() { return property; } public void setStyleValue(short s) { property = s; } }