/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team * * Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _lucene_util_VoidList_ #define _lucene_util_VoidList_ #if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif #include "Equators.h" CL_NS_DEF(util) template class __CLList:public _base,LUCENE_BASE { private: bool dv; typedef _base base; public: DEFINE_MUTEX(THIS_LOCK) typedef typename _base::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename _base::iterator iterator; virtual ~__CLList(){ clear(); } __CLList ( const bool deleteValue ): dv(deleteValue) { } void setDoDelete(bool val){ dv=val; } //sets array to the contents of this array. //array must be size+1, otherwise memory may be overwritten void toArray(_kt* into) const{ int i=0; for ( const_iterator itr=base::begin();itr!=base::end();itr++ ){ into[i] = *itr; i++; } into[i] = NULL; } void set(int32_t i, _kt val) { if ( dv ) _valueDeletor::doDelete((*this)[i]); (*this)[i] = val; } //todo: check this void delete_back(){ if ( base::size() > 0 ){ iterator itr = base::end(); if ( itr != base::begin()) itr --; _kt key = *itr; base::erase(itr); if ( dv ) _valueDeletor::doDelete(key); } } void delete_front(){ if ( base::size() > 0 ){ iterator itr = base::begin(); _kt key = *itr; base::erase(itr); if ( dv ) _valueDeletor::doDelete(key); } } void clear(){ if ( dv ){ iterator itr = base::begin(); while ( itr != base::end() ){ _valueDeletor::doDelete(*itr); ++itr; } } base::clear(); } void remove(int32_t i, bool dontDelete=false){ iterator itr=base::begin(); itr+=i; _kt key = *itr; base::erase( itr ); if ( dv && !dontDelete ) _valueDeletor::doDelete(key); } void remove(iterator itr, bool dontDelete=false){ _kt key = *itr; base::erase( itr ); if ( dv && !dontDelete ) _valueDeletor::doDelete(key); } }; //growable arrays of Objects (like a collection or list) //a list, so can contain duplicates //it grows in chunks... todo: check jlucene for initial size of array, and growfactors template class CLVector:public __CLList<_kt, CL_NS_STD(vector)<_kt> , _valueDeletor> { public: CLVector ( const bool deleteValue=true ): __CLList<_kt, CL_NS_STD(vector)<_kt> , _valueDeletor>(deleteValue) { } }; //An array-backed implementation of the List interface //a list, so can contain duplicates //*** a very simple list - use //(This class is roughly equivalent to Vector, except that it is unsynchronized.) #define CLArrayList CLVector #define CLHashSet CLHashList //implementation of the List interface, provides access to the first and last list elements in O(1) //no comparator is required... and so can contain duplicates //a simple list with no comparator //*** a very simple list - use #ifdef LUCENE_DISABLE_HASHING #define CLHashList CLSetList #else template class CLHashList:public __CLList<_kt, CL_NS_HASHING(hash_set)<_kt,_Comparator> , _valueDeletor> { public: CLHashList ( const bool deleteValue=true ): __CLList<_kt, CL_NS_HASHING(hash_set)<_kt,_Comparator> , _valueDeletor>(deleteValue) { } }; #endif template class CLLinkedList:public __CLList<_kt, CL_NS_STD(list)<_kt> , _valueDeletor> { public: CLLinkedList ( const bool deleteValue=true ): __CLList<_kt, CL_NS_STD(list)<_kt> , _valueDeletor>(deleteValue) { } }; template class CLSetList:public __CLList<_kt, CL_NS_STD(set)<_kt,_Comparator> , _valueDeletor> { public: CLSetList ( const bool deleteValue=true ): __CLList<_kt, CL_NS_STD(set)<_kt,_Comparator> , _valueDeletor>(deleteValue) { } }; CL_NS_END #endif