/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team * * Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "CLucene/StdHeader.h" #include "QueryFilter.h" #include "IndexSearcher.h" CL_NS_DEF(search) CL_NS_USE(util) CL_NS_USE(index) QueryFilter::QueryFilter( const Query* query ) { this->query = query->clone(); } QueryFilter::~QueryFilter() { _CLDELETE( query ); } QueryFilter::QueryFilter( const QueryFilter& copy ) { this->query = copy.query->clone(); } Filter* QueryFilter::clone() const { return _CLNEW QueryFilter(*this ); } TCHAR* QueryFilter::toString() { TCHAR* qt = query->toString(); size_t len = _tcslen(qt) + 14; TCHAR* ret = _CL_NEWARRAY( TCHAR, len ); ret[0] = 0; _sntprintf( ret, len, _T("QueryFilter(%s)"), qt ); _CLDELETE_CARRAY(qt); return ret; } /** Returns a BitSet with true for documents which should be permitted in search results, and false for those that should not. */ BitSet* QueryFilter::bits( IndexReader* reader ) { BitSet* bits = _CLNEW BitSet(reader->maxDoc()); IndexSearcher* s = _CLNEW IndexSearcher(reader); QFHitCollector* hc = _CLNEW QFHitCollector(bits); s->_search(query, NULL, hc); _CLDELETE(hc); _CLDELETE(s); return bits; } QueryFilter::QFHitCollector::QFHitCollector(CL_NS(util)::BitSet* bits){ this->bits = bits; } void QueryFilter::QFHitCollector::collect(const int32_t doc, const float_t score) { bits->set(doc); // set bit for hit } CL_NS_END