/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team * * Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "CLucene/StdHeader.h" #include "BooleanQuery.h" #include "BooleanClause.h" #include "CLucene/index/IndexReader.h" #include "CLucene/util/StringBuffer.h" #include "CLucene/util/Arrays.h" #include "SearchHeader.h" #include "BooleanScorer.h" #include "Scorer.h" CL_NS_USE(index) CL_NS_USE(util) CL_NS_DEF(search) BooleanQuery::BooleanQuery(): clauses(true) { } BooleanQuery::BooleanQuery(const BooleanQuery& clone): Query(clone) { for ( uint32_t i=0;iclone(); clause->deleteQuery=true; add(clause); } } BooleanQuery::~BooleanQuery(){ clauses.clear(); } size_t BooleanQuery::hashCode() const { //todo: do cachedHashCode, and invalidate on add/remove clause size_t ret = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < clauses.size(); i++) { BooleanClause* c = clauses[i]; ret = 31 * ret + c->hashCode(); } ret = ret ^ Similarity::floatToByte(getBoost()); return ret; } const TCHAR* BooleanQuery::getQueryName() const{ return getClassName(); } const TCHAR* BooleanQuery::getClassName(){ return _T("BooleanQuery"); } /** * Default value is 1024. Use org.apache.lucene.maxClauseCount * system property to override. */ size_t BooleanQuery::maxClauseCount = LUCENE_BOOLEANQUERY_MAXCLAUSECOUNT; size_t BooleanQuery::getMaxClauseCount(){ return maxClauseCount; } void BooleanQuery::setMaxClauseCount(size_t maxClauseCount){ BooleanQuery::maxClauseCount = maxClauseCount; } void BooleanQuery::add(Query* query, const bool deleteQuery, const bool required, const bool prohibited) { BooleanClause* bc = _CLNEW BooleanClause(query,deleteQuery,required, prohibited); try{ add(bc); }catch(...){ //todo: only catch IO Err??? _CLDELETE(bc); throw; } } void BooleanQuery::add(BooleanClause* clause) { if (clauses.size() >= getMaxClauseCount()) _CLTHROWA(CL_ERR_TooManyClauses,"Too Many Clauses"); clauses.push_back(clause); } size_t BooleanQuery::getClauseCount() const { return (int32_t) clauses.size(); } TCHAR* BooleanQuery::toString(const TCHAR* field) const{ StringBuffer buffer; if (getBoost() != 1.0) { buffer.append(_T("(")); } for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < clauses.size(); i++) { BooleanClause* c = clauses[i]; if (c->prohibited) buffer.append(_T("-")); else if (c->required) buffer.append(_T("+")); if ( c->query->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName()) ) { // wrap sub-bools in parens buffer.append(_T("(")); TCHAR* buf = c->query->toString(field); buffer.append(buf); _CLDELETE_CARRAY( buf ); buffer.append(_T(")")); } else { TCHAR* buf = c->query->toString(field); buffer.append(buf); _CLDELETE_CARRAY( buf ); } if (i != clauses.size()-1) buffer.append(_T(" ")); if (getBoost() != 1.0) { buffer.append(_T(")^")); buffer.appendFloat(getBoost(),1); } } return buffer.toString(); } BooleanClause** BooleanQuery::getClauses() const { size_t size=clauses.size(); BooleanClause** ret = _CL_NEWARRAY(BooleanClause*,size+1); for ( uint32_t i=0;iprohibited) { // just return clause Query* query = c->query->rewrite(reader); // rewrite first //if the query doesn't actually get re-written, //then return a clone (because the BooleanQuery //will register different to the returned query. if ( query == c->query ) query = query->clone(); if (getBoost() != 1.0f) { // incorporate boost query->setBoost(getBoost() * query->getBoost()); } return query; } } BooleanQuery* clone = NULL; // recursively rewrite for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < clauses.size(); i++) { BooleanClause* c = clauses[i]; Query* query = c->query->rewrite(reader); if (query != c->query) { // clause rewrote: must clone if (clone == NULL) clone = (BooleanQuery*)this->clone(); //todo: check if delete query should be on... //in fact we should try and get rid of these //for compatibility sake clone->clauses.set (i, _CLNEW BooleanClause(query, true, c->required, c->prohibited)); } } if (clone != NULL) { return clone; // some clauses rewrote } else return this; // no clauses rewrote } Query* BooleanQuery::clone() const{ BooleanQuery* clone = _CLNEW BooleanQuery(*this); return clone; } /** Returns true iff o is equal to this. */ bool BooleanQuery::equals(Query* o)const { if (!(o->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName()))) return false; const BooleanQuery* other = (BooleanQuery*)o; bool ret = (this->getBoost() == other->getBoost()); if ( ret ){ CLListEquals comp; ret = comp.equals(&this->clauses,&other->clauses); } return ret; } float_t BooleanQuery::BooleanWeight::getValue() { return parentQuery->getBoost(); } Query* BooleanQuery::BooleanWeight::getQuery() { return (Query*)parentQuery; } BooleanQuery::BooleanWeight::BooleanWeight(Searcher* searcher, CLVector >* clauses, BooleanQuery* parentQuery) { this->searcher = searcher; this->parentQuery = parentQuery; this->clauses = clauses; for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < clauses->size(); i++) { weights.push_back((*clauses)[i]->query->createWeight(searcher)); } } BooleanQuery::BooleanWeight::~BooleanWeight(){ this->weights.clear(); } float_t BooleanQuery::BooleanWeight::sumOfSquaredWeights() { float_t sum = 0.0f; for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < weights.size(); i++) { BooleanClause* c = (*clauses)[i]; Weight* w = weights[i]; if (!c->prohibited) sum += w->sumOfSquaredWeights(); // sum sub weights } sum *= parentQuery->getBoost() * parentQuery->getBoost(); // boost each sub-weight return sum ; } void BooleanQuery::BooleanWeight::normalize(float_t norm) { norm *= parentQuery->getBoost(); // incorporate boost for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < weights.size(); i++) { BooleanClause* c = (*clauses)[i]; Weight* w = weights[i]; if (!c->prohibited) w->normalize(norm); } } Scorer* BooleanQuery::BooleanWeight::scorer(IndexReader* reader){ // First see if the (faster) ConjunctionScorer will work. This can be // used when all clauses are required. Also, at this point a // BooleanScorer cannot be embedded in a ConjunctionScorer, as the hits // from a BooleanScorer are not always sorted by document number (sigh) // and hence BooleanScorer cannot implement skipTo() correctly, which is // required by ConjunctionScorer. bool allRequired = true; bool noneBoolean = true; { //msvc6 scope fix for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < weights.size(); i++) { BooleanClause* c = (*clauses)[i]; if (!c->required) allRequired = false; if (c->query->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName())) noneBoolean = false; } } if (allRequired && noneBoolean) { // ConjunctionScorer is okay ConjunctionScorer* result = _CLNEW ConjunctionScorer(parentQuery->getSimilarity(searcher)); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < weights.size(); i++) { Weight* w = weights[i]; Scorer* subScorer = w->scorer(reader); if (subScorer == NULL) return NULL; result->add(subScorer); } return result; } // Use good-old BooleanScorer instead. BooleanScorer* result = _CLNEW BooleanScorer(parentQuery->getSimilarity(searcher)); { //msvc6 scope fix for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < weights.size(); i++) { BooleanClause* c = (*clauses)[i]; Weight* w = weights[i]; Scorer* subScorer = w->scorer(reader); if (subScorer != NULL) result->add(subScorer, c->required, c->prohibited); else if (c->required) return NULL; } } return result; } Explanation* BooleanQuery::BooleanWeight::explain(IndexReader* reader, int32_t doc){ Explanation* sumExpl = _CLNEW Explanation(); sumExpl->setDescription(_T("sum of:")); int32_t coord = 0; int32_t maxCoord = 0; float_t sum = 0.0f; for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < weights.size(); i++) { BooleanClause* c = (*clauses)[i]; Weight* w = weights[i]; Explanation* e = w->explain(reader, doc); if (!c->prohibited) maxCoord++; if (e->getValue() > 0) { if (!c->prohibited) { sumExpl->addDetail(e); sum += e->getValue(); coord++; } else { _CLDELETE(e); _CLDELETE(sumExpl); return _CLNEW Explanation(0.0f, _T("match prohibited")); } } else if (c->required) { _CLDELETE(e); _CLDELETE(sumExpl); return _CLNEW Explanation(0.0f, _T("match required")); }else _CLDELETE(e); } sumExpl->setValue(sum); if (coord == 1){ // only one clause matched Explanation** expls = sumExpl->getDetails(); _CLDELETE(sumExpl); sumExpl = expls[0]; // eliminate wrapper _CLDELETE_ARRAY(expls); } float_t coordFactor = parentQuery->getSimilarity(searcher)->coord(coord, maxCoord); if (coordFactor == 1.0f) // coord is no-op return sumExpl; // eliminate wrapper else { Explanation* result = _CLNEW Explanation(); result->setDescription( _T("product of:")); result->addDetail(sumExpl); StringBuffer explbuf; explbuf.append(_T("coord(")); explbuf.appendInt(coord); explbuf.append(_T("/")); explbuf.appendInt(maxCoord); explbuf.append(_T(")")); result->addDetail(_CLNEW Explanation(coordFactor, explbuf.getBuffer())); result->setValue(sum*coordFactor); return result; } } CL_NS_END