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Updated King James Version

The UPDATED King James Version (UKJV)
Freely distributable. Public Domain. True to the Authorized Version. Updated for modern reading using today's computing technology. Completed on 25th December, 2000. A Christmas gift to the world.
This translation/update is in the Public Domain, so feel free to copy, publish, and use it. No permission in whatsoever form is needed. You already have 100% permission to publish, copy, and distribute the Updated King James Version (UKJV) as much as you want to in any form. However the author of "Translator" requests that the following be observed: -
i) A credit line with the following words "I love Jesus (UKJV)." To be stated in the copyright page of the work that involves the UKJV.
ii) No modifications to the UKJV, this does NOT include typographical corrections or adding of studies notes, comments and layouts modifications, which are essential to any publications. However NO addition of footnotes that indicates the preference of other manuscripts superiority in any form are allowed, e.g. "Most reliable manuscripts does not have so and so", "The verse x-x are not found in Vaticanus/Sinaiticus" etc.
The King James Version has brought life and light since it’s first inception in 1611. Major revivals all over the world and their works since have been attributed to the usage of this translation. While most modern translations rely on texts that are influenced by Codex Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, the KJV uses the traditional text (Textus Receptus, TR).

The TR has survived persecution and was washed with the blood of martyrs that defended it and is faithfully preserves (by copying) from one generation to the other. Codex Vaticanus and Sinaiticus however was buried and was not employed until modern scholars promoted them as the ‘most reliable/early text’ in the 18th century. This causes an outbreak of confusions among the texts differences between the KJV and others, e.g. Acts 8:37, Mark 9-20 were either missing or labeled as “Probably not in the original texts” in most modern translations. Whether God preserves His Word as a result of “copying from one generation to another” or “by remaining hidden until the 18th century” is not a matter to be discussed in this preface. Without the Holy Spirit’s illumination, you can have the very original Hebrew/Greek manuscripts and yet gain nothing out of it. The purpose of this update is not to venture further into any form of textual criticism dispute but rather unto another opening for the distribution of God’s Word.
Today, new generations of Christians have emerged and the need to update the antiquated/archaic words in the KJV must take place. The NKJV and 21st Century King James are good examples of fulfilling this void, however the Updated KJV (UKJV) decides to take one step further, that is to preserve also the freedom of using it without copyright limitations. With a total of less than 6% of changes to the Authorized KJV, the UKJV promotes the usage of this wonderful translation (KJV) for today’s believers.
While translating the KJV and updating its structure and words requires scholars and years of work, updating the KJV with the help of technology requires only a fraction of the time. With this fact in mind and the great computing power available today, the software called “Translator” was created. “Translator” extracts all archaic words and by comparing them with a custom dictionary it will sort and produce a list of all verses that needs updating. The author of “Translator” then views this list and by comparing the words with references to Strong’s Greek/Hebrew concordance, the new or more comprehensible words are then inserts them into the custom dictionary. Later the “Translator” will update all the words in the entire KJV text. The use of technology also guarantees that the work produced is not “biased” in any nature but accurate and true to its meaning. One must always bear in mind that this is not a new translation but an UPDATE.

The “Translator” retains the unique English structure of the authorized KJV. The following are the rules and formats used in the updating process:
i) Singular and Plural meaning must be retained, e.g. Modern translations have mistakenly translated “ye” into “you” when “ye” actually means 1 or more person. The KJV uses “thee” to refer to singular object and “ye” to multiple. The “Translator” replaces “ye” with “all of you”.
ii) Legendary words referring to animals that have no historical evidence will be retained and the possible object is suggested in braces. E.g. “unicorn” is translated as “unicorn (p. ox)”. The “p.” prefix indicates that the following word is a suggested word.
iii) Words referring to physical objects that can be replaced without posting any changes in Christian doctrines whatsoever, will be replaced by several words that reflects its meaning as close as possible. E.g. “habergeon” is translated as “armour of jacket”
iv) The actual Greek words translated as “word”, “spirit” and “love” are shown with the original word in braces. E.g. “the word (o. rhema) of God is “. The “o.” prefix indicates that the following word is the original word.
v) Old words that means differently today are replaced. E.g. “meat” is translated as “food”, “want” as “lack”
vi) Old expressions are replaced. E.g. “on a day” is translated as “upon a certain day”
vii) Words that have more than one meaning in different context are retained. E.g. “suffer” can mean accept, allow or endure.
viii) Words that are not found in any dictionary (invalid) but that is easily understandable and if no proper modern words can replaced them are preserved. E.g. “righteousnesses”
(p. suggested word)
(o. original word)