# Finds the International Components for Unicode (ICU) Library # # ICU_FOUND - True if ICU found. # ICU_I18N_FOUND - True if ICU's internationalization library found. # ICU_INCLUDE_DIRS - Directory to include to get ICU headers # Note: always include ICU headers as, e.g., # unicode/utypes.h # ICU_LIBRARIES - Libraries to link against for the common ICU # ICU_I18N_LIBRARIES - Libraries to link against for ICU internationaliation # (note: in addition to ICU_LIBRARIES) # Our first goal is to find the icu-config script, if possible find_program( ICU_CONFIG_BIN icu-config ) find_program( ICU_GENRB genrb ) if(ICU_CONFIG_BIN) MESSAGE(STATUS "icu-config found at ${ICU_CONFIG_BIN}: Using that for configuration") MESSAGE(STATUS "genrb found at ${ICU_GENRB}: Using that for generating transliteration data") # Get include directories execute_process(COMMAND "${ICU_CONFIG_BIN}" "--cppflags" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ICU_INCLUDE_DIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # Sanitize output string(REPLACE "-I" "" ICU_INCLUDE_DIR ${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}) string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ ]+" "" ICU_INCLUDE_DIR ${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}) # Try to get the Libraries we need execute_process(COMMAND "${ICU_CONFIG_BIN}" "--ldflags" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ICU_LIBRARY_RAW OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) execute_process(COMMAND "${ICU_CONFIG_BIN}" "--ldflags-icuio" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ICU_LIBRARY_IO_RAW OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ ]+" "" ICU_LIBRARY ${ICU_LIBRARY_RAW}) string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ ]+" "" ICU_LIBRARY_IO ${ICU_LIBRARY_IO_RAW}) # Combine them set(ICU_LIBRARY "${ICU_LIBRARY} ${ICU_LIBRARY_IO_RAW}") # Get the version execute_process(COMMAND "${ICU_CONFIG_BIN}" "--version" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ICU_VERSION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) else(ICU_CONFIG_BIN) # Look for the header file. find_path( ICU_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES unicode/utypes.h DOC "Include directory for the ICU library") mark_as_advanced(ICU_INCLUDE_DIR) # Look for the library. find_library( ICU_LIBRARY NAMES icuuc cygicuuc cygicuuc32 DOC "Libraries to link against for the common parts of ICU") mark_as_advanced(ICU_LIBRARY) endif(ICU_CONFIG_BIN) # Copy the results to the output variables. if(ICU_INCLUDE_DIR AND ICU_LIBRARY) set(ICU_FOUND 1) set(ICU_LIBRARIES ${ICU_LIBRARY}) set(ICU_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}) # Look for the ICU internationalization libraries find_library( ICU_I18N_LIBRARY NAMES icuin icui18n cygicuin cygicuin32 DOC "Libraries to link against for ICU internationalization") mark_as_advanced(ICU_I18N_LIBRARY) if (ICU_I18N_LIBRARY) set(ICU_I18N_FOUND 1) set(ICU_I18N_LIBRARIES ${ICU_I18N_LIBRARY}) else (ICU_I18N_LIBRARY) set(ICU_I18N_FOUND 0) set(ICU_I18N_LIBRARIES) endif (ICU_I18N_LIBRARY) else(ICU_INCLUDE_DIR AND ICU_LIBRARY) set(ICU_FOUND 0) set(ICU_I18N_FOUND 0) set(ICU_LIBRARIES) set(ICU_I18N_LIBRARIES) set(ICU_INCLUDE_DIRS) endif(ICU_INCLUDE_DIR AND ICU_LIBRARY)