Copyright Information:

Module NameBurJudson
Book Name1835 Judson Burmese Bible
Copyright Date[see note below]
Copyright Holder[see note below]
Contact Name[see note below]
Address[see note below]
E-mail[see note below]
Copyright NotesThe header in each of the XML files claims copyright by Myanmar Bible Society. Source files for the translations hosted by Myanmar Bibles were generated by a script. viz. "Converted into OSIS by Source text was typed in WinResearcher and converted to Unicode using TecKIT." Yet having been published in 1835, the Judson Bible text must be Public Domain. The conversion to Unicode 5.1 and formating as XML are the modern actions. Such format shifting is not a copyrightable action in most jurisdictions.
Distribution LicensePublic Domain
Distribution Source[see note below]
Distribution Notes[see note below]
Text Source
Note: If you have any new or updated information about this module please e-mail: with the new information AND where you got the information from. Thanks for your help! :)
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