/****************************************************************************** * * installmgr.h - class InstallMgr: primary class to access all * module installation functionality * * $Id$ * * Copyright 2002-2013 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ #ifndef INSTALLMGR_H #define INSTALLMGR_H #include #include #include #include SWORD_NAMESPACE_START class SWMgr; class SWModule; class SWConfig; class RemoteTransport; class StatusReporter; /** A remote installation source configuration */ class SWDLLEXPORT InstallSource { SWMgr *mgr; public: InstallSource(const char *type, const char *confEnt = 0); virtual ~InstallSource(); SWBuf getConfEnt() { return caption +"|" + source + "|" + directory + "|" + u + "|" + p + "|" + uid; } SWBuf caption; SWBuf source; SWBuf directory; SWBuf u; SWBuf p; SWBuf uid; SWBuf type; SWBuf localShadow; void *userData; SWMgr *getMgr(); void flush(); }; /** A standard map of remote install sources. */ typedef std::map InstallSourceMap; /** Class to handle installation and maintenance of a SWORD library of books. */ class SWDLLEXPORT InstallMgr { protected: std::set defaultMods; char *privatePath; SWBuf confPath; StatusReporter *statusReporter; bool passive; long timeoutMillis; SWBuf u, p; bool unverifiedPeerAllowed; /** override this method and provide your own custom RemoteTransport subclass */ virtual RemoteTransport *createFTPTransport(const char *host, StatusReporter *statusReporter); /** override this method and provide your own custom HTTP RemoteTransport */ virtual RemoteTransport *createHTTPTransport(const char *host, StatusReporter *statusReporter); /** we have a transport member to set as current running transport so we * can ask it to terminate below, if user requests */ RemoteTransport *transport; public: static bool userDisclaimerConfirmed; static const unsigned int MODSTAT_OLDER; static const unsigned int MODSTAT_SAMEVERSION; static const unsigned int MODSTAT_UPDATED; static const unsigned int MODSTAT_NEW; static const unsigned int MODSTAT_CIPHERED; static const unsigned int MODSTAT_CIPHERKEYPRESENT; SWConfig *installConf; /** all remote sources configured for this installmgr. Use this to gain access * to individual remote sources. */ InstallSourceMap sources; /** Username and Password supplied here can be used to identify your frontend * by supplying a valid anon password like installmgr@macsword.com * This will get overridden if a password is required and provided in an indivual * source configuration. */ InstallMgr(const char *privatePath = "./", StatusReporter *statusReporter = 0, SWBuf u="ftp", SWBuf p="installmgr@user.com"); virtual ~InstallMgr(); /** Call to re-read InstallMgr.conf */ void readInstallConf(); /** Call to dump sources and other settings to InstallMgr.conf */ void saveInstallConf(); /** Removes all configured sources from memory. Call saveInstallConf() to persist */ void clearSources(); /** call to delete all files of a locally installed module. */ virtual int removeModule(SWMgr *manager, const char *modName); /** mostly an internally used method to remote download from a remote source * to a local destination */ virtual int remoteCopy(InstallSource *is, const char *src, const char *dest, bool dirTransfer = false, const char *suffix = ""); /** call to install a module from a local path (fromLocation) or remote InstallSource (is) (leave the other 0) */ virtual int installModule(SWMgr *destMgr, const char *fromLocation, const char *modName, InstallSource *is = 0); /** call to obtain and locally cache the available content list of the remote source */ virtual int refreshRemoteSource(InstallSource *is); /** call to populate installmgr configuration with all known * remote sources from the master list at CrossWire */ virtual int refreshRemoteSourceConfiguration(); /** Override this and provide an input mechanism to allow your users * to confirm that they understand this important disclaimer. * This method will be called immediately before attempting to perform * any network function. * If you would like your confirmation to always show at a predefined * time before attempting network operations, then you can call this * method yourself at the desired time. * * Return true if your user confirms. * * User disclaimer should ask user for confirmation of 2 critical items: * and the default answer should be NO * (due to possibly the wrong language for the disclaimer) * * 1) detection OK (Not in persecuted country) * 2) repos other than CrossWire may have questionable content * * A sample default impl is provided below: * */ virtual bool isUserDisclaimerConfirmed() const; /* { bool confirmed = userDisclaimerConfirmed; if (!confirmed) { cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout << " -=+* WARNING *+=- -=+* WARNING *+=-\n\n\n"; cout << "Although Install Manager provides a convenient way for installing\n"; cout << "and upgrading SWORD components, it also uses a systematic method\n"; cout << "for accessing sites which gives packet sniffers a target to lock\n"; cout << "into for singling out users. \n\n\n"; cout << "IF YOU LIVE IN A PERSECUTED COUNTRY AND DO NOT WISH TO RISK DETECTION,\n"; cout << "YOU SHOULD *NOT* USE INSTALL MANAGER'S REMOTE SOURCE FEATURES.\n\n\n"; cout << "Also, Remote Sources other than CrossWire may contain less than\n"; cout << "quality modules, modules with unorthodox content, or even modules\n"; cout << "which are not legitimately distributable. Many repositories\n"; cout << "contain wonderfully useful content. These repositories simply\n"; cout << "are not reviewed or maintained by CrossWire and CrossWire\n"; cout << "cannot be held responsible for their content. CAVEAT EMPTOR.\n\n\n"; cout << "If you understand this and are willing to enable remote source features\n"; cout << "then type yes at the prompt\n\n"; cout << "enable? [no] "; char prompt[10]; fgets(prompt, 9, stdin); confirmed = (!strcmp(prompt, "yes\n")); cout << "\n"; } return confirmed; } */ /** Preferred method of reporting user disclaimer confirmation is to override the above method * instead of using the setter below. This is provided for clients who don't wish to inherit * InstallMgr and override method. */ void setUserDisclaimerConfirmed(bool val) { InstallMgr::userDisclaimerConfirmed = val; } /** override this and provide an input mechanism to allow your users * to enter the decipher code for a module. * return true you added the cipher code to the config. * default to return 'aborted' */ virtual bool getCipherCode(const char *modName, SWConfig *config) { (void) modName; (void) config; // to avoid "unused variable" warnings return false; /* A sample implementation, roughly taken from the windows installmgr: SectionMap::iterator section; ConfigEntMap::iterator entry; SWBuf tmpBuf; section = config->Sections.find(modName); if (section != config->Sections.end()) { entry = section->second.find("CipherKey"); if (entry != section->second.end()) { entry->second = ASK_USER_FOR_CIPHER_CODE(); config->Save(); // LET'S SHOW THE USER SOME SAMPLE TEXT FROM THE MODULE SWMgr *mgr = new SWMgr(); SWModule *mod = mgr->getModule(modName); mod->setKey("Ipet 2:12"); tmpBuf = mod->StripText(); mod->setKey("gen 1:10"); tmpBuf += "\n\n"; tmpBuf += mod->StripText(); if (SOME_DIALOG_CONFIRMATION(SWBuf( "Using your provided cipher code, \ here is the data from the module. \ Does this look good?\n\n") + tmpBuf.c_str())) { // if USER CLICKS OK means we should return true return true; } delete mgr; } } return false; */ } /** whether or not to use passive mode when doing ftp transfers */ void setFTPPassive(bool passive) { this->passive = passive; } bool isFTPPassive() { return passive; } void setTimeoutMillis(long timeoutMillis) { this->timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis; } long getTimeoutMillis() { return timeoutMillis; } void setUnverifiedPeerAllowed(bool allowed) { this->unverifiedPeerAllowed = allowed; } bool isUnverifiedPeerAllowed() { return unverifiedPeerAllowed; } /** Request nicely to terminate an ongoing transfer. * If threading is a concern, consider calling terminate() from your status reporters * as they are typically the link between the transfer thread and your UI. */ void terminate(); /************************************************************************ * getModuleStatus - compare the modules of two SWMgrs and return a * vector describing the status of each. See MODSTAT_* * @param base The base SWMgr to compare-- usually represents what is currently installed * @param other The other SWMgr to compare to base-- usually represents an install source's SWMgr * @param utilModules whether to show user modules or utility modules; user modules is the default */ static std::map getModuleStatus(const SWMgr &base, const SWMgr &other, bool utilModules = false); /************************************************************************ * isDefaultModule - allows an installation to provide a set of modules * in installMgr.conf like: * [General] * DefaultMod=KJV * DefaultMod=StrongsGreek * DefaultMod=Personal * This method allows a user interface to ask if a module is specified * as a default in the above way. The logic is, if no modules are * installed then all default modules should be automatically selected for install * to help the user select a basic foundation of useful modules */ bool isDefaultModule(const char *modName); }; SWORD_NAMESPACE_END #endif