Building ObjCSword wrapper framework howto (>= Mac OSX Lion (10.7) =================================================================== Open Xcode Project (ObjCSword.xcodeproj) and build. Building ObjCSword wrapper framework howto (pre Mac OSX Lion (10.7) =================================================================== Mac OS X target: The framework for Mac OS X relies on a manually, via makefile compiled SWORD library. The Xcode project also includes a target which builds the SWORD library but the result of this library does not work properly on PPC aritectures. Therefore the library has to be build manually. But don't worry, this process it relatively easy. 1. build CLucene dependency cd to the "build_clucene" folder and type "make release-fat". This will compile clucene binaries for PPC, i686 and x86_64 and a universal binary will be created which is used in the Xcode project. 2. build SWORD library cd to "build_sword" folder and type "make release-fat". This will similarly as for CLucene build binaries for PPC, i686 and x86_64 including a resulting universal binary that is used in the Xcode project. 1. and 2. only need to be done if you are starting from a fresh SVN checkout. 2. only needs to be repeated if the SWORD sources are changed. 3. open the Xcode project and create ObjCSword framework.