/****************************************************************************** * * Placeholder for the REAL SAPPHIRE II Stream Cipher Files * * The SAPPHIRE II package may be obtained from within the United States or * Canada from: * * http://cryptography.org/cgi-bin/crypto.cgi/libraries/sapphire.zip * * * These files must be placed accordingly: * * .../sword/include/sapphire.h * .../sword/src/modules/common/sapphire.cpp * * If you are outside of these countries, you will have to obtain this package * elsewhere. * */ unsigned char sapphire::keyrand(int limit, unsigned char *user_key, unsigned char keysize, unsigned char *rsum, unsigned *keypos) { return keysize; } void sapphire::initialize(unsigned char *key, unsigned char keysize) { } void sapphire::hash_init(void) { } sapphire::sapphire(unsigned char *key, unsigned char keysize) { } void sapphire::burn(void) { } sapphire::~sapphire() { } unsigned char sapphire::encrypt(unsigned char b) { return b; } unsigned char sapphire::decrypt(unsigned char b) { return b; } void sapphire::hash_final(unsigned char *hash, // Destination unsigned char hashlength) // Size of hash. { }